An application which could have negative effects on people, property, or animals requiring special safety analysis. 4.
An application which could have negative effects on people, property, or animals requiring special safety analysis. 4.
Absolutely never use in an atmosphere where explosive gases are used. The compact manometer does not have explosion proof construction. If used in an atmosphere of explosive gases, there is a possibility of causing an explosion, and therefore, should absolutely not be used under these conditions. 1. The compact manometer can be used for measurement of air and non-corrosive gases.
The product does not have an explosion proof construction. Be sure to take measures to prevent the area around the product from becoming filled with an explosive gas, when using an explosive fluid. 394
Absolutely never use in an atmosphere where explosive gases are used. The compact manometer does not have explosion proof construction. If used in an atmosphere of explosive gases, there is a possibility of causing an explosion, and therefore, should absolutely not be used under these conditions. 1. The compact manometer can be used for measurement of air and non-corrosive gases.
Use it when you want to remove water but air as dry as that from an air dryer is not necessary, or when a power supply for an air dryer is not available, etc.
Use it when you want to remove water but air as dry as that from an air dryer is not necessary, or when a power supply for an air dryer is not available, etc.
Note 2) Impact resistance: No malfunction resulted during an impact test using a drop impact tester. The test was performed one time each in the axial and right angle directions of the main valve and armature for both energized and de-energized conditions. Vibration resistance: No malfunction resulted during an one-sweep test between 8.3 and 2000 Hz.
Piston speed mm/s Piston speed mm/s Piston speed mm/s Features 6
/M AI N TEN AN CE At t ach t o t he m ai n pi pi ng t o rem ove cont am i nant s of oi l , w at er, f orei gn m at eri al i n com pressed ai r. Fi l t rat i on rat i ng3 m ( Fi l t rat i on ef f i ci ency99% ) Fl ui d ot her t han com pressed ai r Ai r pressure m ore t han 1. 0 M Pa** and 0. 05M Pa* or l ess Fol l ow i ng envi ronm ent s l ead to cause breakage.
Dynamic viscosity [m2/s] Viscosity [Pas] Density [kg/m3] Formulas below can be used for common units 1cP = 1mPas = 10-3Pas 1cSt = 1mm2/s = 10-6m2/s 13 Working Principle 1. When air is supplied, it passes through the switching valve and enters drive chamber B. 2.
Dynamic viscosity [m2/s] Viscosity [Pas] Density [kg/m3] Formulas below can be used for common units 1cP = 1mPas = 10-3Pas 1cSt = 1mm2/s = 10-6m2/s Pulsation Attenuating Capacity The process pump generates pulsation because it discharges a liquid using two diaphragms.
An application which could have negative effects on people, property, or animals requiring special safety analysis. 4.
When selecting an exhaust cleaner, refer to the selection method shown below, as the selection method will differ for exhaust from actuator drive systems, etc., and exhaust from ejectors, etc.
Install an air filter near this product on the supply side. Select a filtration degree of 5m or less. 2. Compressed air containing a large amount of drainage can cause malfunction of this product and other pneumatic equipment. As a countermeasure, install an after-cooler, air dryer or water separator, etc. 3.
When selecting an exhaust cleaner, refer to the selection method shown below, as the selection method will differ for exhaust from actuator drive systems, etc., and exhaust from ejectors, etc.
Cylinder speed should be in the range of 50 mm/s to 300 mm/s. In addition, prevent knocking and bounding. Do not give torque to the piston rod. Is torque given to the piston rod?
ZSE50F / ISE50 1 x 10 -5Pam3/s ZSE60F / ISE60 1 x 10 -10Pam3/s IP65 Enclosure Panel mount With bracket Option Panel mount + Front side protection cover To confirm working pressure of hydraulic cylinder Application examples To confirm adsorption of work pieces containing water To confirm primary pressure of cleaning line Features 1 High precision and high resolution 1/2000 (0.1kPa) Positive
U nderst and t hi s operat i on m anual w i l l be revi sed w i t hout not i f i cat i on. To get t he best perf orm ance f rom your purchase, be sure t o read t hi s m anual caref ul l y bef ore use. M I CRO M I ST SEPARATO R Seri es AM D W ARN I N G Chem i cal s Corrosi ve gas + At m osphere Cont ai ni ng organi c sol vent *N .