(SW1) (SW1) (SW2-3, SW2-4) (SW2-3, SW2-4) 0 33 0 49 1 34 1 50 2 35 2 51 3 36 3 52 4 37 4 53 5 38 5 54 6 39 6 55 ON ON 7 40 7 56 8 41 8 57 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 9 42 9 58 A 43 A 59 B 44 B 60 C 45 C 61 D 46 D 62 E 47 E 63 F 48 F 64 -14- 5. Parameter list (Driver side) Please configure the appropriate parameters to enable correct driver operation. Refer to [5.
Keys which cannot be locked: Pressure Switch output Analog output 4-20 mA 0-10 VDC P-ON SET STOP RUN P-ON/STOP key SET/RUN key 0 1023 Digital input data Reset function The data is reset to the initial condition at the time of shipment. Pressure switch function (4 point) Anti-chattering function Switch output is enabled by setting the upper and lower limits.
PNP open collector output 3 points preset counter Counter operating power supply None AC80120V D DC24V5% Output method None NPN open collector P PNP open collector 23 7-3 Extension cable Length of cable Additional symbol 05 5m None Extension cable 10 10m C Extensin cable + Connector 15 15m 20 20m Connection of connector Contact A B C, D E F G Color of wire White Yellow Brown, Blue Red
C/F C/F 23 C/F C/F 12 AFW16100-N120FGM-E* 16,100 1) Specify filtration grade by replacing; *: 5 = 5m; 1 = 1m; A = 0.01 m; C = activated carbon Technical Notes Correction Factor Threaded & Flanged Operating pressure Correction factor 1.
P 2 Specifications(NCRAl).P 3 Torque DiagramMeight CharvRotation Range. P 4 Shaft Load/Operational Instructions (NCRAI ) . P 5 Construction/ParlsList.-.P 6 Single Rod End/Dimensaons . .P 7 Double Rod End/Dimensions.-...P 8
Series:NCRAI How To Order Adluatable cuahlon C Both end cushion Not available on NCRA1BW30 Fotation
P 2 Specifications(NCRAl).P 3 Torque DiagramMeight CharvRotation Range. P 4 Shaft Load/Operational Instructions (NCRAI ) . P 5 Construction/ParlsList.-.P 6 Single Rod End/Dimensaons . .P 7 Double Rod End/Dimensions.-...P 8
Series:NCRAI How To Order Adluatable cuahlon C Both end cushion Not available on NCRA1BW30 Fotation
Operating pressure (MPa) U: Maximum speed (mm/s) Stroke (mm) Mode of operation Inclined operation Vertical operation Horizontal operation Review of load weight and operating pressure Lo Fn W Guide First tentative bore size determination F3 D1.6 x P First tentative bore size determination F2 D1.6 x P First tentative bore size determination F1 D1.6 x P WB Inclined operation W+WBWV PPV
A44 PLC Terminal conduit 12V 100V, 200V Relay, PLC DIN terminal P P P P P P A59W F59 F5P J51 J59 Diagnostic indication (2 color) Grommet p p p p 3 wire (NPN) 5V, 12V 24V IC 3 wire (PNP) Grommet P P P P 100V, 200V 2 wire 12V P P G39 K39 5V, 12V 3 wire (NPN) IC Terminal conduit 12V 2 wire P P P P P P P P P P F59W F5PW J59W F5BA F5NT F59F Relay, PLC p p p p p p 3 wire (NPN) 5V, 12V IC Diagnostic
Refer to pages starting with 181 for mounting. 30 100 95 95 B 8(4)-6.2 (160) () () 110 95 20 95 A () () (140) A B 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 Stroke Model LG1H202SC-100-F LG1H202SC-200-F LG1H202SC-300-F LG1H202SC-400-F LG1H202SC-500-F LG1H202SC-600-F LG1H202SC-700-F LG1H202SC-800-F LG1H202SC-900-F LG1H202SC-1000-F LG1H202SC-1200-F 50 150 250 350 450 550 650 750 850 1050
Controller Set Up (P.34) and 14. Card Motor Controller Configuration software (P. 57) for instructions on how to setup. (6) Test operation Refer to section 10. Monitor and Test Mode of the Controller (P.41) and 14.5 Monitor/Test window (P. 68) for instructions on operating instruction of test operation 14 - 3.
External Connections (P.22)", "6.Details of Power supply plug (P.24)".
Details of Power supply plug (P.22) for wiring.
CN1: Power supply plug (P.26) for wiring.
PVQ10 /%IR # # P = 0.2 MPa P = 0.1 MPa IRV ! ! P = 0.08 MPa P = 0.15 MPa l1 l1 & & VEX1 P = 0.1 MPa P = 0.05 MPa 0 0 P = 0.05 MPa P = 0.02 MPa SRH ( ( SRP " " SRF % % % "% (% (% 0% % !% 0% -% &% "%% !% "(% #% "0% -% "!% .% "-% "%% (%% % % % "% (% (% 0% % !% 0% -% &% "%% !% "(% #% "0% -% "!
B76 B73 I.C. 5V P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 3 wire (Equiv.
N] F=-q x PA+w x PC F=q x PA+(e-q) x PC F=-q x PA+r x PB+(w-e) x PC F=q x PA q, w and e are piston areas.
HAA7 Accessory (Option) Auto drain Applicable model HAA7 HAA15 HAA22 HAA37 HAA7-F HAA7-S HAA15-F AD402-03 HAA15-S HAA22-F HAA22-S HAA37-F AD402-04 Working Principle Dust-protecting filter Mounting bench HAA37-S The accessories should be mounted by user.
ID AMG Accessory (Option) HAA7 HAA7 HAA15 HAA22 HAA37 Auto-drain Applicable model AFF Working Principle HAA7-F HAA7-S HAA15-F AD402-03 HAA15-S HAA22-F HAA22-S HAA37-F AD402-04 Dust-protecting filter Mounting bench AM HAA37-S Inlet side air (HOT AIR) Push button switch Pilot light The accessories should be mounted by user. Misc.
( di spl ayed al t ernat el y) Press Skey f or 2 seconds or m ore, t hen go out f rom det ai l set t i ng m ode. ( Sel ect t he m enu w i t h or keys, t hen j um p t o anot her i t em . ) Lock keys ( ref er t o P9) Rel at i on bet w een set t i ng and sensi t i vi t y Sensi t i vi t y Sharp D ul l Set t i ng of sensi t i vi t y D ef aul t : 13 - Zero clear The display can be reset to