Number of Ports: 2 Port, Piping Direct., Plunger Length: 0 (Side Ported, Long), Body Option: U (w/Bottom Mounting Thread), Port Size: N01 (NPT 1/8, Side Ported Only), Actuator Type: 05 (Straight Plunger), Suffix: None, Indicator: None
Number of Ports: 3 Port, Piping Direct., Plunger Length: 0 (Side Ported, Long), Body Option: U (w/Bottom Mounting Thread), Port Size: N01 (NPT 1/8, Side Ported Only), Actuator Type: 06 (Roller Plunger), Suffix: None, Indicator: None
Regulator Mounting: A (Direct Mount), IN/OUT Fitting Type: 07 [IN/ø6 (Straight) - OUT/ø4 (Straight)], Accessory: A (w/Pressure Gauge)
Nozzle Diameter: 07 (ø0.7mm), Vacuum Pressure: S (-89 kPa), SUP: 06 (One-touch Fitting ø6), VAC: 06 (One-touch Fitting ø6)
Nozzle Diameter: 07 (ø0.7mm), Vacuum Pressure: L (-48 kPa), SUP: 06 (One-touch Fitting ø6), VAC: 06 (One-touch Fitting ø6)
.: 07 (1/4"), Pilot Port Thread Type: 2 (M5X0.8)
Body Style: U (Unit Type w/2 Way Valve), Applicable Tube OD: 07 (1/4), Port B OUT: 03 (1/8)
Body Style: U (Unit Type w/2 Way Valve), Applicable Tube OD: 03 (1/8), Port B OUT: 07 (1/4)
Body Style: U (Unit Type w/2 Way Valve), Applicable Tube OD: 07 (1/4), Port B OUT: 05 (3/16)
Body Class: Class 2, A port -IN- Applicable Tubing Size: 07 (1/4), B Port -OUT- Different Dia. Size: 06 (ø6)
Model: LVH30 (Body Class 3, N.C.), Lever Operation: L (Locking), Tube Size: 11 (3/8"), Output Tube Size: 07 (1/4")
Model: 3 (10-SY3000), Stations: 07, A, B Port Size: N3 (Applicable One-touch Fitting for ø5/32"), Thread: T (NPTF)
Body Size: 10, Type: T (Tube Porting), Tube Size: 07 (ø1/4" Tube Extensión - ø1/4" x ø5/32" Integral Fitting)
.: 07 (1/4"), Port Size/Applicable Tube: 09 (5/16")
.: 07 (1/4"), Port Size/Applicable Tube: N02 (1/4" Thread)
.: 07 (1/4"), Port Size/Applicable Tube: N02 (1/4" Thread)
.: 07 (1/4"), Port Size/Applicable Tube: 00 (Same Dia. Tube)
Stations: 07 Stations, Port Size: C6 (ø6 One-touch Fitting), Cable Length: 0 [Lead Wire (25 Cores) 0.6 m Lead Wire]
Handle Position: A (Upper), Piping: 4 (IN: Top/OUT: Bottom), Stations: 8 Stations, Fitting: 07 (IN: Straight Ø6, OUT: Straight Ø4)
Handle Position: A (Upper), Piping: 1 (IN/OUT: Bottom), Stations: M (10 Stations), Fitting: 07 (IN: Straight Ø6, OUT: Straight Ø4)