L plug connector Closed center: VFR2310-LExhaust center: VFR2410-LPressure center: VFR2510-LM plug connector Closed center: VFR2310-MExhaust center: VFR2410-MPressure center: VFR2510-MDIN terminal Closed center: VFR2310Exhaust center: VFR2410Pressure center: VFR251001 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 D Y 01 02 D Y 01 02 D Y Applicable cable O.D. 6 to 8 [4.5 to 7] Light/Surge voltage
Figure: For N.C. 4-7-6 7 3 Port Direct Operated Poppet Solenoid Valve Rubber Seal Series VT307 Dimensions: Common Exhaust (Interchangeable with VT301 for mounting) VV307-01-2-01-F (Applicable cable O.D.)
connector (L): SYJ5140-L-01 M plug connector (M): SYJ5140-M-01 DIN terminal (D): SYJ5140-D-01 M8 connector (WO): SYJ5140-WO-01 Applicable cable O.D. 3.5 to 7 Approx. 300 (Lead wire length) 82.9 82.6 Max. 10 75.4 50.1 [57.1] 64.1 34.7 54.6 M8 x 1 49 37.1 61.2 [68.2] Approx. 300 (Lead wire length) 6 Pg7 6 6 6 73.5 [75.7] 63.7 [65.9] 83.5 65.2 72.6 58.7 0.5 45.5 45.5 45.5 45.5 17 17 17 17 17
" M5 x 0.8 18.3 23.1 12 12.7 7 13.5 AS121F-U10/32-07 AS221F-01-04 9.3 27.5 20.4 4 1/4" 10-32UNF 14.3 17 AS221F-01-01 AS221F-01-06 27.5 27.5 6 20.4 11.6 20.4 36.1 32.1 27.1 13.5 31.1 9.3 1/8" 14.2 12 (12.7) 1/8 16 12.7 AS221F-01-03 AS221F-01-08 32.4 8 20.4 15.2 18.5 19 27.5 25.3 17 9.3 5/32" 12 (12.7) AS221F-01-05 AS221F-01-10 14.2 14.3 40.2 10 23.1 18.5 21 15 21 30.2 36.1 31.1 27.1 33.1 17
B port size: 01, C4, C6, C8, N3, N7, N9.
61 78 8 39 23 13.7 35 7 61 B C D E F G H (Mounting hole) ZH05BS-06-01 ZH05BL-06-01 ZH07BS-06-01 ZH07BL-06-01 ZH10BS-06-01 ZH10BL-06-01 ZH13BS-08-02 ZH13BL-08-02 I J K L M N O P Model 1 8 Rc 1 8 Rc 1 8 Rc 1 8 Rc 1 8 Rc 1 8 Rc 1 4 Rc 1 4 ZH05BS-06-01 ZH05BL-06-01 ZH07BS-06-01 ZH07BL-06-01 ZH10BS-06-01 ZH10BL-06-01 ZH13BS-08-02 ZH13BL-08-02 57 12 3.2 24 Rc 5.8 2 38.5 57 12 3.2 24 5.8 2 38.5
600 mm 3-Rc 1/8, 1/4 (1(P), 4(A), 2(B) port) VFS VS4 2-Rc 1/4 (5(R1), 3(R2) port) VQ7 EVS (PE port) VFN L plug connector (L) VZ5140-LM plug connector (M) VZ5140-M(Lead wire length) 01 02 01 02 300 (Lead wire length) 300 DIN terminal (D) VZ5140-D: With light/surge voltage suppressor 01 02 MAX. 10 Applicable cable O.D. 3.5 to 7 3-3-71 71 Series VZ5000 2 Position Double VZ5240 Grommet (G), (
-06 AS121F-M5-07 M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 1/4" 7 13.5 6 13.5 12 18.3 23.1 11.7 11.6 22.9 18.1 AS121F-U10/32-06 AS121F-U10/32-07 10-32UNF 1/4" 10-32UNF AS221F-01-23 AS221F-01-01 16 3.2 9.3 20.4 16 27.5 20.4 9.3 1/8" 27.5 12.7 12.7 AS221F-01-04 AS221F-01-03 17 4 20.4 27.5 9.3 5/32" 9.3 27.5 20.4 17 14.2 13.4 13.4 12 AS221F-01-06 AS221F-01-05 6 17 1/8 11.6 23.1 30.2 35.2 30.2 32.1 27.1 1/8 11.4 16.5
+ PA &) Connection # % 7 7 # 7 7 # 7 7 # & 0 0 PAX PB (VXFC10) Operation sequence diagram & & % 7 17-3-79 10 The VX series will be revised shortly. Series VXF Precautions Be sure to read before handling.
