72.5 77.5 93 V1 A1 41.5 55 55 72.5 77.5 93 T S TV SV A1 41.5 55 55 72.5 77.5 93 Attachment Model A2 43 57 57 75 80 96 A2 43 57 57 75 80 96 A2 43 57 57 75 80 96 A1 41.5 55 55 72.5 77.5 93 98 98 A1 28 41.5 55 55 72.5 77.5 93 98 98 A1 41.5 55 55 72.5 77.5 93 A2 43 57 57 75 80 96 A1 41.5 55 55 72.5 77.5 93 A2 57 74 74 95 102 124 A1 41.5 55 55 72.5 77.5 93 A2
LEFB32;T-300; LEFB32;T-500; LEFB32;T-600; LEFB32;T-700; LEFB32;T-800; LEFB32;T-900; LEFB32;T-1000; LEFB32;T-1200; LEFB32;T-1500; LEFB32;T-1800; LEFB32;T-2000; 306 506 606 706 806 906 1006 1206 1506 1806 2006 32 Series LEF Electric Actuator/ Specific Product Precautions 1 Be sure to read before handling.
Applicable bore size A1 L1 MM NDH10 NX R1 U1 Part no. Applicable bore size Dd9 d L L1 m t Included retaining ring Part no.
LEC CN5 1 B1 A1 A1 8.9 (22.4) A13 B1 Cable length (L) 1 3 5 1.5 m 3 m 5 m (14.4) L B13 B13 A13 Dot color Dot mark Cable color Connector pin No. B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 Dot color Dot mark Cable color Connector pin No.
Cycle time: T can be found from the following equation. L Speed: V [mm/s] a1 a2 T = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 [s] P T1: Acceleration time and T3: Deceleration time can be obtained by the following equation. Time [s] T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 = V/a1 [s] T3 = V/a2 [s] P T2: Constant speed time can be found from the following equation.
Head Trunnion, Rod Trunnion, Side Lug H O W T O O R D E R S E R I E S N C A 1 A I R C Y L I N D E R O P T I O N S S T A I N L E S S S T E E L R O D X C 6 O P T I O N NC A1 XC6 A U T O S W I T C H C A P A B L E N O O F S W I T C H E S S T Y L E A P P L I C A B L E A U T O S W I T C H M O U N T I N G R O D B O O T B O R E S I Z E S T R O K E A I R C U S H I O N T E C H N I C A L SPECIFICATIONS
Cycle time: T can be found from the following equation. a1 a2 Calculation example) T1 to T4 can be calculated as follows.
Cycle time: T can be found from the following equation. a1 a2 Calculation example) T1 to T4 can be calculated as follows.
Speed: V [mm/s] Cycle time: T can be found from the following equation. a1 a2 T = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 [s] T1: Acceleration time and T3: Deceleration time can be found by the following equation. Time [s] T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 = V/a1 [s] T3 = V/a2 [s] T2: Constant speed time can be found from the following equation.
SIGNALS AND WIRING (Note 2) I/O signals in control modes Related parameter P P/S S S/T T T/P Pin No.
A A1 RR1 E1 L1 MM U1 Part no.
Port size M5 x 0.8 t 10.5 15 18 20 t 10.5 15 18 20 Series Assembly part no.
Rated Vacuum Range: -100 to 100 kPa, Output Specification: NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output, Unit Specification: SI Unit Only, Piping Specification: NPT 1/8, Lead Wire: w/o Lead Wire, Bracket: Bracket A, Vertical Mounting, Operation Manual: -
R1 ND MM ND MM R1 MM E1 ND NX1 A U1 R2 H Z E1 NX U1 L1 A A NX A1 (Min.) A1 U1 L1 Applicable bore size 20 25, 32 40 MM NDH10 R1 L1 NX E1 MM NX1 U1 A1 U1 A R2 Y Z A H NDH10 Part no.
Lead 5: LES16K 3 Work load [kg] T1 = V/a1 = 220/5000 = 0.04 [s], Lead 10: LES16J 2 T3 = V/a2 = 220/5000 = 0.04 [s] T = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 [s] T2 = L 0.5 V (T1 + T3) V T1: Acceleration time and T3: Deceleration time can be obtained by the following equation. 1 0 = 50 0.5 220 (0.04 + 0.04) 220 0 100 200 300 400 500 T1 = V/a1 [s] T3 = V/a2 [s] Speed [mm/s] = 0.19 [s]
Manifold spec. sheets Order made Type 45 Type 45Single valve A NA Features Precautions Single valve Type 20 Type 23 Type 20P Type 23P Type 41 Type 42 Type 43 Type 41P Type 42P Type 43P Type 45 3 port valve Air operated Caution Interface Regulators Specifications ARBY3000--2 A1 B1 ARBY5000--P-2 ARBY5000--2 A1 B1 ARBY3000--P-2 Interface regulator model Applicable solenoid valve model Regulated
1500 (0.5 + 0.5) 1500 T1 = V/a1 [s] T3 = V/a2 [s] = LEC SS-T (Operating condition) a1: Acceleration [mm/s2] = 0.83 [s] T2: Constant speed time can be found from the following equation.