3 18.5 9.5 7.5 4-M8 2-M12 M3 2n-C3, C4, C6, M5 C3: 3.2 One-touch fitting C4: 4 One-touch fitting C6: 6 One-touch fitting M5: M5 thread (7.5) 20.5 2-C8 1(P) port 34 P = 10.5 Formulas: L1 = 10.5n + 45, L2 = 10.5n + 167.5 (for 1 input block.
(Example) For M3: L2 = 6 Applicable shaft types: K, T L2 + (3 x P) L2 = (mm) (mm) K axis T axis Q1 Q2 Q1 = M L1 = L1 + (3 x P) Shaft type Shaft type J K T K T Size Size 50 50 M3, M4, M5, M6 M3, M4, M5, M6 L2 + (3 x P) L2 = 63 63 M4, M5, M6 M4, M5, M6 Q2 = M Q2 = M 80 80 M4, M5, M6, M8 M4, M5, M6, M8 100 100 M5, M6, M8, M10 M5, M6, M8, M10 Symbol: A35 Machine female threads into the long
Applicable shaft types: J, K, T (mm) (mm) L2 + (3 x P) L2 = L2 + (3 x P) L2 = Q1 Q2 Shaft type Shaft type J K T J K T Q1 = M Size Size L1 + (3 x P) L1 = 10 10 Not available Not available M3 M3 15 15 M3, M4 M3, M4 20 20 Q2 = M Q2 = M M3, M4, M5 M3, M4, M5 30 30 K axis (T axis) J axis M3, M4, M5 M3, M4, M5 40 40 Symbol: A37 The long shaft can be further shortened by machining it into a stepped
Provided by the customer Provided by the customer Provided by the customer Provided by the customer IO-Link master PLC PLC PLC PLC PLC Communication plug connector for DeviceNet Communication plug connector for CC-Link p. 177 p. 177 Communication plug connector for IO-Link p. 177 JXC-CD-S Straight type LEC-CMJ-S Straight type JXC-CL-S Straight type T-branch type T-branch type JXC-CD-T LEC-CMJ-T
VQ0 (VV5Q04)-Plug Lead Unit, Flip Type (F, P, T, S kit) . VQ1000 (VV5Q14)-Plug Lead Unit, Flip Type (F, P, T, S kit) . VQ2000 (VV5Q24)-Plug Lead Unit, Flip Type (F, P, T, S kit) .
Stroke + 126 3.3 24 1 5 3 5.8 8 3 21 59 F 5H9 +0.030 0 depth 5 T-slot dimensions (2/1) 29.5 5H9 +0.030 0 depth 5 6 T-slot 4-M5 x 0.8 (for body mounting) thread depth 8 (11.5) 38 E Refer to page 299 for mounting.
(Example) For M3: L1 = 6 Applicable shaft types: J, K, T Q1 = M K axis T, X shaft Q1 = M L1 = L2 + (3 x P) L2 + (3 x P) L1 + (3 x P) L1 + (3 x P) L2 = L2 = L1 = Q2 = M Q2 = M (mm) (mm) Q2 M3 M3, M4 M3, M4, M5, M6 M4, M5, M6, M8 M4, M5, M6, M8, M10 Q1 M3 M3, M4 M3, M4, M5, M6 M4, M5, M6, M8 M4, M5, M6, M8, M10 Size 10 15 20 30 40 Size 10 15 20 30 40 (mm) Q1 M3, M4 M3, M4, M5, M6 M4, M5, M6
P 45.5 24 32 1.8 (Bleed port) With fiflter (80 mesh) R2 21 2 position double: SYJA5220-M5 2 position double: SYJA5240-01 2-4.3 44 2-M5 x 0.8 (Pilot port) 2-M5 x 0.8 (Pilot port) (For mounting) A B 1 11 1 5 A B 1 24 A B 1 2-2.6 10 R P (For manifold mounting) 19 4 2 37.5 47 42 15 54 54 Manual override 24.5 23 20 11.5 3 2-2.6 (For mounting) 11 Manual override 2-1.8 (Bleed port) 46.5 1/8 33.5
S 20 20 stations P, R port thread type + + + + + + + A, B port size R R P P port 1/8 R port 1/8 A B M5 Nil Rc M5 x 0.8 B A A, B port M5 x 0.8, C4 A, B port M5 x 0.8, C4 C4 F G One-touch fitting for 4 N3 N NPT One-touch fitting for 5/32" T NPTF Common SUP/Individual EXH type Note) For more than 10 stations, supply air to both sides of P port.
How to Order q w e r t y u i o !
