Mounting bolt C D Mounting bolt Mounting bolt D 65 70 75 85 95 120 145 85 95 105 130 155 90 100 110 135 160 105 115 140 165 120 130 155 180 Model C D 50 55 60 65 75 85 55 60 65 70 80 90 60 65 70 80 90 115 140 Model C R(D)QB20-15 -20 -25 -30 -40 -50 R(D)QB25-15 -20 -25 -30 -40 -50 R(D)QB32-20 -25 -30 -40 -50 -75 -100 R(D)QB40-20 -25 -30 -40 -50 -75 -100 R(D)QB50-30 -40 -50 -75 -100 R(D)QB63
Coef. for compensation 20 10 0 10 30 40 50 60 Air temp.
5 Port Solenoid Valve VQC1000/2000 Series Metal Seal Rubber Seal Connector Type Manifold IP67 enclosure compatible Power saving Power saving SV SYJ Standard: 0.4 W Standard: 0.4 W SZ RoHS (Reduced by 60% compared to current model) (Reduced by 60% compared to current model) VF VP4 High-pressure (1 MPa, Metal seal): 0.95 W High-pressure (1 MPa, Metal seal): 0.95 W VQ 1/2 VQ 4/5 VQC 1/2 VQC
mA/IP65 24VDC/60 mA/IP65 24VDC/60 mA/IP65 24VDC/60 mA/IP65 24VDC/60 mA/IP65 24VDC/60 mA/IP65 24VDC/60 mA/IP65 24VDC/60 mA/IP65 R TYPE 1 TYPE 1 TYPE 1 TYPE 1 TYPE 1 TYPE 1 TYPE 1 TYPE 1 TYPE1 US C R C US US C R R R R R R R US C US C US C US C US C US C SERIAL NO.
40 Work load [kg] Work load [kg] LEJS40B LEJS63B 20 20 Acceleration/Deceleration [mm/s2] Acceleration/Deceleration [mm/s2] The value of 50% or less is the same as duty ratio 50% Duty ratio: 50% 15000 15000 Duty ratio: 25% 10 10 Duty ratio: 50% 5000 5000 Duty ratio: 100% Duty ratio: 100% Duty ratio: 75% Duty ratio: 75% 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 Work load [kg] Work load
A F F A L = 200 mm F L = 200 mm L L L L = 200 mm A MXW8, MXW12, MXW16 MXW8, MXW12, MXW16 MXW8, MXW12, MXW16 0.03 0.03 0.10 Table displacement amount (mm) Table displacement amount (mm) Table displacement amount (mm) MXW12 MXW8 MXW16 MXW12 MXW8 MXW16 0.08 MXW12 MXW8 MXW16 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.02 75 50 25 100 0 0 0 100 20 40 60 75 50 25 Load (N) Load (N) Load (N) MXW20, MXW25 MXW20
Double acting single rod only 35, 40, 45, 50, 75, 100 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 12, 16 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 250, 300 20 5, 10 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 25 Applicable Auto Switches Mounting Bracket Part No.
With 1 switch 10 75 80 90 Wrth 1 switCh 10 75 80 90 0-8586 OGSKS Different 35 75 80 90 With 2 surface sWitches Same Surface 35 75 80 90 Av ro SWitch ~'B5 '86 D-GSoK5 '" " .J ~ ~ D-A4 Different SS.. 3O(n-2} 75+JO
Transfer load m (kg) 600 L2 400 Mer m 200 L2 Mer 0 20 40 60 m Transfer load m (kg) 2000 a = 1000 L3 1000 a = 2000 m a = 3000 Mey a 0 20 40 60 Transfer load m (kg) Refer to page 145 for deflection data. 18 Standard Motor/Horizontal Mount Specification Series LJ1H30 Dimensions/LJ1H303PD Scale: 10% 8H10 depth 10 4-M8 x 1.25 thread depth 10 120 4-M12 x 1.75 thread depth 15 20 80 12.5 16.5 Cable
44 M6 x 1.0 34 8 8( 7.8) 36 5.5 M4 x 0.7 7 47 7 10 25.5 5.4 9 18 10 5 20 10 to 60 47.5 M6 x 1.0 37.5 10 10( 9.8) 40 5.5 M5 x 0.8 7 52 8 10 28 5.4 9 19.5 10 6 25 10 to 50, 75, 100 54 M6 x 1.0 42 12 12(11.8) 45 8.5 M6 x 1.0 7 60 4.5 10 12 34 5.5 9 23 10 49.5 7 30 10 to 50, 75, 100 60.5 M6 x 1.0 48.5 13 16(15.8) 52 8.5 M8 x 1.25 7 69 5 14 12 40 5.5 9 26 10 57 10 40 10 to 50, 75, 100 62
MXQ8-10 MXQ8-20 0.03 MXQ8-30 MXQ8-30 MXQ8-30 0.06 MXQ8-75 MXQ8-50 MXQ8-40 MXQ8-20 MXQ8-30 MXQ8-40 MXQ8-75 Table displacement mm Table displacement mm Table displacement mm 0.010 0.02 0.04 MXQ8-40 MXQ8-30 MXQ8-20 MXQ8-10 MXQ8-50 0.005 MXQ8-50 0.01 0.02 MXQ8-10 0 40 80 120 0 0 20 40 60 20 40 60 (1N = Approx. 0.102kgf) Load N Load N (1N = Approx. 0.102kgf) Load N (1N = Approx. 0.102kgf) 12
C 54 56 ZPR10C I 56 ~PRllII ZPR10 ZPR16U 16 18 12.5 21.5 30.4 46.5 57.5 80.5 91.5 3.5 1.2 C Deep type 54 ZPR13 54 54 mml 54 'y o ' O A ~B Ij G 75 ~ 1 2 10 60 83 94 6 76 2; '" ZPR16D 16 18 15 6 5l 61 84 Z ~6 ~O 75 75 ZPR?S 76 76 76 Apphcable tube mm ZPI!~2 ZPR40 128 Q O P R .S 129 128 04 4. 20.6 15.6 10,4 130 .6 ' . 16.6 6 21.6 12.8 Applidal\le lWe 0.0 128 1 30 ZI!J!
