Description Replacement parts Tubing outside diameter Metric sizes Inch sizes Body class Type LQ-GP J 3 03 03 4 04 04 04 04 6 06 06 06 8 08 10 10 10 12 12 12 19 19 19 25 25 1/8" 03 03 03 03 3/16" 05 05 1/4" 07 07 07 3/8" 11 11 1/2" 13 13 3/4" 19 19 1" 25 Insert pin holder assembly (with the parts case) Type Insert pin/ Holder type 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 J Insert pin material (J/K type
(Except double wiring) Name plate Direct exhaust with silencer box: D side exhaust Direct exhaust with silencer box: U side exhaust IP65 enclosure Nil CD1 (2) CD2 (2) CU1 (2) CU2 (2) K (4) N SD (2) SU (2) W 5 VQ5000 D U D side mounting U side mounting Manifold 1 Plug-in unit Stations 02 2 stations Cylinder port 03 04 B CM Rc 3/8 Rc 1/2 Bottom ported Rc 1/2 Mixed 12 12 stations Note 1)
m AFJ20-02-40-S/AFJ30-03-40-S/AFJ40-04-40-S AFJ20-02-40-T/AFJ30-03-40-T/AFJ40-04-40-T 12 12 AFJ20-02-40-T AFJ30-03-40-T AFJ20-02-40-S AFJ30-03-40-S AFJ40-04-40-S 10 10 Pressure drop [kPa] Pressure drop [kPa] 8 8 AFJ40-04-40-T 6 6 4 4 2 2 Water drop removal type Nominal filtration rating: 40 m Large flow type Nominal filtration rating: 40 m 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 700 900 Flow rate
/8 1/2 02 03 04 VPA300 VPA500 VPA700 2 stations 20 20 stations Manifold Option Description Part no.
Nijverheidsstraat 20 B-2160 Wommelgem Belguim TEL: 03-355-1464 FAX: 03-355-1466 TAIWAN SMC Pneumatics (Taiwan) Co.,Ltd. 17, Lane 205, Nansan Rd., Sec.2, Luzhu-Hsiang, Taoyuan-Hsien, TAIWAN TEL: 03-322-3443 FAX: 03-322-3387 POLAND SMC Industrial Automation Polska Sp.z.o.o. ul.
Note 2) : For NPT thread type only. Note 3) : Select with an option E1, E2, E3 or E4. -16- 4-2. AC20A-D to AC60A-D 30 03 DE AC A D Symbol Description Body size 20 30 40 50 60 Nil Rc Thread type N NPT F G 01 1/8 02 1/4 03 3/8 Port size 1/2 04 06 3/4 10 1 Nil Without auto drain a Float type C N.C. (Normally closed) Drain port is closed when pressure is not supplied. auto drain D N.O.
1/2 330 352 369 428 370 392 409 468 450 472 489 548 3/8, 1/2 520 542 559 618 16 Air Dryer Series IDG Membrane Air Dryer Unit Units (M Type, V Type) How to Order F = (C x 1.8) + 32 1l/min = 0.0353SCFM IDG 30 M 03 Optional specifications Size Symbol Contents Size 3 3 5 10 20 30 50 60 75 100 5 Standard Nil 10 With fitting for purge air discharge 20 30 50 60 75 P Note 2) Note 1) Note 2)
Type A mounting bracket part numberYA-03 JointYU-03 2 x O depth of counterbore Material: Stainless steel (mm) Bore size (mm) B D E J M O Part no.
/2 14-19-31 28 Membrane Air Dryer Unit Type Series IDG Units (Type M, Type V) How to Order 03 IDG 30 M Option Symbol Contents Size 3 5 10 20 30 50 60 75 100 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) Size Nil Standard 3 (2) (1) (2) (2) (2) P With fitting
YA-03 Joint . YU-03 J E T1 B 2-D through 2-O counter bore (mm) Bore size (mm) B D E J M O Part no. Joints 12 7 25 9 34 11.5, depth 7.5 YB-03 32, 40 K ( across flats) 12 9 32 11 42 14.5, depth 8.5 YB-05 50, 63 H (with locking) 16 11 38 13 52 18, depth 12 YB-08 80 d2 d1 19 14 50 17 62 21, depth 14 YB-10 100 L UT Weight (g) Bore size (mm) C UA RS W T1 T2 V Part no.
Type A mounting bracket part numberYA-03 JointYU-03 J E Data T1 B 2-D through 2-O counterbore Material: Precision die-casting material equivalent to stainless steel 304 Bore size (mm) O J M D E B Part no.
YA-03 Joint . YU-03 RS M W T2 V J E T1 B 2-D through K ( across flats) 2-O counter bore Joint H (with locking) d2 d1 mm Bore size (mm) B D E J M O Part no. L UT C UA 12 7 25 9 34 11.5, depth 7.5 YB-03 32, 40 12 9 32 11 42 14.5, depth 8.5 YB-05 50 mm Part no. Applicable bore size (mm) UA C d1 d2 H K L UT Weight (g) Weight (g) Bore size (mm) T1 T2 V W RS Part no.
Joint MU Applicable mounting bracket Bore size (mm) Joint 2 x D through T1 J E 2 x O counter bore Type A mounting bracket Type B mounting bracket B 32, 40 YU-03 YA-03 YB-03 50, 63 YU-05 YA-05 YB-05 Material: Stainless steel mm 80 YU-08 YA-08 YB-08 100 YU-10 YA-10 YB-10 Bore size (mm) O M J E D B Part no.
Example AC30-03DM-KSTV-13NR-A AC 30 03 DG 1N A F 1N 1 3 4 5 6 2 1 Symbol Description Body size 10 20 25 30 40 Nil Metric thread (M5) c Pipe thread type 2 Note 1) Note 2) Port size 3 Nil Without auto drain a Float type auto drain N.C. (Normally closed) Drain port is closed when pressure is not applied. Note 4) Note 3) N.O.
Elbow Universal 2 3 Metric size Inch size 3.2 23 01 1/8" 04 06 08 10 12 03 05 07 09 11 13 4 5/32" 6 3/16" Control 8 1/4" Meter-out Meter-in 0 1 10 5/16" 12 3/8" Use 1/8" tube. 1/2" M5 Port size With One-touch fitting M5 x 0.8 R 1/8 R 1/4 R 3/8 R 1/2 10-32 UNF NPT 1/8 NPT 1/4 NPT 3/8 NPT 1/2 01 02 03 04 U10/32 N01 N02 N03 N04 Needle Valve/Flow Characteristics AS1201FG, AS1211FG AS2201FG-
YA-03 Joint YU-03 RS W M V T2 Joint Part No. 2-D through 2-O counterbore T1 B E J Applicable mounting bracket Bore size (mm) Weight (g) Joint part no.
O D U side mounting D side mounting (2) Manifold (3) 1 Plug-in unit (4) (2) Stations (2) Cylinder port 03 3 stations C8 C10 C12 02 03 B CM With One-touch fitting for 8 With One-touch fitting for 10 With One-touch fitting for 12 Rc 1/4 Rc 3/8 Bottom ported Rc 1/4 Mixed Note 1) When two or more symbols are specified, indicate them alphabetically.
SY100-61-3-05 SY100-61-3-06 SY100-61-2-01 SY100-61-2-02 SY100-61-2-03 SY100-61-2-04 Voltage symbol 24V 12V 100V 200V 110V 220V Rated voltage 24 VDC 12 VDC 100 VAC 200 VAC 110 VAC 220 VAC How to Use DIN Terminal Caution Connection 1. Loosen the holding screw and pull the connector out of the solenoid valve terminal block. 2.