Type: Other Pressure Gauge / Peripheral Accessories, Maximum Indicated Pressure(Mpa): 0.4, Outer Diameter(φ): 57, Shape: Back side thread, Maximum Indicated Pressure: 0.4 MPa, Connection screw: R 1/4, Option: With M5 (female thread), Size: 57, Transparent cover material: Polycarbonate (Hard coated), Attachment: Clear cover has no protrusion (clear cover cannot be removed), Unit Specifications
Pressure Gauge: ø30 Outside Diameter, Back Side Thread, Display Pressure: 0.4MPa, Connection Thread: R 1/8, Option: Nickel Plated
Body Class: ø4 Orifice, Fitting Type: S, Tube Size: 1/8" or ø3, Output Tube Size: None, Breathing Port Thread: Threaded, NPT1/8, Handle: Multi-turn Type, w/Indicator, Option: Buffer Material FFKM
Body Class: ø4 Orifice, Fitting Type: S, Tube Size: 1/4", Output Tube Size: None, Breathing Port Thread: Threaded, NPT1/8, Handle: Multi-turn Type, w/Indicator, Option: Buffer Material FFKM
Body Class: ø4 Orifice, Fitting Type: V, Tube Size: 1/8" or ø3, Output Tube Size: None, Breathing Port Thread: Threaded, NPT1/8, Handle: Multi-turn Type, w/Indicator, Option: Buffer Material FFKM
Body Class: ø4 Orifice, Fitting Type: V, Tube Size: 1/4", Output Tube Size: None, Breathing Port Thread: Threaded, NPT1/8, Handle: Multi-turn Type, w/Indicator, Option: Buffer Material FFKM
Body Class: ø8 Orifice, Fitting Type: S, Tube Size: 1/4", Output Tube Size: None, Breathing Port Thread: Threaded, NPT1/8, Handle: Multi-turn Type, w/Indicator, Option: Buffer Material FFKM
Body Class: ø8 Orifice, Fitting Type: V, Tube Size: 1/4", Output Tube Size: None, Breathing Port Thread: Threaded, NPT1/8, Handle: Multi-turn Type, w/Indicator, Option: Buffer Material FFKM
Pressure Gauge: ø42 Outside Diameter, Back Side Thread, Display Pressure: 0.4MPa, Connection Thread: R 1/8, Attachment: None, Option: Nickel Plated
Pressure Gauge: ø42 Outside Diameter, Back Side Thread, Display Pressure: 0.4MPa, Connection Thread: R 1/4, Attachment: None, Option: Nickel Plated
Pressure Gauge: ø42 Outside Diameter, Back Side Thread, Display Pressure: 0.4MPa, Connection Thread: R 1/8, M5 Female, Attachment: Clear Cover Removable, Wrench Tighten, Option: -
Pressure Gauge: ø42 Outside Diameter, Back Side Thread, Display Pressure: 0.4MPa, Connection Thread: R 1/4, Attachment: Clear Cover Removable, Wrench Tighten, Option: -
Pressure Gauge: ø42 Outside Diameter, Back Side Thread, Display Pressure: 0.4MPa, Connection Thread: R 1/8, Attachment: None, Option: X3 [Wetted Parts Stainless Steel (Movable Parts Inside are Brass)]
Pressure Gauge: ø42 Outside Diameter, Back Side Thread, Display Pressure: 0.4MPa, Connection Thread: R 1/4, M5 Female, Attachment: Clear Cover w/Protrusion, is Removable, Option: -
Pressure Gauge: ø42 Outside Diameter, Back Side Thread, Display Pressure: 0.4MPa, Connection Thread: R 1/4, Attachment: Clear Cover w/Protrusion, is Removable, Option: -
Pressure Gauge: ø42 Outside Diameter, Back Side Thread, Display Pressure: 0.4MPa, Connection Thread: R 1/4, Attachment: None, Option: X3 [Wetted Parts Stainless Steel (Movable Parts Inside are Brass)]
Pressure Gauge: ø42 Outside Diameter, Back Side Thread, Display Pressure: 0.4MPa, Connection Thread: R 1/8, Attachment: Clear Cover w/Protrusion, is Removable, Option: -
Pressure Gauge: ø42 Outside Diameter, Back Side Thread, Display Pressure: 0.4MPa, Connection Thread: R 1/8, M5 Female, Attachment: Clear Cover w/Protrusion, is Removable, Option: -
Pilot: Internal Pilot, Stations: 4 Stations, Thread: -
Pilot: Internal Pilot, Stations: 4 Stations, Thread: NPT