LEKFS Series Workpiece mounting pitch: Same dimensions Table width Height q LEFS Series Height w Body mounting pitch: Same dimensions Body width The body bottom positioning pin holes have been standardized.
5 u q y e t !2 w i A CJ1 CJP CJ2 A Cylinder tube sectional view A-A !0 o CM2 CG1 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com Component Parts MB No. q w e r t y u i o !0 !1 No.
3 q !1 y r i e Component Parts Description Material Material Note Note Description No. q w e r t y u No. i o !0 !1 !2 !
3 IN(P1) r OUT(P2) VXB B A OUT(P2) A B VXE IN(P1) C C IN(P1) e e q w VXP q w VXD2A VXD2B VXR !4 i VXH !4 u u !0 VXF A B !1 i VX3 !2 !0 !2 VXA o !1 t !3 o OUT (P2) w IN(P1) !3 B r OUT(P2) A r IN (P1) e C e IN(P1) C q w q VXD2E, 2F, 2G VXD2C, 2D Component Parts Operation
Small guide 32 mm 32 mm 6 23 mm 0.6 kg Purpose of usage q Guide rigidity and a large table surface are necessary but thrust is not needed.
2 e @1 q @7 @5 @8 CXSL10 CXSL15 @0!5 @9@3@4r!8w!9!3 i!0 @2ut!6 @0 !5 @9 @4 r w !8 !9 !3 i !0 @2 u t !6 !4ye!1!2 q @1 !4 y e !1 !2 @3 @1 q CXSL20 to 32 @0 !5!6@3@4r!8w!7o i!0u@2t !4 y e !1 !2 q @1 Component Parts: Standard Piping Component Parts No.
2 e @1 q @7 @5 @8 MY CXSM10 CXSM15 CY @0 !5 @9 @4 r w !3 i !0 @2 u t !6 @0 !5 @9@3@4r w !3i!0@2u t!6 MG Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com CX D-X 20!4 y e !1 !2 @3 @1 q !4y e !1 !2 q @1 Data CXSM20 to 32 @0 !5 !6 @3 @4rw o i !0 u @2 t !4 y e !1 !
2 q w r y !5 i q w r y !5 !6 i Component Parts Component Parts Description Note Material No.
stroke (Basic) (mm) U S R K L Oh9 Q F E C B A Model MKB20 MKB25 0 0.052 0 0.052 0.15 0.15 4 31 62 72.5 24.5 48 36 46.8 36 13.5 0.15 0.15 7.5 20 5 32 63 73.5 27.5 53.8 40 52 40 16 8 23 Note 1) Above figure is for D-A73/A80.
9 i@2 q r y #0$0 $2 w $3 #8 @9 A C CJ1 CJP CJ2 B CM2 Section A !2 !2 !22 $1 e $8 o $7!1@1!6 @5 u!0 $6 #7 #6 $4@8#9 @6 #4 C85 with through piston rod C76 100 80 63 50 40 32 CG1 #1 #2 Section B Section C MB MB1 80, 100 80, 100 CP95 Description Material Note Parts list Description Material Note Parts list No. q w e r t y u i o !
9 @0 @1 @2 @3 @4 Material Description Spring washer Set screw Rod end nut Wear ring Cushion seal Rod seal Piston seal Cushion valve seal Cylinder tube gasket Piston gasket Magnet No. q w e r t y u i o !0 !1 !2 !
9i @2 q r y#0 $0 $2 w $3 #8 @9 A C B Section A !2 !2 #4 @6 #9 @8 $4 #2 #1 #6 #7 $6 !0 u @5 !6 @1 !1 $7 o $8 e $1 !2 Section B Section C 100 80 63 50 40 32 80, 100 80, 100 Description Material Note Parts list Description Material Note Parts list No. No.
135 12 14 180 158 250 228 25 25 Rc 1/4 200 M12 x 1.75 depth 28 115 76 214 160 138 75 262 70 M12 268 155 16 14 200 178 284 262 27 30 Rc 3/8 230 M14 x 2 depth 30 125 80 245 190 153 85 304 80 M14 310 175 16 16 226 200 326 300 30 32 Rc 1/2 280 For long strokes Bracket mounting strokes Bore size (mm) Stroke range (mm) Bore size (mm) Bore size (mm) Bracket mounting stroke Z Y X W V U T S R Q Y
1 q y !3 o i !4 !2 u t e w CHQ CHK CHK CHN CHM CHS CH2 32 to 100 20 to 25 CHA Related Products DWithout auto switch Parts List Replacement Parts/Seal Kit Content Description No.
ML2B ML1C REA REC Installation and Adjustment/ Regarding Clamp Arm Removal and Reinstallation RHC MTS q During the removal or reinstallation of the clamp arm, make sure to use a wrench or a vise to secure the clamp arm before removing or tightening the bolt.
Substitute 11.7 J for E and 0.3 for . 30.7 36.8 43.0 67.5 73.6 92.0 153 J 38.5 46.2 53.9 84.7 92.4 115 192 Substitute both absorbed energy E and collision speed for Data A in order to calculate the corresponding weight of the impacting object. 50.3 60.3 70.4 111 121 151 251 Me 260 kg D63.6 76.3 89.1 140 153 191 318 7.
Substitute 11.7 J for E and 0.3 for . 30.7 36.8 43.0 67.5 73.6 92.0 153 J 38.5 46.2 53.9 84.7 92.4 115 192 Substitute both absorbed energy E and collision speed for Data A in order to calculate the corresponding weight of the impacting object. 50.3 60.3 70.4 111 121 151 251 Me 260 kg D63.6 76.3 89.1 140 153 191 318 7.
t0 I Recommended Circuits I q+"'"' A,.r rr.nv . . . 1 1 I I I Construction/Parts List .12 l J l / 18-20 I nuto Switch Specif ications . .21 I nuto Switch Circuit Diagrams. .22 I Ruto Switch Dimensions/Operating Range .23 I Ruto Switch Connection . .24 I Ruto Switch MountinS. . .25 r"-"--'-""' I Annaccnriac I Pranar riinne .26 r "-"-" tri*,t l x}$x:? xxxs !
or more since balance pressule set by regulator q) is to become releasing pressure. Both Sol A and Sol B can accept directoperated type or pilot operated type. Diagram 2. veriical upward mounting (Uae Spring look-uP) g Y ; As compared with Diagram 3, this circuit employs s-port valve instead ot Sol A laving the othe( unchanged.