Environment at an altitude of 1000 meters or higher Heat radiation and withstand voltage will decrease. Contact SMC for details. (2) Do not use in an environment where the product is directly exposed to liquid, such as cutting oils.
Result of endurance test (with the circuit shown on the right) The valve was opened and closed in an internal vacuum state at an ordinary (room) temperature and checked for internal and external leakage and operation.
Time s 0.150.2 s Ex.) For DC24. DC6 V specification, The time to apply starting voltage is same for all voltage. 4-2 XLS-**-P*G (with control power supply) Valve (9) opens when the coil assembly is applied the rated voltage. Valve (9) closes when the coil assembly is stopped being energized.
Move the switch an additional 0.3 to 0.5 mm in the direction of the arrow and fasten it.
PF2 Full scale Same meaning as F .S. Chattering If the ON and OFF setpoints are of identical value with no hysteresis, chattering occurs. Chattering refers to the repeated change of an output from High to Low at a high frequency. IF Full span Same meaning as F .S. Data Condensation Natural phenomenon. Humidity in the air collects on colder surfaces and liquefies.
An application which could have negative effects on people, property, or animals requiring special safety analysis. 4. Use in an interlock circuit, which requires the provision of double interlock for possible failure by using a mechanical protective function, and periodical checks to confirm proper operation. 3 - LAT3 Series/Card Motor Safety Instructions Caution 1.
1 1 C G LJ1 10 S W X10 Guide type Slider guide S X10 Non-standard motor Series Limit switch Series 10 Series 20 Series 30 10 20 30 Cable entry direction Nil None B contact specification 2 pcs.
An air dryer or water separator should be installed upstream from filters. 4. Do not use in an environment where flammable gas or explosive gas exists. Usage may cause a fire or explosion. The products do not have an explosion proof construction. 3. Drain flushing 5.
Install an air filter. Install an air filter upstream near the valve. Select an air filter with a filtration size of 5m or smaller. 2. Install an aftercooler, air dryer or drain catch before the filter. Compressed air that contains excessive foreign material may cause malfunction of valves and other pneumatic equipment. 3. Discharge condensates regularly.
Cautions for use in an interlock circuit When an auto switch is used for an interlock signal requiring high reliability, devise a double interlock system to avoid trouble by providing a mechanical protection function, or by also using another switch (sensor) together with the auto switch. Also perform periodic maintenance inspections and confirm proper operation. 9.
Others 1) Test the unit before using it in an actual equipment application.
Cautions for use in an interlock circuit When an auto switch is used for an interlock signal requiring high reliability, devise a double interlock system to avoid trouble by providing a mechanical protection function, or by also using another switch (sensor) together with the auto switch. Also perform periodic maintenance inspections and confirm proper operation. 9.
Install an air filter. Maintenance 1. Perform maintenance inspection according to the procedures indicated in the operation manual. Warning Install an air filter upstream near the valve. Select an air filter with a filtration size of 5m or smaller. 3. Take measures to ensure air quality, such as by installing an aftercooler, air dryer, or water separator.
Install an air filter. Install an air filter upstream near the valve. Select an air filter with a filtration size of 5m or smaller. 3. Take measures to ensure air quality, such as by installing an aftercooler, air dryer, or water separator. Compressed air that contains a large amount of drainage can cause malfunction of pneumatic equipment such as valves.
Install an air filter. Install an air filter upstream near the valve. Select an air filter with a filtration size of 5m or smaller. 3. Take measures to ensure air quality, such as by installing an aftercooler, air dryer, or water separator. Compressed air that contains a large amount of drainage can cause malfunction of pneumatic equipment such as valves.
El em ent ass y ( gasket , ori ng accessory) m odel num ber: AM EEL*** *** i s AM E si ze sym bol . ( ex. : AM EEL150) H ow t o repl ace el em ent ass y Case N o back f l ow Pl ace w here ai r f l ow s backw ards I N El em ent O ri ng G asket ( N ew ) ( N ew ) O ver rat ed f l ow Year 2008 2009 2010 2021 M ont h J an Feb M ar D ec Ai r onl y !
With nut PAF341 S S 13 0 1 X68 Fitting type Fitting type Products using stainless steel parts (Body tightening bolts, switching valves, etc.)
Only a person having an adequate knowledge and experience of the system should inspect the sensor. If the product is used for an extended period with dust present on the emitters, the product performance will be reduced.
Select an air be continued because the original lubricant applied filter with a filtration size of 5m or smaller. 3. Take measures to ensure air quality, such as by installing an aftercooler, air dryer, or water separator. during manufacturing will be washed away.
S Setting flow range The range of ON/OFF threshold values that can be set for flow switches products with a switch output. An output type that has only 2 conditions, ON or OFF. In the ON condition an indicator LED will turn on, and any connected load will be powered. In the OFF condition, there will be no indicator LED and no power is supplied to the load.