3 CQ2B16-T-PS CQ2B16-S-PS 16 CQ2B20-T-PS CQ2B20-S-PS 20 Port size Rc 1/8, 1/4 CQ2B25-T-PS CQ2B25-S-PS 25 Port size M5 x 0.8 Nickel plated 20 to 50, Anodized 32 to 50 CQ2B32-T-PS CQ2B32-S-PS 32 CQ2B40-T-PS CQ2B40-S-PS 40 CQ2B50-T-PS CQ2B50-S-PS 50 A set includes !4. Note Kits include items !4, !5, !
p. 116 Electrical Wiring Specifications: Flat Ribbon Cable Connector p. 40 Spring Type Terminal Block Box, Terminal Block Box How to Order p. 43 Dimensions Spring Type Terminal Block Box: TC p. 45 Terminal Block Box: T p. 49 Connection/Electrical Wiring Specifications p. 53 Lead Wire How to Order p. 55 Dimensions p. 57 Electrical Wiring Specifications p. 61 Vacuum Unit ZK2 Combination
4-OA 4-OB counter bore depth OL XX section XX section L Through 4-NN WA Z X0.02 X0.02 DA DB VB VA R U X T H PW 2-P XAH7 6 depth XAH7 depth 6 GA PB Q 2-P (Plug) PA+Stroke GB J K S FB FA C+Stroke B+Stroke E A+Stroke G MGPM, MGPL/Common Dimensions Bore (mm) Standard stroke (mm) B C DA FA FB G GA GB H HA J K L MM ML NN OA OB OL P PA PB PW Q 25, 50, 75,1 00 71 58 11 8 8.5 9 M5 X 0.8 12 13 15
Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com A A a B B s j C f g t C0.5 C0.2 b C0.2 d e 45 45 Section A-A p k C0.5 45 (d) C n h i l C0.5 q m O Section B-B r (I) View C (mm) a b c d e f g h i o j k m n p q r s l t Model 0 0.2 0.05 0.15 +0.2 0 +0.1 0 +0.2 0 CXS6
Model REBH15 REBH25 REBHT25 REBHT32 Thread size M6 x 1.0 M5 x 0.8 M8 x 1.25 Bolt dimensions Dimension t l-9 l-8 l-12 Nm Tightening torque 4.4 2.65 13.2 Square nut REA l t REB REC CY CX MQ RHC RZQ D-X Individual -X 1021
MGPM, MGPL Common dimensions (mm) Standard stroke (mm) Bore size (mm) B C DA FA FB G GA GB H HA J K L MM ML NN OA OB OL CV P PA PB PW Q 25, 50, 75, 100 71 58 1.5 1.5 11 8 8.5 9 M5 x 0.8 12 13 15 M5 x 0.8 4.3 5.6 5.6 M5 x 0.8 Rc 1/8 Rc 1/8 40 10 16 18 26 64 83 93 8 9.5 9.5 19 8 10 12 M4 M5 M5 4.5 5.5 5.5 8 10 10 15 18 21 5 6 6 15 18 21 30 36 42 22 24 30 16 20 25 78 62 10.5 M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8
(M5) M5T103rN"'(M5 .03) 10-32Nom. {M5) P Port 1O-32Nom.(M5) @ NVJ100 Dimensions inch (mm) L Type Plug Connec,tor : tWJl14O-OLOO.M3 : tWJ114O-OLOO-M3 M Type Plug Connector: NvJl14O-OMOO-M3 : NVJ114O-O OO-M3 .E 0.10(2.6) Dia 1.03i26.2) [d, [ 8 ; I F l j { i 1L l o t : ffi0r 9 A l ; l { .?
(M5) M5T103rN"'(M5 .03) 10-32Nom. {M5) P Port 1O-32Nom.(M5) @ NVJ100 Dimensions inch (mm) L Type Plug Connec,tor : tWJl14O-OLOO.M3 : tWJ114O-OLOO-M3 M Type Plug Connector: NvJl14O-OMOO-M3 : NVJ114O-O OO-M3 .E 0.10(2.6) Dia 1.03i26.2) [d, [ 8 ; I F l j { i 1L l o t : ffi0r 9 A l ; l { .?
(M5) M5T103rN"'(M5 .03) 10-32Nom. {M5) P Port 1O-32Nom.(M5) @ NVJ100 Dimensions inch (mm) L Type Plug Connec,tor : tWJl14O-OLOO.M3 : tWJ114O-OLOO-M3 M Type Plug Connector: NvJl14O-OMOO-M3 : NVJ114O-O OO-M3 .E 0.10(2.6) Dia 1.03i26.2) [d, [ 8 ; I F l j { i 1L l o t : ffi0r 9 A l ; l { .?
2 i r i t y w w e !0 !0 !2 !5 o !0 !4 q q y u !1 !3 r t !1 M5 type U10/32 type M5 type U10/32 type !1 y !2 u !4 !3 i !5 u e r r t w e o !0 i o q q t y !0 !2 w !