Body Class: Class 6, Orifice ø22, Fitting Type: w/Double Ferrule Fittings, Applicable Tube Size: 1, Material: Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: EPDM, Buffer: EPDM, Diaphragm: PTFE, Option: -
Body Class: Class 6, Orifice ø22, Fitting Type: w/Metal Gasket Seal Fittings, Applicable Tube Size: 1, Material: Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: EPDM, Buffer: EPDM, Diaphragm: PTFE, Option: -
Body Class: Class 6, Orifice ø22, Fitting Type: Integrated Tubing, Applicable Tube Size: 1, Material: Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: EPDM, Buffer: EPDM, Diaphragm: PTFE, Option: -
Body Class: Class 5, Orifice ø20, Fitting Type: Integrated Tubing, Applicable Tube Size: 3/4, ø19, Material: Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: EPDM, Buffer: EPDM, Diaphragm: PTFE, Option: -
(mm) ND NN Bore 10 16 A B C D F GA GB H MM NA NB S Z 0 0.022 0 0.022 15 12 14 4 8 8 5 28 M4 X 0.7 12.5 9.5 M8 X 1.0 46 74 75 8 15 18 20 5 8 8 5 28 M5 X 0.8 12.5 9.5 M10 X 1.0 47 10 Refer to p.1.3-8 to 1.3-10 for dimensions of each mounting bracket.
(Not included.) 12 Series CG5-S Accessory Dimensions Single knuckle joint Double knuckle joint Material: SUS440 (pin) SUS304 (bracket, snap ring) Material: SUS304 MM ND hole H10 MM ND hole H10 L RR1 RR1 E1 E1 A L1 U1 A1 NX A1 L1 U1 NZ NX A (mm) (mm) Part no. Applicable bore size (mm) E1 Part no. Applicable bore size (mm) E1 Applicable pin no.
A A1 E1 L1 MM RR1 U1 ND NX Applicable bore size (mm) Applicable bore size (mm) ND Part no.
: Nickel plated Material: Cast iron Surface treatment: Nickel plated Material: Carbon steel Surface treatment: Nickel plated Material: Cast iron Surface treatment: Nickel plated mm mm ND NX Applicable bore size (mm) ND NX Applicable pin no.
Material: Rolled steel Material: Cast iron mm mm ND NX Applicable bore size (mm) 20 25 32, 40 50 Applicable bore size (mm) ND NX Applicable pin no. 20 25 32, 40 50 RR1 RR1 MM NZ Part no.
iron mm mm ND NX Applicable bore size (mm) ND NX Applicable pin no.
CA2 ND hole H10 CS1 Axis d9 C76 C85 Material: Rolled steel Material: Brass Material: Iron C95 Applicable bore (mm) A1 L MM L1 Part no. Applicable bore (mm) Applicable bore (mm) Part no. B H Part no.
steel Material: Cast iron Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) ND NX Applicable bore size (mm) ND NX Applicable pin no.
Refer to page 100 for part numbers. 61 Non-standard Motor Series LJ1H30 High Rigidity Direct Acting Guide Motor Output Rolled Ball Screw 200W 25mm/25mm lead Horizontal Mount How to Order G Stroke 3 LJ1H30 F W X10 ND 1 Cable entry direction Top entry Power supply voltage Motor specification Cable entry direction Switch Left entry Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Could you nd the information you required easily using the index and/or the contents,if possible please identify your experience: . . . . . Do you have any comments in general about the SMC manuals?. . . . . product and this manual easy to use. Thank you for taking the time to ll out this questionnaire.
MM NC 7.5Depth4.5 9Depth5.5 10.5Depth6.5 13.5Depth8.5 17Depth10.5 NS 43 45 44 54 53 Model MUB25 MUB32 MUB40 MUB50 MUB63 KA 10 12 14 18 18 N 14 15.5 16 21.5 21.5 ND M5 X 0.8 M6 X 1 M8 X 1.25 M10 X 1.5 NE 4.3 5.1 6.9 8.7 10.5 S 55 58 60 74 75 ZZ 69 72 75 92 96 M10 X 1.25 M8 X 1.25Depth13 M12 X 1.25 M14 X 1.5 M18 X 1.5 M18 X 1.5 M8 X 1.25Depth13 M10 X 1.5Depth15 M10 X 1.5Depth15 M12 X 1.75 2.4
A A1 E1 L1 MM RR1 U1 ND NX Part No. cylinder bore cylinder bore A A1 E1 L1 MM RR1 U1 ND size (mm) size (mm) CNA +0.058 0 +0.070 0 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.5 32, 40 +0.058 0 +0.070 0 Y-G04 42 14 22 30 M14 x 1.5 12 10 18 32, 40 I-G04 10 16 14 42 16 22 30 M14 x 1.5 12 14 50, 63 Y-G05 56 18 28 40 M18 x 1.5 14 22 50, 63 I-G05 14 20 56 20 28 40 M18 x 1.5 16 20 CNS Applicable pin part no.
If the layout is specified, indicate it on the manifold specification sheet. i Mounting and Option Symbol Mounting Option Name plate Station number Nil Direct mounting 32 M12 NB NBN 16 NC NCN 32 *4 D-sub ND NDN 16 VA VAN CC-Link 32 M12 VB VBN 16 DA DAN EtherCAT 32 M12 DB DBN 16 FA FAN PROFINET 32 M12 FB FBN 16 EA EAN EtherNet/IP 32 M12 EB EBN 16 *3 GAN Ethernet POWERLINK 32 M12 *3 GBN 16
Note 3) Do not add value to long stroke models. 4 Compact Cylinder Series CQS Accessories Single knuckle joint Double knuckle joint ND hole H10 axis d9 L MM MM NDH10 RR1 RR1 E1 E1 NX NZ A1 U1 L1 A1 U1 NX L1 A A Metric Threads Metric Threads ND H10 NX Pin part No. NDH10 NX Bore size (mm) Bore size (mm) E1 A1 MM U1 Part No. A Part No.
Hole H10 Shaft d9 MM NDH10 MM L RR1 RR1 E1 E1 A1 L1 A U1 A1 L1 A NX NZ U1 NX Material: Cast iron Material: Cast iron (mm) (mm) ND NX Applicable cylinder bore size (mm) 32, 40 50, 63 10 14 18 22 Applicable cylinder bore size (mm) ND NX Applicable pin Part No. 32, 40 50, 63 10 14 18 22 IY-G04 IY-G05 Part No.