S Y M B O L S S H O W T H E F U N C T I O N O F A C O M P O N E N T B U T D O N O T I N D I C A T E T H E C O N S T R U C T I O N .
S Y M B O L S S H O W T H E F U N C T I O N O F A C O M P O N E N T B U T D O N O T I N D I C A T E T H E C O N S T R U C T I O N .
r B " " $6y t " 5 ' % " $60C4,D 4 B u % " " B 17-3-98 3 Series VVXA21/22 Direct Air Operated 2 Port Valve/Manifold For Air, Gas, Vacuum and Oil The VX series will be revised shortly.
VALVE TYPES AVAILABLE To operate a solenoid pilot valve in a vacuum s y s t e m , a s e p a r a t e p r e s s u r e s u p p l y m u s t b e s u p p l i e d t o t h e v a l v e t o m o v e t h e s p o o l o r p o p p e t a s d e s c r i b e d a b o v e .
U side Station No. 9 9 Electrical entry on U side (LU) 19 34.5 n 12 X 2n-3/8, 1/2 (ports A, B ) A 4 B 2 Indicator light 6 B 2 A 4 A B 5 SMC SMC SMC SMC SMC Cable length A B B B B B Manual override B 2 A 4 A B 4 A B 2 A 4 L2 L1 58.5 P=41 A B 3 A B 2 A 4 A B 2 A 34.5 48 68.5 P=41 B 2 A 4 A 1 A X 12 Stations R4.5 15.5 Electrical entry on D side (LD) 17 107.8 D side 22 179 (single, double, 3
Floating Joint Center of sphere M M U U D H G B F P C E R A (mm) Max. operating tension and compression N Center of sphere R Model Max. screw-in depth P Allowable eccentricity U M A Applicable bore size Weight (kg) B C D E F G H Nominal size Pitch Compression Tension JB40-8-125 JB63-10-150 JB80-16-200 JB100-20-250 JB140-22-250 20, 25 32 40 50, 63 80 8 10 16 20 22 29 35.5 47.5 59 71.5 1.25
A: Orange B: Green U D Note) The dimensions L1 to L4 are identical to SS5X3-45F Station (P . 1-6-92).
A: Orange B: Green U D Note) The dimensions L1 to L4 are identical to SS5X3-45F Station (P . 1-6-92).
+ 0.5 Manifold Optional Parts Sub-plate Single Unit Safety Instructions Specific Product Precautions R EXH EXH R 100.5 B B B B B B B B X P X P 49 24.5 9.5 STA 1B 1A 1 2B 2A 2 4B 4A 4 3B 3A 3 D SIDE U SIDE 16 TERMINANAL NO.
A R B F I T T I N G F O R S O F T T U B E: M-3AU-4 M-5AU-4 M-5AU-6 B A R B E L B O W F O R S O F T T U B E: M-3ALU-4 M-5ALU-6 U N I V E R S A L E L B O W: M-3UL M-5UL 18 female diverted to 9 x M5 MORE SELECTIONS S E E N E X T P A G E P R O D U C T S E L E C T O R P R O D U C T S E L E C T O R P R O D U C T S E L E C T O R P R O D U C T S E L E C T O R H O W T O O R D E R S E E N E X T P
D B Manual override D side U side Push-turn locking slotted type: Press, then rotate it. ( ) L1 4(A) port side : Blue (For rubber seal) : Gray (For metal seal) 2(B) port side : Yellow Light/surge voltage suppressor 4 x M5 mounting hole SI unit EX260 SY SV VQC S0700 14 A B A B A B A 14 A B A 14 A B A 14 A 14 A (114.8) 97.5 4.7 113.4 101 1.4 81.2 12 B 12 B 5.5 B 12 B 12 B 12 10.9 34.2 L2 1.5
U side Station No. 9 9 Electrical entry on U side (LU) 19 34.5 n 12 X 2n-3/8, 1/2 (ports A, B ) B 2 A 4 Indicator light 6 B 2 A 4 A B 5 SMC SMC SMC SMC SMC Cable length A B B B B B Manual override B 2 A 4 A B 4 A B 2 A 4 L2 L1 58.5 P=41 A B 3 A B 2 A 4 A B 2 A 34.5 48 68.5 P=41 B 2 A 4 A 1 A X 12 Stations R4.5 15.5 Electrical entry on D side (LD) 17 107.8 D side 22 179 (single, double, 3
A 32 to 200 A B U D-F7NTL D-F7BAL D-A73C D-A80C D-J79C D-A79W D-F7 WV D-F7 V D-F7BAVL D-A7 D-A80 D-A7 H D-A80H D-F7 D-J79 D-F7 W D-J79W D-F79F 12 to 25 32 to 160 U U B A B A 32 to 100 D-P3DW A B U 188 Series (N)CQ2 High Lateral Load Water Resistant Standard Single Acting Double Rod Axial Piping End Lock Clean Series Copper/Fluorine free series Construction and Parts Auto Switch Proper Mounting
ZP3-YJP-B ZP3-YK(15/20)-B ZP3-Y-(02/04/06) ZP3-Y-(U2/U4/U6) Vacuum inlet o o y y t t Vacuum inlet u u i y t Component Parts u No.
