Body size Port size Port M5 01 Nil M5 01 1(P), 2(A), 3(R) M5 IR-A A Body ported 8 1 Without sub-plate M5 IR Base mounted B Position for port P1 8 1 IRV 3 VEX1 3 10 G 5 VEX VEX SRH Regulator valve Option Bracket Foot Pressure gauge Silencer for bleed port Dimensions of port P1
AK ASS ASR Flow Rate and Effective Area ASF Model AS121FM AS131FM AS221FM-01 AS231FM-01 AS221FM-02 AS231FM-02 3.2, 4, 6 6, 8 3.2, 4 8, 10 4 6 Metric size Tubing O.D. 1/8", 5/32", 3/16" 1/4" 3/16", 1/4" 5/16" 1/4", 5/16" 3/8" 1/8", 5/32" 5/32" 3/16" Inch size Air flow (l/min(ANR)) 7 12 38 Controlled flow JIS Symbol 0.1 Effective area (mm2) 0.2 0.6 Flow rate (l/min(ANR)) 230 180 460 260 390
SOL. location A B A B A B A B () A B () () 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Double Double Single SI unit A side B side 3 position A B A B B A B A B A VQC Double Double Single SI unit A side B side 3 position Stations 1 2 3 4 5 SQ The places of asterisk are not used. 3 position uses two stations for wiring.
D ENSIONS A B c D E F 2.66 (67.5) 2.42 (61.5) (14) 0.28 17', 0.16 (4) 1.42 (36) ,ltrF-l rD C Solsnoid DIN "Electricrl Connector" 'AC" Vottage only ml--l l "*---l-l I .f;T.
: 0.5 MPa 12, 13 10, 11 Flow rate (l/min (ANR)) Flow rate (l/min (ANR)) 10, 11, 12 Effective area (mm2) Effective area (mm2) 08, 09 AS 06, 07 ASP ASN AQ Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations ASV AK JIS Symbol Flow Direction Symbols on Body ASS Meter-out type Meter-in type ASR Symbol JIS Symbol ASF Flow Rate and Effective Area AS121F AS131F AS221F-01 AS231F-01 AS221F-02 AS231F
VV5K3-20-06 [Option] Note) CE-compliant: For DIN terminal only VV5K3-40-06-M5 Common SUP/Common EXH How to Order Type 20: Body ported (A, B port top ported) 20 05 VV5K3 Applicable solenoid valve VK3120--M5(-Q) VK3120--01(-Q) VK332--M5(-Q) VK332--01(-Q) A port: Rc 1/8, M5 x 0.8 A, B port Rc 1/8, M5 x 0.8 VK3120 Valve stations VK332 Thread type Q CE-compliant Nil CE-compliant 01 1 station
11 L 11 L (SOL1) L+ 12 13 L+ 12 NOTE 8 (SOL2) Ex i Barrier 13 L+ (SOL PWR1) (SOL PWR2) TOP SW+ TOP SW BTM SW+ BTM SW Ui (Vmax) Ii (Imax) Pi (Pmax) Li Ci L 14 L 13 NOTE 8 L+ L 14 16 L+ 14 Uo (Voc) Ui (Vmax) Io (Isc) Ii (Imax) Po Pi (Pmax) 15 L 15 16 L+ L+ 16 17 L L+ 18 Notes 1.
Setting Position (mm) D-C7 D-C8 D-C73C D-C80C D-G39 D-K39 D-A33, A34 D-A44 D-B5 D-B6 D-H7l D-H7C D-G5NTL D-H7lW D-H7lF D-H7BAL D-B59W Bore size (mm) A B A B A B A B A B A B A B 20 56.0 31.5 50.0 25.5 55.0 30.5 51.5 27.0 53.5 29.0 53.0 28.5 49.5 25.0 25 56.0 31.5 50.0 25.5 55.0 30.5 51.5 27.0 53.5 29.0 53.0 28.5 49.5 25.0 32 59.5 36.5 53.5 30.5 58.0 35.5 55.0 32.5 57.0 34.0 56.5 33.5 53.0
SRH VBA20A-03 VBA20A-F03 VBA10A-02 VBA10A-F02 VBA11A-02 VBA11A-F02 G27-20-01 AN20-02 ANA1-02 KT-VBA10A-18 VBA40A-04 VBA40A-F04 VBA22A-03 VBA22A-F03 VBA42A-04 VBA42A-F04 VBA43A-04 VBA43A-F04 Model Description Pressure gauge Silencer High-noise reduction silencer Elbow for silencer SRP G N S L G36-10-01 AN30-03 ANA1-03 KT-VBA22A-7 AN30-03 ANA1-03 G36-10-01 AN40-04 ANA1-04 G27-20-01 AN40-
Model Option AR20(K)-B AR25(K)-B AR30(K)-B AR40(K)-B AR40(K)-06-B AR50(K)-B AR60(K)-B Bracket assembly *1 AR23P-270AS AR28P-270AS AR33P-270AS AR43P-270AS AR52P-270AS Set nut AR23P-260S AR28P-260S AR33P-260S AR43P-260S *2 Round type *3 Standard G36-10-01 G46-10-01 0.02 to 0.2 MPa setting G36-4-01 G46-4-01 Round type *3 (with color zone) Standard G36-10-01-L G46-10-01-L Pressure gauge 0.02
N-04 N-06 L-04 L-06 S-04 S-06 LL-04 LL-06 4 6 N-08 8 N-10 10 N-12 12 4 6 L-08 8 L-10 10 L-12 12 4 6 S-08 8 S-10 10 S-12 12 4 6 LL-08 8 LL-10 10 LL-12 12 Precautions Be sure to read before handling.