Mounting bolt C D Mounting bolt Mounting bolt Model C D 50 55 60 65 75 85 55 60 65 70 80 90 60 65 70 80 90 115 140 Model C D 65 70 75 85 95 120 145 85 95 105 130 155 90 100 110 135 160 105 115 140 165 120 130 155 180 R(D)QB20-15 -20 -25 -30 -40 -50 R(D)QB25-15 -20 -25 -30 -40 -50 R(D)QB32-20 -25 -30 -40 -50 -75 -100 R(D)QB40-20 -25 -30 -40 -50 -75 -100 R(D)QB50-30 -40 -50 -75 -100 R(D)QB63
75 75 85 85 72 72 72 86 86 86 106 106 90 90 90 115 115 115 145 145 110 110 110 130 130 130 170 170 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 195 195 195 245 245 245 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 63 63 63 63 63 63 76 76 14 14 14 17 17 17 17 17 90 90 90 126 126 126 197 197 30 30 30 60 60 80 120 120 177 177 177 227 227 227 285 285 110 110 110 130 130 130 150 150 120 120 120 140 140 140 170 170 30
Dimensions [mm] Model L1 L2 A B C D E F G J LEPY10-25 138 150 20 22 30 29 20 29 39 LEPY10-50 163 175 24 43 34 50 24 50 60 LEPY10-75 198 210 30 72 40 79 30 79 89 LEPY10L-25 124 136 61.8 20 22 30 29 20 29 39 LEPY10L-50 149 161 24 43 34 50 24 50 60 LEPY10L-75 184 196 30 72 40 79 30 79 89 47.8 382 Step Motor (Servo/24 VDC) Electric Actuator/Miniature Slide Table Type LEPS Series Model Selection
Operating range Cylinder model C D 8 8 8 8 Mounting bolt size M3 x 50 L M3 x 60 L M3 x 50 L M3 x 60 L M5 x 75 L M5 x 85 L M5 x 75 L M5 x 85 L M5 x 85 L M5 x 95 L M5 x 75 L M5 x 85 L M6 x 95 L M6 x 130 L M8 x 100 L M8 x 130 L 50 60 50 60 75 85 75 85 85 95 75 85 95 130 100 130 MKB12-10 MKB12-20 MKB16-10 MKB16-20 MKB20-10 MKB20-20 MKB25-10 MKB25-20 MKB32-10 MKB32-20 MKB40-10 MKB40-20 MKB50-20
r1m) 2, :ZZi 125 15 27 65 M30 x 1.5 30.5 11 2 98 35 40 45 29 110 273 302 75 40 133 lJ5 stroke 298 325 140 15 27 75 M30x 1.5 30,S 1 12 98 32 110 283 31So 75 40 ~33 .I stroke 3
Exhaust Characteristics Flow Rate Characteristics 150 100 100 Vacuum pressure [kPa] 80 Suction flow (Port exhaust) 135 90 60 Air consumption 120 80 40 Vacuum pressure 70 105 Port exhaust 20 Vacuum pressure [kPa] Silencer exhaust/Complex exhaust 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 60 90 Suction flow [L/min (ANR)] 50 75 Flow Rate Characteristics 60 40 100 Suction flow (High-noise reduction silencer exhaust
70 PP 24 37.5 53 69 V V 23.5 25 60 70 QQ 27 29.5 35 38 WW 22.5 28 25 28 TT 22.5 27 30 40 XX 47 56 90 120 UU 23.5 29 40 48 RR 34 45.5 61 75 SS 10 13.5 15 20 Model MY1B 50G MY1B 63G MY1B 80G MY1B100G "P" indicates cylinder supply ports.