Relative: 150 Numerical data defining operation The operation starts by changing the Movement MOD and Position in step data No.1 temporarily by defining numerical data from the PLC. 160 Operation t [Define numerical data in the Movement MOD and Position in Step No.1.] Movement MOD: 2 (Relative) and Position: 150 are defined from the PLC.
Refer to page 120 for replacement procedures. Station 6 Station 12 Station 18 Station 24
125 150 175 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 155 180 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 165 190 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 175 200 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 190 215 CDLQB20-5D CDLQB32-10D CDLQB50-10D CDLQB80-10D -10D -15D -15D -15D -15D -20D -20D -20D -20D -25D -25D -25D -25D -30D -30D -30D 10.5 -30D -35D -35D -35D 12.5 17 7 -35D -40D -40D -40D -40D -45D -45D -45D -45D
125 150 175 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 155 180 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 165 190 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 175 200 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 190 215 CDLQB20-5D CDLQB32-10D CDLQB50-10D CDLQB80-10D -10D -15D -15D -15D -15D -20D -20D -20D -20D -25D -25D -25D -25D -30D -30D -30D 10.5 -30D -35D -35D -35D 12.5 17 7 -35D -40D -40D -40D -40D -45D -45D -45D -45D
125 150 175 M5 x 75l x 80l x 85l x 90l x 95l x 100l x 105l x 110l x 115l x 140l x 165l M5 x 85l x 90l x 95l x 100l x 105l x 110l x 115l x 120l x 125l x 150l x 175l 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 155 180 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 165 190 M6 x 90l 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 175 200 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 190 215 M10 x 110l -10D -15D -15D -15D x 95l x 115l
150 50 100 200 50 100 200 0 (1N = Approx. 0.102kgf) Load N (1N = Approx. 0.102kgf) Load N Load N (1N = Approx. 0.102kgf) 20 20 20 Lr = 160mm MXQ20-150 MXQ20-125 0.08 MXQ20-10 MXQ20-20 MXQ20-30 MXQ20-40 MXQ20-50 0.12 MXQ20-40 MXQ20-40 MXQ20-75 MXQ20-75 MXQ20-75 MXQ20-30 0.06 Table displacement mm Table displacement mm Table displacement mm 0.06 MXQ20-100 MXQ20-125 MXQ20-150 MXQ20-50 MXQ20
Arm Mounting Position: A, B, C, D A B C D Arm opening angle 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 denotes tool attachment surface.
Movable load W 200 MXW25 170 W 150 120 MXW20 100 Max.movable load (N) Movable load N MXW16 70 W Model 60 50 40 18 MXW 8 MXW12 30 40 MXW12 25 70 MXW16 20 MXW8 17 15 110 MXW20 W W 12 170 10 MXW25 50 100 200 300 500 Piston speed mm/s 1N = 0.2248 lbf (Graph1) 1N = 0.2248 lbf Mp Mep (Pitch moment) My Mey (Yaw moment) Mr (Roll moment) Moment MXW25 120 (Static moment / movable moment) Allowable
-25FU (mm) (mm) 2 110.5 100 88 11.5 3 135.5 125 104 16 4 148 137.5 120 14 5 160.5 150 136 12.5 6 185.5 175 152 17 7 198 187.5 168 15 8 210.5 200 184 13.5 9 223 212.5 200 11.5 10 248 237.5 216 16 Stations L1 L2 L3 L4 Stations 2 135.5 125 104 16 3 148 137.5 120 14 4 160.5 150 136 12.5 5 185.5 175 152 17 6 198 187.5 168 15 7 210.5 200 184 13.5 8 223 212.5 200 11.5 9 248 237.5 216 16 10 260.5
-25FU (mm) (mm) 2 110.5 100 88 11.5 3 135.5 125 104 16 4 148 137.5 120 14 5 160.5 150 136 12.5 6 185.5 175 152 17 7 198 187.5 168 15 8 210.5 200 184 13.5 9 223 212.5 200 11.5 10 248 237.5 216 16 Stations L1 L2 L3 L4 Stations 2 135.5 125 104 16 3 148 137.5 120 14 4 160.5 150 136 12.5 5 185.5 175 152 17 6 198 187.5 168 15 7 210.5 200 184 13.5 8 223 212.5 200 11.5 9 248 237.5 216 16 10 260.5
