AMR3000 to 6000 Series How to Order Adapter Assembly (Part number for one piece) 03 AMR 4 0 00 02 E 3 Auto-drain Pressure gauge mounting Port size 02 03 04 06 10 ARJ MR unit 1 None With auto drain 0 Flow direction: Right to left Nil Flow direction: Left to right Applicable model 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 Nil E2 E3 E4 E6 E10 R 3 4 5 6 AMR3 00-02 to 03 AMR4 00-02 to 04 AMR5 00-04 to 06 AMR6 00-10 AR425
HRX-OM-W038 Contents Contents Chapter 1 Safety Instructions . 1-1 1.1 Before using the product . 1-1 1.2 Reading the Manual . 1-1 1.3 Hazards . 1-2 1.3.1 Level of hazards . 1-2 1.3.2 Definition of Serious injury and Minor injury . 1-2 1.3.3 Types of hazard labels . 1-3 1.3.4 Locations of Hazard Labels . 1-4 1.4 Other Labels . 1-5 1.4.1 Product Label . 1-5 1.5 Safety Measures . 1-5 1.5.1 Safety
-00 KPQL10-00 18.5 16 25 35 23 6.8 28.4 M L 8 12 KPGL12-00 KPQL12-00 20.9 20 40 50 24 7.5 30.4 Note 1) D indicates the maximum diameter.
s b l t h g i e W ) 7 . 0 ( 4 5 . 1 ) 1 . 1 ( 3 4 . 2 ) 5 . 2 ( 1 5 . 5 ) 5 . 4 ( 2 9 . 9 t e k c a r B P 4 2 B P 5 2 B e g u a G 5 2 O R A N . d t S ) g i s p 0 6 1 ~ 0 ( n o i t p O K50A-MP1.0-N02M K50A-MP2.0-N02M 5 3 O R A N . d t S ) g i s p 0 3 ~ 0 ( How To Order N R NAR 4 25 02 B Body size Option 4 1/2 6 1 8 11/2 9 2 Nil None R IN-OUT Reversal (RightLeft) Pressure regulating range
HRX-OM-R016 Contents Contents Chapter 1 Safety Instructions . 1-1 1.1 Before using the product . 1-1 1.2 Reading the Manual . 1-1 1.3 Hazards . 1-2 1.3.1 Level of hazards . 1-2 1.3.2 Definition of Serious injury and Minor injury . 1-2 1.3.3 Types of hazard labels . 1-3 1.3.4 Locations of Hazard Labels . 1-4 1.4 Other Labels . 1-5 1.4.1 Product Label . 1-5 1.5 Safety Measures . 1-5 1.5.1 Safety
HRX-OM-O021 Contents Contents Chapter 1 Safety Instructions . 1-1 1.1 Before using the product . 1-1 1.2 Reading the Manual . 1-1 1.3 Hazards . 1-2 1.3.1 Level of hazards . 1-2 1.3.2 Definition of Serious injury and Minor injury . 1-2 1.3.3 Types of hazard labels . 1-3 1.3.4 Locations of Hazard Labels . 1-4 1.4 Other Labels . 1-5 1.4.1 Product Label . 1-5 1.4.2 Earth Label . 1-5 1.5 Safety
B C D 44 Mounting J ig to the piston 43 Mounting to workpiece Fem ale thread type Male thread type D o No.LZ-OM00401 B (3/3) (44) 1908-56 38 88 Hungary (36) 1-371 1343 Turkey (90) 212 221 15 12 Finland (358) 9-859 580 Portugal (351) 22 610 89 22 Denmark (45) 70 25 29 00 Poland (48) 22-548 50 85 Greece (30) 1-342 60 76 Switzerland (41) 52-396 31 31 France (33) 1-64 76 10 00 Spain (34) 945-
HRX-OM-R005 Contents Contents Chapter 1 Safety Instructions . 1-1 1.1 Before using the product . 1-1 1.2 Reading the Manual . 1-1 1.3 Hazards . 1-2 1.3.1 Level of hazards . 1-2 1.3.2 Definition of Serious injury and Minor injury . 1-2 1.3.3 Types of hazard labels . 1-3 1.3.4 Locations of Hazard Labels . 1-4 1.4 Other Labels . 1-5 1.4.1 Product Label . 1-5 1.4.2 Earth Label . 1-5 1.5 Safety
HRX-OM-M090 Contents Contents Chapter 1 Safety Instructions . 1-1 1.1 Before using the product . 1-1 1.2 Reading the Manual . 1-1 1.3 Hazards . 1-2 1.3.1 Level of hazards . 1-2 1.3.2 Definition of Serious injury and Minor injury . 1-2 1.3.3 Types of hazard labels . 1-3 1.3.4 Locations of Hazard Labels . 1-4 1.4 Other Labels . 1-5 1.4.1 Product Label . 1-5 1.5 Safety Measures . 1-5 1.5.1 Safety
(mm) Polyurethane Soft nylon D L M Part No. 4 3.2 KAH23-00 31.5 32.5 34.5 18.5 21 22 15.5 16 17 15.2 18.5 20.9 9.6 10.4 12.8 46.1 46.1 29.5 29.5 18.0 18.0 4 3 3 KAH04-00 KAH06-00 13.1 13.1 5.6 5.6 3.4 2.9 8 6 38.5 42.5 44.5 KAH08-00 6 11 12 10 KAH10-00 KAH12-00 14 Different diameter straight: KAH Tube O.D.
