type Option Valve stations S070 R port: Rc 1/8 01 Nil None 1 station Port size Nil Rc G NPT NPTF F With bracket (Not mounted) VQ F N T 01 Rc 1 8 20 20 stations A port: Rc 1/8 VKF Type 42: Base mounted (A port side ported) How to Order Applicable solenoid valve VK334Applicable blanking plate assembly VK300-42-1A VQZ VV3K3 05 01 42 VZ Thread type VS Solenoid direction Port size Opposite
M1 M2 Weight (g) ASV310F-01-06S ASV310F-01-08S ASV310F-02-06S ASV310F-02-08S ASV410F-01-08S ASV410F-01-10S ASV410F-02-08S ASV410F-02-10S ASV410F-03-08S ASV410F-03-10S ASV510F-02-10S ASV510F-02-12S ASV510F-03-10S ASV510F-03-12S ASV510F-04-10S ASV510F-04-12S 16.8 19.3 16.8 19.3 19.3 23.3 19.3 23.3 19.3 23.3 23.3 25.7 23.3 25.7 23.3 25.7 71.9 73.8 71.9 73.8 83.1 85.2 83.1 85.2 83.1 85.2 90.2
Number SS070A 01 1A O-ring FKM 10 SS070A-80A-1 Port size Clip Stainless steel 10 SS070A-80A-2 With 3.18/2 barb fitting With 4/2.5 barb fitting 01 02 Metal joint Stainless steel 10 SS070A-80A-3 Leaf spring Stainless steel 10 SS070A-80A-4 Mounting bracket Stainless steel 10 SS070A-80A-5 < U Side End Plate Assembly > 2 U side end plate assembly No.
196.5 300 369 L1 77 115.5 154 231 346.5 269.5 192.5 308 385 VV2CW3 L2 89 127.5 166 243 358.5 281.5 204.5 320 397 L3 101 139.5 178 255 370.5 293.5 216.5 332 409 L1 83 124.5 166 249 373.5 290.5 207.5 332 415 VV2CW4 L2 95 136.5 178 261 385.5 302.5 219.5 344 427 L3 107 148.5 190 273 397.5 314.5 231.5 356 439 Manifold composition 2stns. x 1 3stns. x 1 2stns. x 2 3stns. x 2 3stns. x 3 2stns. x
162 231 334.5 265.5 196.5 300 369 L1 77 115.5 154 231 346.5 269.5 192.5 308 385 VV2CW3 L2 89 127.5 166 243 358.5 281.5 204.5 320 397 L3 101 139.5 178 255 370.5 293.5 216.5 332 409 L1 83 124.5 166 249 373.5 290.5 207.5 332 415 VV2CW4 L2 95 136.5 178 261 385.5 302.5 219.5 344 427 L3 107 148.5 190 273 397.5 314.5 231.5 356 439 Manifold composition 2stns. x 1 3stns. x 1 2stns. x 2 3stns. x 2
Dimensions LLAA--C Stations 4-Mounting hole for W Y Dimensions (mm) A S K Model LLA2A LLA3A LLA4A LLA5A 11.5 L1 24 L2 L3 29 Sensor (Breathing port) U 2-R 34.5 (mm) H G Station 2 3 4 5 Model C Symbol P N L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 62 93 124 155 E V LLA2A 75 106 137 168 Pitch = B A (OUT) port n-Q 118 149 180 211 P (IN) port 2-Q 74 111 148 185 (Max.
Dimensions LLAmA-mm-C Stations 4 x Mounting hole for W Y Dimensions (mm) A S K Model LLA2A LLA3A LLA4A LLA5A 11.5 L1 24 L2 L3 29 Sensor (Breathing port) U 34.5 2 x R (mm) H G Station 2 3 4 5 Model C Symbol P N L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 62 93 124 155 E V LLA2A 75 106 137 168 Pitch = B A (OUT) port n x Q 118 149 180 211 P (IN) port 2 x Q 74 111 148 185 (Max.
152 17 6 198 187.5 168 15 7 210.5 200 184 13.5 9 248 237.5 216 16 10 260.5 250 232 14 (mm) (mm) 17 373 362.5 344 14.5 Stations L1 L2 L3 L4 11 273 262.5 248 12.5 12 298 287.5 264 17 13 310.5 300 280 15.5 14 323 312.5 296 13.5 15 335.5 325 312 12 16 360.5 350 328 16.5 18 385.5 375 360 13 19 398 387.5 376 11 20 423 412.5 392 15.5 8 210.5 200 184 13.5 Stations L1 L2 L3 L4 10 248 237.5 216 16
Ordering Example: VV307-01-052-01-F1 pc. (5 station manifolds base) V0307-1G4 pcs. DXT060-51-13A 1 pc.