150 150 190 190 65 65 65 75 75 75 85 85 90 90 90 115 115 115 145 145 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 72 72 72 86 86 86 106 106 110 110 110 130 130 130 170 170 195 195 195 245 245 245 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 63 63 63 63 63 63 76 76 14 14 14 17 17 17 17 17 90 90 90 126 126 126 197 197 30 30 30 60 60 80 120 120 177 177 177 227 227 227 285 285 110 110 110 130 130 130 150 150 120 120
(S2) 200 to 230 VAC encoder) Absolute Power supply voltage 50/60 Hz AC servo motor (S7) AC servo motor (S3) 1 2 100 to 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz 200 to 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz AC servo motor (S6) 100 to 120 VAC Pulse input type 50/60 Hz AC servo motor (S7) (For absolute AC servo motor (S6) 200 to 230 VAC encoder) 50/60 Hz AC servo motor (S7) Dimensions LECSA 2 x 6 Mounting hole 40 135 (Bearing surface
120 120 120 M5 x 0.8 1/8, 1/4 1/4, 3/8 1/4, 3/8, 1/2 3/4 3/4, 1 1 AL10 AL20 AL30 AL40 AL40-06 AL50 AL60 25 40 53 70 75 90 95 Optional specifications With drain cock B 85 123 153 187 187 261 279 Metal bowl B 82 121 142 176 176 250 268 Drain cock with barb fitting B 161 195 195 269 287 Model Metal bowl with level gauge Metal bowl with drain cock & level gauge B 162 196 196 270 288 Metal
Weight [g] Model ZL3 ZL6 Basic type 390 470 Port exhaust +80 +25 Vacuum pressure switch (Excluding lead wire) +20 +20 Vacuum pressure switch (Including lead wire) +60 +60 With supply valve and release valve +120 +120 With supply valve and without release valve +80 +80 With pressure gauge +30 +30 With adapter assembly for bottom mounting +60 21 Multistage Ejector ZL3/ZL6 Series Internal Circuits
50 50 50 50 50 50 201 to 300 100 100 100 100 100 100 301 to 400 125 125 125 125 125 125 401 to 500 150 150 150 150 501 to 600 175 175 601 to 700 187.5 187.5 701 to 750 73 81 89 89 101 101 1 to 50 86 94 102 102 114 114 51 to 100 98 106 114 114 126 126 101 to 150 111 119 127 127 139 139 201 to 300 161 169 177 177 189 189 301 to 400 186 194 202 202 214 214 401 to 500 227 227 239 239 501
JS63-18-150 1MPa or less 3.5MPa or less -5 to 60C Note 2) Note 1) Use the applicable bore sizes as a guide.
Specifications Model PFG300 series Applicable SMC flow switch Model PF3A703H PF3A706H PF3A712H Rated flow range*1 30 to 3000 L/min 60 to 6000 L/min 120 to 12000 L/min Set point range Instantaneous flow 150 to 3150 L/min 300 to 6300 L/min 600 to 12600 L/min Accumulated flow 0 to 999,999,999,990 L 0 to 999,999,999,900 L Instantaneous flow 2 L/min 5 L/min 10 L/min Smallest settable increment
Load (N) 0 50 100 150 Load (N) 0 50 100 150 Load (N) 200 16 16 16 L = 120 mm L = 120 mm L = 120 mm MXP16-20 MXP16-30 MXP16-20 MXP16-30 Table displacement amount (mm) Table displacement amount (mm) Table displacement amount (mm) 0.08 0.12 0.06 MXP16-20 MXP16-30 MXP16-20 MXP16-30 MXP16-20 MXP16-30 MXP16-20 MXP16-30 0.10 0.06 0.04 0.08 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.02 0 0 0 50 200 250 Load (N)
80 50 63 14 6.5 215 210 63 80 63 30 16 190 16 20 210 50 100 12 110 90 16 12 126 153 100 60 100 120 75 35 16 205 14 20 140 25 230 110 60 20 75 16 6.5 230 220 71 14.5 150 178 120 6-13-10 10 Series CP95 ISO/VDMA Cylinder: Standard Type Double Acting w/ End of Stroke Cushioning Dimensions: Cylinder Mounting Accessory C, D, E and CR [First angle projection] Mounting style (C) Mounting style (
50 63 14 6.5 215 210 63 80 63 30 16 190 16 20 210 50 100 12 110 90 100 16 12 126 153 60 100 120 75 35 16 205 14 20 140 25 230 110 60 120 20 75 16 6.5 230 220 71 14.5 150 178 6-13-10 10 Series CP95 ISO/VDMA Cylinder: Standard Type Double Acting w/ End of Stroke Cushioning Dimensions: Cylinder Mounting Accessory C, D, E and CR [First angle projection] Mounting style (C) Mounting style (D)