U U U U U U U A B A B A B A B A B A B U 4.5 5.5 (10) 5 6 (10.5) 2 3 (7.5) 12 22 26 23 26.5 20.5 19.5 5 (7) 8 (6) 5.5 (7.5) 5 (3) 2.5 (4.5) 7.5 (5.5) 16 25 29 26 29.5 23.5 22.5 20 25 32 40 50 27 31 28 31.5 25.5 24.5 5 7 8 6.5 7.5 4 30 34 31 34.5 28.5 27.5 5 7.5 8 7 7.5 4.5 34 27 38 29 26.5 35 38.5 32.5 31.5 6.5 6.5 9.5 6 9 3.5 5 12 9 11 8 8 37.5 30.5 41.5 32.5 30 38.5 42 36 35 10.5 9 13.5
U side D side B B Note) Do not enter the SI Unit part number and the end plate part number together.
Model ZP3-T(015/02/035)U;(J/K)3-@ ZP3-T(015/02/035)U;(J/K)6-@ ZP3-(015/02/035)U; ZP3B-T1(J/K)3-B3 ZP3B-T1(J/K)6-B3 ZP3-(10/13/16)UM; ZP3-(10/13/16)B; ZP3-(10/13/16)UM; ZP3-(10/13/16)B; ZP3-(10/13/16)UM; ZP3-(10/13/16)B; ZP3-(10/13/16)UM; ZP3-(10/13/16)B; ZP3-(10/13/16)UM; ZP3-(10/13/16)B; ZP3B-T2B(J/K)3-B5 Note 1) ; in the table indicates the pad material.
Model ZP3-T(015/02/035)U;(J/K)3-@ ZP3-T(015/02/035)U;(J/K)6-@ ZP3-(015/02/035)U; ZP3B-T1(J/K)3-B3 ZP3B-T1(J/K)6-B3 ZP3-(10/13/16)UM; ZP3-(10/13/16)B; ZP3-(10/13/16)UM; ZP3-(10/13/16)B; ZP3-(10/13/16)UM; ZP3-(10/13/16)B; ZP3-(10/13/16)UM; ZP3-(10/13/16)B; ZP3-(10/13/16)UM; ZP3-(10/13/16)B; ZP3B-T2B(J/K)3-B5 Note 1) ; in the table indicates the pad material.
Model ZP3-T(015/02/035)U;(J/K)3-@ ZP3-T(015/02/035)U;(J/K)6-@ ZP3-(015/02/035)U; ZP3B-T1(J/K)3-B3 ZP3B-T1(J/K)6-B3 ZP3-(10/13/16)UM; ZP3-(10/13/16)B; ZP3-(10/13/16)UM; ZP3-(10/13/16)B; ZP3-(10/13/16)UM; ZP3-(10/13/16)B; ZP3-(10/13/16)UM; ZP3-(10/13/16)B; ZP3-(10/13/16)UM; ZP3-(10/13/16)B; ZP3B-T2B(J/K)3-B5 Note 1) ; in the table indicates the pad material.
When the set pressure is 0.15 MPa or less, the valve q may not open due to the valve spring w force. 100 AW20-B to AW60-B Series AW20K-B to AW60K-B Series Construction AW60(K)-B AW20(K)-B AW30(K)-B/AW40(K)-B w y w y q w y q q IN OUT IN OUT IN OUT u r t i u r t i r e t Drain AW20K-B to AW60K-B (Filter Regulator with Backflow Function) u Drain o i A-A A SMC K P C U O S L H o t Drain A Component