1/8 23.4 27.4 39.8 45.8 17.6 14 R 1/4 25.4 31.4 39.8 45.8 17.6 12 R 1/8 26.7 30.7 45.3 52.8 24 14 R 1/4 28.7 34.7 45.3 52.8 24 17 R 3/8 30.4 36.7 45.3 52.8 24 17 R 1/4 33.8 39.8 49.6 55.6 30 17 R 3/8 35.5 41.8 49.6 55.6 30 22 R 1/2 37.6 45.8 49.6 55.6 30 Dimension with cover Reference dimension of R thread after installation.
Note) 2 position double and 3 position cannot be mounted. 40.6 3(R2) 5(R1) P1 Po 1(P) Circuit diagram Plug-in type Plug lead type SUP block plate EXH block plate 18.5 20.2 VVQ5000-16A-1 VVQ5000-16A-2 When different pressures, high and low, are supplied to manifold, a SUP block plate is inserted between the stations under different pressures. 28.8 44.6 R P R R P R R P R SUP/EXH passage blocked
Q U E SPECIFICATIONS SERIES NCRA1 D I M E N S I O N S S E E N E X T P A G E H O W T O O R D E R NCRA1 R O TA R Y A C T U AT O R NC RA1BW P I S T O N Basic D Magnetic S H A F T See Accessories Section A U T O S W I T C H T Y P E S Single Rod End W Double Rod End : 30mm Bore Double Rod End Only B O R E ( M M) 30 1 3/16 50 2 63 2 1/2 80 3 1/8 100 4 R O TAT I O N 90 90 180 180 C Both End Cushion
Construction Series ZPT Series ZPR Series ZPY r Buffer r Buffer y Adaptor e Adaptor e Adaptor r Buffer t Adaptor w Lock ring w Lock ring w Lock ring q Pad q Pad q Pad q Pad With buffer With buffer With buffer Component Parts Material Note No.
Auto Switch Circuit Retaining D-T791, T792, T991, T992 D-S791, 5792, 5991, 5992 iftr,:r llEekT-i-ili+:; ' 19 "fl riu* r i-fgl]_L-"",," NCDfl BlOW10.15 NCDRB1OW20.30 D-R801. R802. 90A D-R731, R732 D-90 l B u e D-93A I I !
VBAT10A1 S Note) A safety valve port is provided only when option R or S is selected.
Grommet: G Conduit: C 2-M 2-M L L K Approx. 300 K Q F D Approx. 280 D Q F C R C G (PF) 1/2 R E B A H E 2-P Port size A H 2-P Port size B DIN connector: D Conduit terminal: T 2-M 2-M L L K Cable 6.8 to 10 K 27.5 F F Q (Q) 34 S 25 U R C R C G (PF) 1/2 (44) E B A H D (S) E G (PF) 1/2 B A H D 2-P Port size 2-P Port size N.C.
1/8 23.4 27.4 39.8 45.8 17.6 14 R 1/4 25.4 31.4 39.8 45.8 17.6 12 R 1/8 26.7 30.7 45.3 52.8 24 14 R 1/4 28.7 34.7 45.3 52.8 24 17 R 3/8 30.4 36.7 45.3 52.8 24 17 R 1/4 33.8 39.8 49.6 55.6 30 17 R 3/8 35.5 41.8 49.6 55.6 30 22 R 1/2 37.6 45.8 49.6 55.6 30 Dimension with cover Reference dimension of R thread after installation.
Sphere Position of rotation shaft: Diameter a b r r r = m 12 a2 + b2 = m 2 r2 = m 5 2r2 = m 4 r2 9. When a load is mounted on the end of the lever 10. Gear transmission (B) (A) Number of teeth = a r a2 a1 1. Find the moment of inertia B for the rotation of shaft (B). 2. Then, replace the moment of inertia B around the shaft (A) by A, m2 + m2a22 + K 3 a12 = m1 m1 (Ex.)
Position ot pivot:Diameter .r=W.ts s 4
Auto switch capable (water resistant type) Note) RBL (coolant resistant) type shock absorbers are used. 20 to 50 Front mounting flange Dimensions 32 to 50 Front mounting flange R Y + Stroke Front mounting flange 63 Y + Stroke Q X 63 to 100 Front mounting flange R Y + Stroke (mm) Bore size (mm) 63 50 40 32 25 20 R 16 16 15 14 14 14 Y 119 116 101 90 88 88 Dimensions other than the above are
Grommet: G Conduit: C Approx. 300 Approx. 280 D D Q F Q F C C G (PF) 1/2 R R E E A H 2-P Port size 2-M B B A H 2-P Port size 2-M L L K K DIN connector: D Conduit terminal: T Cable 6.8 to 10 27.5 F F Q (Q) S 34 25 U R C R C (44) G (PF) 1/2 E B A H D 2-P Port size (S) E G (PF) 1/2 B A H D 2-M 2-P Port size 2-M L L K K N.C.
B e r u t y q w Immersion type q Piping 10 1 (25A) w Tank size e IN/OUT port size r Thread type H Immersion type 6 6 inch Nil None R Rc N NPT F G y Fluid and ambient temperatures t Outlet pipe dimensions and thread type ( p. 9 ) Symbol 1 2 3 4 Pipe projection Short Long Short Long Thread type None None G1" G1" B 40 to 60C u Pilot port size Nil 1/4 1 1/8 Pipe thread (Pipe for the OUT port
AI Inlel pressure 0.7MPa /71 kgf/cm21 , outlel pressure 0.2MPa 1 2.0kgflcm21. flow rale 20 / min (ANR) AR2001-02 AR2001-02 0.25 -r-=:: lf~1 ~ "'" ~ :'.. ::;; 0.2 ~r. " 5 OJ> ~ o . 3k-1-j.-:=.
The port at a right angle to them is 3(R) port (EXH). Be sure to comfirm before connecting since erroneous connection will cause malfunction. 2. When the valve is exposed to a large amount of dust and debris, install a silencer on 3(R) port (EXH) to protect the valve. Otherwise, dust will ingress from 3(R) port and cause air leakage.
port (with plug) MK(2) RS Q G 54.4 (GZ: 55.1) [56.1] RS H A RZQ MI W S M5 x 0.8 P port CEP1 C + Stroke B + Stroke A + Stroke M5 x 0.8 R port CE1 CE2 [ ]: Denotes AC.
SV OU T 1 [Tips] OU T 2 AL 2 C OM R D Y DI AL 1 Status when control is stopped Lights up when control is stopped. When control is stopped, the RDY LED lights up.
Light/surge voltage suppressor circuit is equipped for the valve type J, K and R.