NC1A: NC1A, Option: Single Rod, Bore: 250, PS: PS
NC1A: NC1A, Option: Single Rod, Bore: 400, PS: PS
NC1A: NC1A, Option: Single Rod, Bore: 150, PS: PS
Contents Bore size (mm) CG1N20-PS CG1N25-PS CG1N32-PS CG1N40-PS 20 25 32 40 CG1N20-PS CG1N25-PS CG1N32-PS CG1N40-PS #5 #8 $2 Piston seal Set of left nos. #5, #8, $2 Rod seal B NBR Cylinder tube gasket Since the lock section for Series CLG1 is normally replaced as a unit, kits are for the cylinder section only. These can be ordered using the order number for each bore size.
Contents Bore size (mm) CG1N20-PS CG1N25-PS CG1N32-PS CG1N40-PS 20 25 32 40 CG1N20-PS CG1N25-PS CG1N32-PS CG1N40-PS #7 #9 $0 Rod seal A Set of left nos. #7, #9, $0 Piston seal NBR Cylinder tube gasket Since the lock section for Series CNG is normally replaced as a unit, kits are for the cylinder section only. These can be ordered using the order number for each bore size.
Contents Bore size (mm) CG1N20-PS CG1N25-PS CG1N32-PS CG1N40-PS 20 25 32 40 CG1N20-PS CG1N25-PS CG1N32-PS CG1N40-PS #5 #8 $2 Piston seal Set of left nos. #5, #8, $2 Rod seal B NBR Cylinder tube gasket Since the lock section for Series CLG1 is normally replaced as a unit, kits are for the cylinder section only. These can be ordered using the order number for each bore size.
Contents Bore size (mm) CG1N20-PS CG1N25-PS CG1N32-PS CG1N40-PS 20 25 32 40 CG1N20-PS CG1N25-PS CG1N32-PS CG1N40-PS #7 #9 $0 Rod seal A Set of left nos. #7, #9, $0 Piston seal NBR Cylinder tube gasket Since the lock section for Series CNG is normally replaced as a unit, kits are for the cylinder section only. These can be ordered using the order number for each bore size.
Contents Bore size (mm) MB40-PS MB50-PS MB63-PS 40 50 63 80 100 MB40-PS MB50-PS MB63-PS MB80-PS MB100-PS #9 $0 41 Piston seal NBR Rod seal A NBR Set of left nos. #9, $0, $3, $5 Rod seal B NBR MB80-PS 42 $3 44 $5 46 Release piston seal NBR MB100-PS 41, 42, 44 and 46 to 49 are non-replaceable parts, so they are not included in the seal kit.
Contents Bore size (mm) MB40-PS MB50-PS MB63-PS 40 50 63 80 100 MB40-PS MB50-PS MB63-PS MB80-PS MB100-PS #9 $0 41 Piston seal NBR Rod seal A NBR Set of left nos. #9, $0, $3, $5 Rod seal B NBR MB80-PS 42 $3 44 $5 46 Release piston seal NBR MB100-PS 41, 42, 44 and 46 to 49 are non-replaceable parts, so they are not included in the seal kit.
NC1A: NC1A, Option: K (Non-Rotating), Bore: 250, PS: PS
NC1A: NC1A, Option: W (Double Rod), Bore: 150, PS: PS
NC1A: NC1A, Option: W (Double Rod), Bore: 250, PS: PS
NC1A: NC1A, Option: W (Double Rod), Bore: 325, PS: PS
NC1A: NC1A, Option: K (Non-Rotating), Bore: 200, PS: PS
NC1A: NC1A, Option: W (Double Rod), Bore: 400, PS: PS
NC1A: NC1A, Option: K (Non-Rotating), Bore: 150, PS: PS
NC1A: NC1A, Option: W (Double Rod), Bore: 200, PS: PS
Grease for food part no.: GR-H-010 (10 g) Standard grease part no.: GR-S-010 (10 g) Set of left nos. !5, !6, !7, !8, @1. HYCB32-PS HYCB40-PS HYCB50-PS HYCB63-PS 32 40 50 63 !5 !6 !7 !8 19 @1 Cushion seal Rod seal Resin NBR (FKM can be selected.) 1 HYCB50H-PS Set of left nos. !5, !6, !7, !8, @1.
Grease for food part no.: GR-H-010 (10 g) Standard grease part no.: GR-S-010 (10 g) Set of left nos. !5, !6, !7, !8, @1. HYCB32-PS HYCB40-PS HYCB50-PS HYCB63-PS 32 40 50 63 !5 !6 !7 !8 19 @1 Cushion seal Rod seal Resin NBR (FKM can be selected.) 1 HYCB50H-PS Set of left nos. !5, !6, !7, !8, @1.
Content Bore size (mm) CHA40-PS 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 CHA40-PS CHA50-PS CHA63-PS CHA80-PS CHA100-PS CHA125-PS CHA160-PS !7 !8 !9 @0 @1 @2 23 Seal kit consists of items !7 through @2 and can be ordered using the seal kit number for each bore size. Cushion seal CHA50-PS Wiper ring NBR CHA63-PS Set of left nos. !7, !8, !