Wiring Output: P (3-wire PNP), Lead Wire: L (3m)
Body Class: Class 2, Stations: 3 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 11 (3/8), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 07 (1/4)
Body Class: Class 2, Stations: 5 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 07 (1/4), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 07 (1/4)
Body Class: Class 4, Stations: 4 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 13 (1/2), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 13 (1/2)
Body Class: Class 3, Stations: 4 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 13 (1/2), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 13 (1/2)
Body Class: Class 2, Stations: 2 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 11 (3/8), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 07 (1/4)
Body Class: Class 2, Stations: 4 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 11 (3/8), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 07 (1/4)
Body Class: Class 2, Stations: 5 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 07 (1/4), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 11 (3/8)
Body Class: Class 4, Stations: 2 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 1/2, Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: Rcø19, NPT 3/4"
Supply(P),Vacuum(V), One-touch Fitting: N (Supply (P) Port: ø1/4"; Vacuum (V) Port: ø1/2"), Exhaust Type: Silencer Exhaust, Supply/Release Valve Combination: K2 (Supply Valve, N.C.), Rated Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electrical Entry: L (L Plug Vertical Connector w/Lead Wire 300mm)
Supply(P),Vacuum(V), One-touch Fitting: Supply (P) Port: ø6; Vacuum (V) Port: ø12, Exhaust Type: Silencer Exhaust, Supply/Release Valve Combination: B1 [Supply Valve (N.O.); Release Valve (N.C.)], Rated Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electrical Entry: L (L Plug Vertical Connector w/Lead Wire 300mm)
Model: 50 (Side Ported), Connector Type: P (Flat Ribbon Cable, 26 Pins), Connector Entry Direction: 2 (Lateral), Wiring Specification: All Double Wiring, Valve Stations: 4 Stations, P,E Port Location: U Side, A,B Port Size: M5, Thread: T (NPTF), Mounting: D (DIN Rail Mounting w/DIN Rail)
Straight)], Fitting, PS/PV Port: 0 [w/o Fitting (M5 x 0.8)], Bracket: -, Pilot Valve: -
(V Port): 0 [w/o Fitting (M5 x 0.8)], Fitting (P Port): -, Bracket: -, Pilot Valve: -, CE Compliant: -
(V Port): 0 [w/o Fitting (M5 x 0.8)], Fitting (P Port): -, Bracket: -, Pilot Valve: -, CE Compliant: -
Rated Flow Range: 50 to 250 L/min, Flow Adjustment Valve: w/o Flow Adjustment Valve, Thread: NPT, Port Size: 1 1/2, Output Specification/Temperature Sensor: Out 1: IO-Link/Switch Output, N/P; Out 2: Switch Output, N/P; Temperature Sensor: None, Lead Wire: None, Unit Specification: Instantaneous Flow: L/min; Accumulated Flow: L; Temperature: °C, Bracket: -, Calibration Certificate: -, Series
Function: R (External Pilot), Coil Voltage: 5 (24VDC), Lead Wire: L (L Plug Connector w/Lead Wire 0.3m), Manual Override: Non-locking Push Style, Port Size: M5 Thread, Model: PR (Single Unit Type)
Actuation: 1 (Single Type), Body: 3 (Body Ported, Manifold), Option: V (Vacuum), Voltage: 6 (12 VDC), Electrical Entry: L (L Plug Connector, w/Lead Wire; with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Port Size: M5
Actuation: 1 (Single Type), Body: 2 (Body Ported, Single Unit), Option: Standard, Voltage: 6 (12 VDC), Electrical Entry: L (L Plug Connector, w/Lead Wire; with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Port Size: M5
Actuation: 1 (Single Type), Body: 3 (Body Ported, Manifold), Option: V (Vacuum), Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electrical Entry: L (L Plug Connector, w/Lead Wire; with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Port Size: M5