Stations: 07 (Stations), Wiring: F (D-sub Connector), Manifold Options: without Option, Exhaust: C (Complex Exhaust), Pressure Switch for Vacuum/Pressure Sensor: C (Digital Pressure Switch for Vacuum, 0 to -101, PNP 2 Outputs, with Unit Selection Function), Leadwire: without Leadwire, Unit Options: K (Vacuum Break Flow Adjusting Needle, Screwdriver Operation Type), 1st Nominal Nozzle Size
Stations: 07 (Stations), Wiring: F (D-sub Connector), Manifold Options: without Option, Exhaust: C (Complex Exhaust), Pressure Switch for Vacuum/Pressure Sensor: C (Digital Pressure Switch for Vacuum, 0 to -101, PNP 2 Outputs, with Unit Selection Function), Leadwire: without Leadwire, Unit Options: K (Vacuum Break Flow Adjusting Needle, Screwdriver Operation Type), 1st Nominal Nozzle Size
Stations: 07 (Stations), Wiring: F (D-sub Connector), Manifold Options: B (with DIN Rail Mounting Bracket), Exhaust: F (Individual Port Exhaust), Pressure Switch for Vacuum/Pressure Sensor: H (Digital Pressure Switch for Vacuum, -100 to 100, PNP 2 Outputs, with Unit Selection Function), Leadwire: Y (2m Switch/Sensor Only), Unit Options: without Option, 1st Nominal Nozzle Size: 4 (ø1.5), 1st
Stations: 07 (Stations), Wiring: L (Individual Wiring or None), Manifold Options: B (with DIN Rail Mounting Bracket), Exhaust: H (High Noise Reduction Silencer Exhaust), Pressure Switch for Vacuum/Pressure Sensor: R (Pressure Switch for Vacuum w/Energy Saving Function, -100 to 100, PNP 2 Outputs, with Unit Selection Function), Leadwire: W (Energy Saving), Unit Options: without Option, 1st
Stations: 07 (Stations), Wiring: F (D-sub Connector), Manifold Options: without Option, Exhaust: H (High Noise Reduction Silencer Exhaust), Pressure Switch for Vacuum/Pressure Sensor: C (Digital Pressure Switch for Vacuum, 0 to -101, PNP 2 Outputs, with Unit Selection Function), Leadwire: Y (2m Switch/Sensor Only), Unit Options: J (Vacuum Break Flow Adjusting Needle, Round Lock Nut), 1st
Stations: 07 (Stations), Wiring: F (D-sub Connector), Manifold Options: BD (with Manifold Options B & D), Exhaust: Q (Vacuum Pump System), Pressure Switch for Vacuum/Pressure Sensor: C (Digital Pressure Switch for Vacuum, 0 to -101, PNP 2 Outputs, with Unit Selection Function), Leadwire: Y (2m Switch/Sensor Only), Unit Options: K (Vacuum Break Flow Adjusting Needle, Screwdriver Operation
Body Class: 2 (ø4), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Fitting Type: Z (LQ3), Tubing Size: 07 (1/4" x 5/32")
Body Class: 2 (ø4), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Fitting Type: Z (LQ3), Tubing Size: 07 (1/4" x 5/32"), Pilot Port Thread: F (G1/8)
Body Class: 2 (ø4), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Fitting Type: Z (LQ3), Tubing Size: 07 (1/4" x 5/32"), Pilot Port Thread: N (NPT1/8)
Nominal Nozzle Size: 07 (ø0.7), Vacuum Port, Supply Port: C8 (Metric; Vacuum Port: ø8; Supply Port: Plug), Exhaust: H (High-noise Reduction Silencer Exhaust), Exhaust Sealing Valve: None, Combination of Supply and Release Valve: E (Supply Valve: N.O.; Release Valve: N.C.), Rated Voltage: 5 (24VDC), Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: U (Light: Yes; Surge Voltage Suppressor: Yes; Common Spec:
Nominal Nozzle Size: 07 (ø0.7), Vacuum Port, Supply Port: C8 (Metric; Vacuum Port: ø8; Supply Port: Plug), Exhaust: H (High-noise Reduction Silencer Exhaust), Exhaust Sealing Valve: None, Combination of Supply and Release Valve: A (Supply Valve: N.C.; Release Valve: N.C.), Rated Voltage: 5 (24VDC), Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: U (Light: Yes; Surge Voltage Suppressor: Yes; Common Spec:
Nominal Nozzle Size: 07 (ø0.7), Vacuum Port, Supply Port: C6 (Metric; Vacuum Port: ø6; Supply Port: Plug), Exhaust: H (High-noise Reduction Silencer Exhaust), Exhaust Sealing Valve: None, Combination of Supply and Release Valve: A (Supply Valve: N.C.; Release Valve: N.C.), Rated Voltage: 5 (24VDC), Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: U (Light: Yes; Surge Voltage Suppressor: Yes; Common Spec:
Nominal Nozzle Size: 07 (ø0.7), Vacuum Port, Supply Port: C6 (Metric; Vacuum Port: ø6; Supply Port: Plug), Exhaust: P (Port Exhaust), Exhaust Sealing Valve: None, Combination of Supply and Release Valve: A (Supply Valve: N.C.; Release Valve: N.C.), Rated Voltage: 5 (24VDC), Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: U (Light: Yes; Surge Voltage Suppressor: Yes; Common Spec: Non-polar), Pressure Sensor
Nominal Nozzle Size: 07 (ø0.7), Vacuum Port, Supply Port: C6U (Metric; Vacuum Port: ø6; Supply Port: ø6), Exhaust: H (High-noise Reduction Silencer Exhaust), Exhaust Sealing Valve: None, Combination of Supply and Release Valve: A (Supply Valve: N.C.; Release Valve: N.C.), Rated Voltage: 5 (24VDC), Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: U (Light: Yes; Surge Voltage Suppressor: Yes; Common Spec: Non-polar
Nominal Nozzle Size: 07 (ø0.7), Vacuum Port, Supply Port: C6U (Metric; Vacuum Port: ø6; Supply Port: ø6), Exhaust: P (Port Exhaust), Exhaust Sealing Valve: None, Combination of Supply and Release Valve: A (Supply Valve: N.C.; Release Valve: N.C.), Rated Voltage: 5 (24VDC), Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: U (Light: Yes; Surge Voltage Suppressor: Yes; Common Spec: Non-polar), Pressure Sensor
Nominal Nozzle Size: 07 (ø0.7), Vacuum Port, Supply Port: N9 (Inch; Vacuum Port: ø5/16"; Supply Port: Plug), Exhaust: H (High-noise Reduction Silencer Exhaust), Exhaust Sealing Valve: None, Combination of Supply and Release Valve: A (Supply Valve: N.C.; Release Valve: N.C.), Rated Voltage: 5 (24VDC), Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor: U (Light: Yes; Surge Voltage Suppressor: Yes; Common Spec