A A1 RR1 A1 E1 L1 MM RR1 U1 NZ L Part no.
Left Right Nil S R Without cable Standard cable 2 Robotic cable (Flexible cable) R: Right 1 The standard cable should be used on fixed parts.
A A1 RR1 A1 E1 L1 MM RR1 U1 NZ L Part no.
LEC CN5 1 8.9 B1 A1 A1 Cable length (L) 1 3 5 (22.4) A13 B1 1.5 m 3 m 5 m (14.4) L B13 B13 A13 Dot color Dot mark Cable color Connector pin No. Dot color Dot mark Cable color Connector pin No.
4 r t y u i !5 !6 No.
AC25 AC30 AC40 AC40-06 AC50 AC55 AC60 K KS V S KV KSV SV A3 43 57 75 Attachment Model A1 41.5 55 72.5 A1 41.5 55 72.5 A2 43 57 75 A1 41.5 55 72.5 77.5 98 98 A1 41.5 55 72.5 77.5 98 A2 57 74 95 A1 41.5 55 72.5 A2 43 57 75 A2 57 74 95 A3 43 57 75 A1 41.5 55 72.5 77.5 98 A2 43 57 75 80 96 A1 41.5 55 72.5 A2 57 74 95 102 124 AC20A AC30A AC40A AC40A-06 AC50A AC60A TV1 V SV1 A1 41.5 55 55
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How to Order LEFS 32 R T7 B 200 B S 5 S2 q w e r t y !
Scale: 25% For external pilot specification (Pitch) P = 24 24.3 22.2 11 18.3 3/5 R 3/5 R A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 40.1 39.3 18.8 18 18.8 3/5 R 3/5 R A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 39.3 63.3 79.8 1 P 1 P B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 2-Plug 1 P 1 P B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 [1 (P), 3/5 (R) port] 2-One-touch fitting One-touch fitting 2n1-One-touch fitting [1 (P), 3/5 (R) port] Applicable tube O.D.: 12 [PE:
OFF level 70 r/min 1) Forward rotation direction 3) 2) 20 r/min (Hysteresis width) ON level 50 r/min [Pr. PC07] Servo motor speed 0 r/min [Pr.
Zero speed detection ZSP ZSP turns on when the servo motor speed is zero speed (50 r/min) or less. Zero speed can be changed with [Pr. PC07]. OFF level 70 r/min 1) Forward rotation direction 3) 2) 20 r/min (Hysteresis width) ON level 50 r/min [Pr. PC07] Servo motor speed 0 r/min [Pr.
LEC CN5 1 8.9 B1 A1 A1 Cable length (L) 1 3 5 (22.4) A13 B1 1.5 m 3 m 5 m (14.4) L B13 B13 A13 Dot color Dot mark Cable color Connector pin No. Dot color Dot mark Cable color Connector pin No.
Interface Regulator Caution Specifications ARBY3000--2 A1 B1 ARBY5000--P-2 ARBY5000--2 A1 B1 ARBY7000--P-2 ARBY7000--2 A1 B1 ARBY3000--P-2 Interface regulator model A B SY340(R) SY540(R) A B SY740(R) Applicable solenoid valve model Regulated port Set pressure range Maximum operating pressure Fluid Ambient and fluid temperature Connection port of pressure gauge SJ P A B P P 0.1 to 0.7 MPa
Speed Rated speed 0 r/min Time [Pr. PC01] setting (0 mm/s) [Pr. PC02] setting For example for the servo motor of 3000 r/min rated speed, set 3000 (3 s) to increase the speed from 0 r/min to 1000 r/min in 1 second.