Budafoki ut 107-113 1117 Budapest TEL: 01-371-1343 FAX: 01-371-1344 SOUTH KOREA SMC Pneumatics Korea Co., Ltd. Woolim e-BIZ Center (Room 1008), 170-5, Guro-Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul, 152-050, South Korea TEL: 02-3219-0700 FAX: 02-3219-0702 ROMANIA SMC Romania S.r.l. Str.
Right Left Right Left 112 (3.7) Vacuum (V) port (M5) Note 5) 21 10 Dimensions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (mm) n L1 L2 K J 5 6 Note 2) The above dimensions are for ZQ1000M2 .
196.5 300 369 L1 77 115.5 154 231 346.5 269.5 192.5 308 385 VV2CW3 L2 89 127.5 166 243 358.5 281.5 204.5 320 397 L3 101 139.5 178 255 370.5 293.5 216.5 332 409 L1 83 124.5 166 249 373.5 290.5 207.5 332 415 VV2CW4 L2 95 136.5 178 261 385.5 302.5 219.5 344 427 L3 107 148.5 190 273 397.5 314.5 231.5 356 439 Manifold composition 2stns. x 1 3stns. x 1 2stns. x 2 3stns. x 2 3stns. x 3 2stns. x
Budafoki ut 107-113 1117 Budapest TEL: 01-371-1343 FAX: 01-371-1344 SOUTH KOREA SMC Pneumatics Korea Co., Ltd. Woolim e-BIZ Center (Room 1008), 170-5, Guro-Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul, 152-050, South Korea TEL: 02-3219-0700 FAX: 02-3219-0702 ROMANIA SMC Romania S.r.l. Str.
Budafoki ut 107-113 1117 Budapest TEL: 01-371-1343 FAX: 01-371-1344 SOUTH KOREA SMC Pneumatics Korea Co., Ltd. Woolim e-BIZ Center (Room 1008), 170-5, Guro-Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul, 152-050, South Korea TEL: 02-3219-0700 FAX: 02-3219-0702 ROMANIA SMC Romania S.r.l. Str.
$ ' $ # ' ,*# ./ 01 ( *# ./ 2 01 $ ./ 23 ##4 #1 /47 .81 < :# /4; .71 + + 47 ./1 + /4 ./31 /;3 /;> /3 /3 17-3-4 Series VX / VXZ22/23 VXH22 VXF21/22 VX31/32/33 . !"! !#! !"! !"! !"! 0 !#! 0"!#! !"! 0 !#! 0" #!
Weight g Model d D1 D2 L3 L2 D3 L1 L4 L5 M1 M2 VR1211F-01 1/8" 11.4 8.4 52 6.2 25.7 36.1 17.5 12.7 12.9 26.4 14.8 VR1211F-03 6.8 5/32" 12.8 10.4 56 26.6 38.5 21.9 15.7 15.8 30.4 VR1211F-07 1/4" 13.2 13.2 54.4 7.1 28.8 42.5 25.6 16.8 16.8 27.0 SMC Pneumatics, Inc. 5 Related Products / Holder Series TMH Specifications This holder is used to secure the AND valve and shuttle valve with One-touch
Output 1 Output 2 A B C Dimensions L5 D2 M2 IN L3 L2 L4 OUT IN D1 M1 M1 Applicable tubing O.D. d L1 D3 Metric sizes Weight g Model d D1 D2 L3 L2 D3 L1 L4 L5 M1 M2 3.2 11.4 8.4 52 6.2 25.7 36.1 17.5 12.7 12.9 26.4 VR1211F-23 14.8 4 12.8 10.4 56 26.6 38.5 21.9 15.7 15.8 30.4 VR1211F-04 6.8 6 12.8 12.8 53.2 28.8 41.9 25.2 16.8 16.8 25.0 VR1211F-06 Inch sizes Weight g Model d D1 D2 L3 L2 D3 L1
Printing WY 9520KS Printed in Japan. D-G
Note 4) AS231FE-01 (4, 6) is POM. 15-9-38 Speed Controller with Residual Pressure Release Valve with One-touch Fitting, Elbow Type/Universal Type Dimensions Elbow type Model Weight (g) T H1 H2 D1 D2 L1 L2 L3 L4 A M1 Max. Min. Max. Min.
M1 M2 Weight (g) ASV310F-01-06S ASV310F-01-08S ASV310F-02-06S ASV310F-02-08S ASV410F-01-08S ASV410F-01-10S ASV410F-02-08S ASV410F-02-10S ASV410F-03-08S ASV410F-03-10S ASV510F-02-10S ASV510F-02-12S ASV510F-03-10S ASV510F-03-12S ASV510F-04-10S ASV510F-04-12S 71.9 73.8 71.9 73.8 83.1 85.2 83.1 85.2 83.1 85.2 90.2 91.8 90.2 91.8 90.2 91.8 16.8 19.3 16.8 19.3 19.3 23.3 19.3 23.3 19.3 23.3 23.3