Grommet terminal: Double VFS2210-E-01 02 Closed center VFS2310-E-01 02 Exhaust center VFS2410-E-01 02 Pressure center VFS2510-E-01 02 DIN terminal: Double VFS2210-D Y-01 02 Closed center VFS2310-D Y-01 02 Exhaust center VFS2410-D Y-01 02 Pressure center VFS2510-D Y-01 02 With light/surge voltage suppressor 151 (3 position: 159) Lead wire O.D.
O.D. 3.5 to 7 59.2 51.7 Max.10 104.9 40.4 Pg.7 105.8 32.3 20.5 23 40.4 (4.9) Grommet .
Application 2 port 3 port 2 port 3 port VM120-01-00 VM121-01-00 VM130-01-00 VM131-01-00 VM122-M5-00 VM123-M5-00 VM132-M5-00 VM133-M5-00 Basic Mechanical operation Manual operation Roller lever VM121-01-01 VM121-01-01S VM131-01-01 VM131-01-01S VM123-M5-01 VM123-M5-01S VM133-M5-01 VM133-M5-01S Polyacetal roller Hard steel roller VM121-01-02 VM121-01-02S VM131-01-02 VM131-01-02S VM123-M5-
] (Light/surge voltage suppressor) M5 x 0.8 (X port) 49.6[56.6] + 34.2 8.5 16.5 21 X 6 32 24 15 17 9 1/8 (P, R port) 42 L plug connector (L): 10-SYJ54M-L-01 M plug connector (M): 10-SYJ54M-M-01 DIN terminal (D): 10-SYJ54M-D-01 M8 connector (WO): 10-SYJ54M-WO-01 Approx. 300 (Lead wire length) Applicable cable O.D. 3.5 to 7 82.4 MAX.10 74.6 74.9 49.6[56.6] 63.6 34.2 M8 x 1 48.5 54.1 36.6 60.7
M plug connector 2 position double: VZS2250-M(Z)-01 3 position closed center: VZS2350-M(Z)-01 3 position exhaust center: VZS2450-M(Z)-01 3 position pressure center: VZS2550-M(Z)-01 DIN terminal 2 position double: VZS2250-D(Z)-01 3 position closed center: VZS2350-D(Z)-01 3 position exhaust center: VZS2450-D(Z)-01 3 position pressure center: VZS2550-D(Z)-01 Applicable cable O.D.: 3.5 to 7 MAX
Max. 3.5 151 (3 position: 159) Light Applicable heavy-duty cord 187.5 (3 position: 195) O.D. 6 to 8 (Y: 4.7 to 7) With light/surge voltage suppressor (DZ) Light Conduit terminal: Double VFS2210-T-01 02 Closed center VFS2310-T-01 02 Exhaust center VFS2410-T-01 02 Pressure center VFS2510-T-01 02 Applicable heavy-duty cord 187.5 (3 position: 195) ( ): Y, YZ O.D. 6 to 8 With light/surge voltage
Application 2 port 3 port 2 port 3 port VM120-01-00 VM121-01-00 VM130-01-00 VM131-01-00 VM122-M5-00 VM123-M5-00 VM132-M5-00 VM133-M5-00 Basic Mechanical operation Manual operation Roller lever VM121-01-01 VM121-01-01S VM131-01-01 VM131-01-01S VM123-M5-01 VM123-M5-01S VM133-M5-01 VM133-M5-01S Polyacetal roller Hard steel roller VM121-01-02 VM121-01-02S VM131-01-02 VM131-01-02S VM123-M5-
-M-01 DIN terminal (D, Y): 10-SYJ5143-01 M8 connector (WO): 10-SYJ5143-WO-01 D Y Applicable cable O.D. 3.5 to 7 Approx. 300 (Lead wire length) 82.9 Max. 10 50.1 [57.1] 75.4 64.1 34.7 M8 x 1 54.6 49 37.1 61.2 [68.2] Approx. 300 (Lead wire length) 6 Pg7 6 6 6 73.5 [75.7] 63.7 [65.9] 83.5 82.6 65.2 72.6 58.7 0.5 45.5 45.5 45.5 45.5 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 42.7 0.5 0.5 6 6 6 6 0.5 8.5 8.5 8.5
Approx. 600 (Lead wire length) 55.6 [57.8] VT VP (Light/Surge voltage suppressor) VG M5 x 0.8 (X port) 49.6 [56.6] + VP 34.2 8.5 16.5 21 X 6 S070 32 24 15 17 9 1/8 (P, R port) 42 VQ VKF VQZ L plug connector (L): SYJ54-L-01 M plug connector (M): SYJ54-M-01 DIN terminal (D): SYJ54-D-01 M8 connector (WO): SYJ54-WO-01 VZ VS VFN Approx. 300 (Lead wire length) Applicable cable O.D. 3.5 to 7 82.4
Description Part no. 3 5 7 SX 000-16-1A (with mounting screws) 3 5 7 Brackets are not available for SY9000.