VCHC AS1201F, AS1211F AS2201F-01, AS2211F-01 AS2201F-02, AS2211F-02 ASR ASQ Inlet pressure 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure 0.5 MPa Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations AS4201F, AS4211F AS3201F, AS3211F Inlet pressure 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure 0.5 MPa Flow rate (L/
Twist selector (3 position) VM131-01-35 (R, B, G, Y) A VM151-01-35 (R, B, G, Y) A Panel mounting hole ON 45 T.T.
Porting specifications 4(A), 2(B) port Port size Applicable valve model Base model Wiring 1(P), 5(R1) 3 (R2) 4(A) 2(B) Stations Plug-in type VV5ZS2-51F VV5ZS2-51G 2 to 16 stations With D-sub connector With attachment plug lead wire Rc VZS250-FZ 1 8 Rc 1 8 Side Grommet L plug connector M plug connector K plug connector C4 VZS250G L M KZ Non plug-in type VV5ZS2-51 2 to 24 stations C6
Japanese N ...North American No Of Needle Revolutions 10 Turns / 8 Turns (AS1001F) Applicable Tube Material Nylon, Soft Nylon, Polyurethane A P P L I C A B L E T U B E OD B O D Y S I Z E mm 23 32 04 4 06 6 08 8 10 10 12 12 Inch 01 1/8 03 5/32 05 3/16 07 1/4 09 5/16 11 3/8 13 1/2 100 ...M5 (04, 06) 200 ...1/8 (04, 06) 205 ...1/4 (06, 08) 300 ...3/8 (06, 08, 10, 12) 400 ...1/2 (10, 12) W I
01, AS2211FG-01 AS2201FG-02, AS2211FG-02 Inlet pressure 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure 0.5 MPa Flow rate (l/min (ANR)) Flow rate (l/min (ANR)) Flow rate (l/min (ANR)) Effective area (mm2) Effective area (mm2) Effective area (mm2) Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations AS4201FG, AS4211FG AS3201FG, AS3211FG Inlet pressure 0.5 MPa Inlet
NPT thread Model Model 10-32 UNF M5 3/8 1/8 1/4 1/2 3/8 1/8 1/4 1/2 AKH04 AKH06 AKH08 AKH10 AKH12 AKH03 AKH07 AKH09 AKH11 AKH13 4 6 8 10 12 5/32 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 From One-touch fitting to male thread B Bushing type AKB 01 A 01 S With seal (Standard) Body size Port size 01 1/8 01 1/8 Thread type 02 1/4 02 1/4 03 3/8 Nil R 03 3/8 04 1/2 N NPT 04 1/2 Check valve free flow direction Female/Male
+ B) x 103 M Yaw moment M3 = m x g x (L + A) x 103 M Roll moment M2 = m x g x (L + B) x 103 (mm) Model CYP15 CYP32 A 16.5 27.0 B 25.5 48.0 L B L B L A M1, 2, 3 : Moment [Nm] m : Load mass [kg] L : Distance to load center of gravity [mm] A, B : Distance to guide shaft [mm] g : Gravitational acceleration [9.8m/s] M2 M1 M3 m x g m x g Guide shaft mounting surface m x g Guide central axis Cylinder
+ B) x 103 M Yaw moment M3 = m x g x (L + A) x 103 M Roll moment M2 = m x g x (L + B) x 103 (mm) Model CYP15 CYP32 A 16.5 27.0 B 25.5 48.0 L B L B L A M1, 2, 3 : Moment [Nm] m : Load mass [kg] L : Distance to load center of gravity [mm] A, B : Distance to guide shaft [mm] g : Gravitational acceleration [9.8m/s] M2 M1 M3 m x g m x g Guide shaft mounting surface m x g Guide central axis Cylinder
+ B) x 103 Yaw moment M3 = m x g x (L + A) x 103 Roll moment M2 = m x g x (L + B) x 103 (mm) Model CYP15 CYP32 A 16.5 27.0 B 25.5 48.0 L B L B L A M1, 2, 3 : Moment [Nm] m : Load mass [kg] L : Distance to load center of gravity [mm] A, B : Distance to guide shaft [mm] g : Gravitational acceleration [9.8m/s] M2 M1 M3 m x g m x g Guide shaft mounting surface m x g Guide central axis Cylinder