One-touch fittings Port size SY3000 SY5000 SY7000 VVQ1000-50A-C2 3.2 VVQ1000-50A-C3 4 VVQ1000-50A-C4 VVQ1000-51A-C4 6 VVQ1000-50A-C6 VVQ1000-51A-C6 VVQ2000-51A-C6 8 VVQ1000-51A-C8 VVQ2000-51A-C8 10 VVQ2000-51A-C10 12 KQ2H12-17-X224 2 Metric size Straight type A, B port VVQ1000-50A-N1 5/32" VVQ1000-50A-N3 VVQ1000-51A-N3 1/4" VVQ1000-50A-N7 VVQ1000-51A-N7 VVQ2000-51A-N7 5/16"
C6: 6 (SMC) N7: 1/4" (SMC) One-touch fitting [PE: Pilot EXH port] Applicable tube O.D. C6: 6 (SMC) N7: 1/4" (SMC) Applicable tube O.D.
Specification SV2000 SV1000 Applicable series SV4000 SV3000 Manifold type Tie-rod base manifold 1(P: SUP)/3, 5(E: EXH) type Common SUP, EXH Valve stations (maximum) 20 stations Max. number of solenoids 32 points Port size 1(P)/3, 5(E) port C10, N11 C8, N9 C12, N11, 03 C12, N11 C4, C6, C8 N3, N7, N9 C3, C4, C6 N1, N3, N7 C8, C10, C12 N9, N11, 02, 03 C6, C8, C10 N7, N9, N11 4(A)/2(B) port Flow
SY3000 SY5000 VVQ2000-51A-C6 VVQ2000-51A-C8 VVQ2000-51A-C10 KQ2H12-17-X899 VVQ2000-51A-N7 VVQ2000-51A-N9 VVQ2000-51A-N11 SY7000 Port size 2 3.2 4 6 8 10 12 1/8" 5/32" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" VVQ1000-50A-C2 VVQ1000-50A-C3 VVQ1000-50A-C4 VVQ1000-50A-C6 VVQ1000-50A-N1 VVQ1000-50A-N3 VVQ1000-50A-N7 VVQ1000-51A-C4 VVQ1000-51A-C6 VVQ1000-51A-C8 VVQ1000-51A-N3 VVQ1000-51A-N7 VVQ1000-51A-N9 Metric size
C4, N3 C6, N7 M8 connector (WO): 10-SY3 20-WO(-F2) C4, N3 C6, N7 3 4 5 3 4 5 28.5 [35.5] 13.1 (Lead wire length) M8 x 1 33 15.5 Approx. 300 39.6 [46.6] Approx. 300 (Lead wire length) 54.3 [56.5] 117.1 [121.5] 44.5 [46.7] 97.5 [101.9] 46 54.5 53.4 115.3 39.5 48 16.9 C6: 33.6 N7: 37.4 16.9 C6: 33.6 N7: 37.4 (3.2) 16.9 (3.2) (3.2) C6: 33.6 N7: 37.4 Note) Refer to page 176 for dimensions of
C6: 6 (SMC) N7: 1/4" (SMC) Applicable tubing O.D. C6: 6 (SMC) C8: 8 (SMC) C10: 10 (SMC) N7: 1/4" (SMC) N9: 5/16" (SMC) N11: 3/8" (SMC) (11) (47.7) One-touch fitting [PE: Pilot EXH port] Applicable tubing O.D.