64 76 10 00 Spain (34) 945-18 41 00 Belgium (32) 3-355 14 64 Netherlands (31) 20-531 8 Germany (49) 6103 4020 Sweden (46) 8-603 12 00 (420) 5-414 24611 Norway (47) 67 12 90 20 Austria (43) 2262-62 280 Italy (39) 02-927 11 Fig.2-1 P-clip Fig.2-2 U-clip Fig.2-3 Soldering Country Telephone Country Telephone *Websites Kingdom Ireland (351) 1-403 9000 United SMC Corporation SMC
NFC Reader/Writer Operation Manual EXW1-NT1 P/N:CIR315C-01 IC ID: 21344-WEX06 FCC ID: 2AJE7SMC-WEX06 CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B) U.S.
-06-00 13.7 15.4 6.2 40.7 8 6 6 10.0 11.6 6 11.6 40.7 6.2 14.7 26.7 13.7 13.7 AQ340F-06-06 AQ340F-06-00 13.7 19.5 6.3 44.8 13 6 6 11.8 11.6 11 11.6 44.8 6.3 19.6 31.7 13.7 13.7 AQ240F-07-07 AQ240F-07-00 13.7 15.4 6.2 40.7 8 10.0 1/4" 1/4" 12 6 12 40.7 6.2 15.1 27.3 13.7 13.7 AQ340F-07-07 AQ340F-07-00 16.8 20.3 7.1 52.2 13 11.8 1/4" 1/4" 13.2 11 13.2 52.2 7.1 20.0 33.1 16.8 13.7 557
1/4 thread G 1/4 thread NPT 1/4 thread NPTF 1/4 thread Rc 1/4 thread G 1/4 thread NPT 1/4 thread NPTF 1/4 thread 0 3 PA331n (Standard assembly) PAP331n (Clean-room assembly) Automatically operated type Air pilot actuation type P11N* P11T* PAP331n (Clean-room assembly) P13 P13F* P13N* P13T* Port sizes marked "*" are optional.
With external pilot specifications (Pitch) 22.3 33.8 P = 10.5 13.5 18.1 8.4 10 12.6 23 63 28.6 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 45.5 5 3 E 5 3 E 5 3 E 5 3 E 59 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B P 1 P 1 P 1 P 1 PE PE One-touch fitting [1(P), 3/5(E) port] Applicable tubing O.D.: 8 5/16" One-touch fitting [4(A), 2(B) port] Applicable tubing O.D.: 3.2, 1/8" 4, 5/32" 6, 1/4" X X (
B-1 A-1 B-2 A-2 B-3 A-3 Circuit Cable color Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Blue 2 1 6 5 3 4 A A B B COM-A/COM COM-B/ S Standard cable Cable color Connector D terminal no.
Supply NC output NO output Exhaust of NC exhaust of NO Pilot tor NC Pilot for NO P A B R s z Y P A B R1 R2 z Y P A B EA EB PA PB 1 2 4 3 5 1 2 1 4 Table 7.2 Typical port identitications M O N O S T A B L E A N D B I S T A B L E Spring returned valves are monostable. They have a defined prefened position to which they automatically retum.
This will be demonstrated with one xample: the given cycle is: A+, B+, A-, C+, D+, IL BGlf we divide the sequence frcm the tront we get the result as below a 3 Group Cascade: lA+, B+,1 A-, C+, D+,1 DBC-. lf we divide the sequence frcm lhe rear we lind lhal we now have only 2 groups, as the movements A+,D,B-,Ccan all be performed with the same group air: A+,1 B+, A-, G+, D+,1 IL BC..
cable Orange 9 B B-6 Black 8 B A-6 3 Actuator side Controller side (14.2) (b) 2 1 (8) (a) B 1 A1 (14) B1 (17.7) 6 5 (c) 2 1 (18) A6 B6 15 16 L (11) (30.7) 12.4 Actuator cable (8-20m) (a) (b) L E C P Signal name Terminal Cable colour Terminal number number Brown 2 A B-1 Red 1 A A-1 Cable length [L] Orange 6 B B-2 8 8mNote) Yellow 5 B A-2 Green 3 COM-A/COM B-3 A 10mNote) Blue 4 COM-B/ A-3
E Octagon Port size C T-interface B Center of F.R.L. body D A C 12 D 14 E 8 B 19 A 11 Port size M5 x 0.8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/4 3/8 1/4 3/8 3/8 1/2 Model Y110-M5 Y210-01 Y210-02 Y310-01 Y310-02 Y410-02 Y410-03 Y510-02 Y510-03 Y610-03 Y610-04 Applicable model AC10, AC10B AC20, AC20B AC20C AC25, AC25B AC25C, AC30 AC30B, AC30C AC40, AC40B AC40C 32 28 19 42 15 39 30 19 53 15 44 36 24 62 19 Caution