Stations: 10 Stations, Piping: P Common, R Common, A Side, Thread: -, Option: -, CE/UKCA Compliant: -
Stations: 12 Stations, Piping: P Common, R Common, A Side, Thread: -, Option: -, CE/UKCA Compliant: -
Stations: 3 Stations, Piping: P Common, R Individual, A Side, Thread: -, Option: -, CE/UKCA Compliant: -
Stations: 2 Stations, Piping: P Common, R Individual, A Side, Thread: -, Option: -, CE/UKCA Compliant: -
Stations: 3 Stations, Piping: P Common, R Common, A Side, Thread: -, Option: -, CE/UKCA Compliant: -
Stations: 4 Stations, Piping: P Common, R Individual, A Side, Thread: -, Option: -, CE/UKCA Compliant: -
Body Class: Class 2, Stations: 2 Stations, Port Size: 1/4, Class 2, Thread: R, Rc
Piping: Base Mounted, Bar Manifold, Individual Wiring, External Pilot, Stations: 2 Stations, Port Size: 1/4, Thread: -
Size: 20, Backflow Function: None, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 01 (1/8), Accessory: G (Round Pressure Gauge w/Limit Indicator)
Size: 20, Backflow Function: None, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 01 (1/8), Accessory: BE (B+E), Specifications: 3Y (3+Y)
Size: 20, Backflow Function: K (Backflow Function), Thread: Rc, Port Size: 01 (1/8), Accessory: None, Specifications: 3Y (3+Y)
Size: 20, Backflow Function: None, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 01 (1/8), Accessory: BE (B+E), Specifications: 1Y (1 + Y)
Size: 20, Backflow Function: None, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 01 (1/8), Accessory: BG (B+G), Specifications: 3Y (3+Y)
Sensor Range: 0 [Positive Pressure (0~1MPa)], Accuracy: ±2%F.S., Port Size: 01 [R 1/8(w/M5 Female)]
Output Specification: IO-Link/Switch: 1 Output, PNP or NPN, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Piping Specification: 01 (R1/8)
Size: 20, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 01 (1/8), Options: 6 (0.1 to 0.6MPa Set Pressure Range), -A: -A
Sensor Range: 1 [For Vacuum (0~-101kPa)], Accuracy: ±2%F.S., Port Size: 01 [R 1/8(w/M5 Female)]
Size: 22, Type: R (Pressure Reduction Function), Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 01 (1/8), Tubing O.D: 07 (1/4")
Series: 3 (VFA3000), Actuation: 1 (2 Position Single), Body: 30, A, B Port Size: 01 (1/8), Thread: N (NPT)
Series: 3 (VFA3000), Actuation: 2 (2 Position Double), Body: 30, A, B Port Size: 01 (1/8), Thread: N (NPT)