Manifold Specifications SV1000 SV2000 SV3000 SV4000 Applicable series Manifold type 1 (P: SUP)/3, 5 (E: EXH) type Valve stations (maximum) Max. number of solenoids Tie-rod base manifold Common SUP, EXH 20 stations 32 points 1(P), 3/5(E) port C8, N9 C3, C4, C6 N1, N3, N7 C10, N11 C4, C6, C8 N3, N7, N9 C12, N11 C6, C8, C10 N7, N9, N11 C12, N11, 03 C8, C10, C12 N9, N11, 02, 03 Port size 4(A)
Station 2 52 43 Station 20 340 331 Station n L1 L2 3 68 59 4 84 75 5 100 91 6 116 107 7 132 123 8 148 139 9 164 155 10 180 171 11 196 187 12 212 203 13 228 219 14 244 235 15 260 251 16 276 267 17 292 283 18 308 299 19 324 315 41 Series SYJ5000 C6 N7 Type 42: Side Ported/SS5YJ5-42Stations -01, [ ]: AC C6 N7 Grommet (G) For 01 For (Built-in one-touch fitting) 65.2 [67.4] Approx. 300 (Lead
C6: 6 (SMC) N7: 1/4" (SMC) One-touch fitting [PE: Pilot EXH port] Applicable tube O.D. C6: 6 (SMC) N7: 1/4" (SMC) Applicable tube O.D.
C6: 6 (SMC) N7: 1/4" (SMC) One-touch fitting [PE: Pilot EXH port] Applicable tube O.D. C6: 6 (SMC) N7: 1/4" (SMC) Applicable tube O.D.
32" N7: With One-touch fitting for 1/4" N9: With One-touch fitting for 5/16" (Gasket y is included.)
56.5] 117.1 [121.5] 44.4 [46.6] 97.5 [101.9] 46 54.5 53.4 115.3 39.5 48 16.9 C6: 33.6 N7: 37.4 16.9 C6: 33.6 N7: 37.4 (3.2) 16.9 (3.2) (3.2) C6: 33.6 N7: 37.4 Note) Refer to the page 226 for dimensions of connector types. 9 SY3000/5000/7000/9000 Body Ported Dimensions: Series SY5000 [ ]: AC 2 position single Grommet (G), (H): SY5120(-F2) G H C4, N3 C6, N7 C8, N9 Foot bracket SY5120-F1 G
32" N7: With One-touch fitting for 1/4" N9: With One-touch fitting for 5/16" (Gasket y is included.)
32" N7: With One-touch fitting for 1/4" N9: With One-touch fitting for 5/16" (Gasket y is included.)
Direction Horizontal, Upward, Downward (Using elbow fittings for upward or downward) C6, C8, N7, N9 (Inch size elbow fitting is not available.) 1(P), 3/5(E) port Port size C2, C4, N1, N3, M3 SJ2000 4(A), 2(B) port C2, C4, C6, N1, N3, N7, M5 SJ3000 Weight W (g) Note 2) W = 51n + m + 133 n: Number of SUP/EXH blocks m: Weight of DIN rail Note 1) When many valves are operated simultaneously,
32" N7: With One-touch fitting for 1/4" N9: With One-touch fitting for 5/16" (Gasket y is included.)
Direction Horizontal, Upward, Downward (Using elbow fittings for upward or downward) C6, C8, N7, N9 (Inch size elbow fitting is not available.) 1(P), 3/5(E) port Port size C2, C4, N1, N3, M3 SJ2000 4(A), 2(B) port C2, C4, C6, N1, N3, N7, M5 SJ3000 Weight W (g) Note 2) W = 51n + m + 133 n: Number of SUP/EXH blocks m: Weight of DIN rail Note 1) When many valves are operated simultaneously,
32" N7: With One-touch fitting for 1/4" N9: With One-touch fitting for 5/16" (Gasket y is included.)
C6: 6 (SMC) N7: 1/4" (SMC) One-touch fitting [PE: Pilot EXH port] Applicable tube O.D. C6: 6 (SMC) N7: 1/4" (SMC) Applicable tube O.D.
Stations n L1 L2 3 68 59 6 116 107 8 148 139 10 180 171 4 84 75 5 100 91 7 132 123 9 164 155 11 196 187 12 212 203 13 228 219 14 244 235 15 260 251 16 276 267 17 292 283 18 308 299 19 324 315 2 stations 52 43 20 stations 340 331 532 Manifold specifications 10-SYJ5000 Type 42: Side ported / 10-SS5YJ5-42Stations -01, C6 N7 [ ]: AC Grommet (G) 01 C6 N7 (With built-in One-touch fitting) Air