Body Class: Class 4, Orifice ø12, Valve Type: Normally Closed, Fitting Type: Integrated Tubing, Applicable Tube Size: 1/2, Pilot Port Thread Type: NPT 1/8, Material: Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: FKM, Buffer: FKM, Diaphragm: PTFE, Option 1: w/Flow Rate Adjustment, Option 2: -
Body Class: Class 5, Orifice ø20, Valve Type: Normally Closed, Fitting Type: w/Double Ferrule Fittings, Applicable Tube Size: 3/4, ø19, Pilot Port Thread Type: NPT 1/8, Material: Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: FKM, Buffer: FKM, Diaphragm: PTFE, Option 1: w/Flow Rate Adjustment, Option 2: -
Body Class: Class 5, Orifice ø20, Valve Type: Normally Closed, Fitting Type: w/Metal Gasket Seal Fittings, Applicable Tube Size: 3/4, ø19, Pilot Port Thread Type: NPT 1/8, Material: Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: FKM, Buffer: FKM, Diaphragm: PTFE, Option 1: w/Flow Rate Adjustment, Option 2: -
Body Class: Class 5, Orifice ø20, Valve Type: Normally Closed, Fitting Type: Integrated Tubing, Applicable Tube Size: 3/4, ø19, Pilot Port Thread Type: NPT 1/8, Material: Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: FKM, Buffer: FKM, Diaphragm: PTFE, Option 1: w/Flow Rate Adjustment, Option 2: -
Body Class: Class 6, Orifice ø22, Valve Type: Normally Closed, Fitting Type: w/Metal Gasket Seal Fittings, Applicable Tube Size: 1, Pilot Port Thread Type: NPT 1/8, Material: Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: FKM, Buffer: FKM, Diaphragm: PTFE, Option 1: w/Flow Rate Adjustment, Option 2: -
Body Class: Class 6, Orifice ø22, Valve Type: Normally Closed, Fitting Type: Integrated Tubing, Applicable Tube Size: 1, Pilot Port Thread Type: NPT 1/8, Material: Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: FKM, Buffer: FKM, Diaphragm: PTFE, Option 1: w/Flow Rate Adjustment, Option 2: -
Body Class: Class 6, Orifice ø22, Valve Type: Normally Closed, Fitting Type: w/Double Ferrule Fittings, Applicable Tube Size: 1, Pilot Port Thread Type: NPT 1/8, Material: Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: FKM, Buffer: FKM, Diaphragm: PTFE, Option 1: w/Flow Rate Adjustment, Option 2: -
Body Class: Class 4, Orifice ø12, Valve Type: Normally Closed, Fitting Type: w/Metal Gasket Seal Fittings, Applicable Tube Size: 1/2, Pilot Port Thread Type: NPT 1/8, Material: Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: FKM, Buffer: FKM, Diaphragm: PTFE, Option 1: w/Flow Rate Adjustment, Option 2: -
Body Class: 2 (ø4 Orifice), Tube Size: 07 (1/4"), Breathing Port Thread: Threaded, NPT1/8, Handle: 1 (90 Degree Turn Type)
Body Class: 2 (ø4 Orifice), Tube Size: 07 (1/4"), Breathing Port Thread: Threaded, NPT1/8, Handle: 4 (Multi-turn Type, w/Indicator)
Body Class: 2 (Orifice Dia. 4), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Tubing O.D.: 07 (1/4"), Pilot Port Thread Type: ø6 One Touch Fitting, Pilot Port Position: None (Position 1), Material: Standard, Option: 1 (With Flow Rate Adjustment)
Body Class: 2 (Class 2, Orifice ø4), Fitting Type: T (Integrated Tubing), Applicable Tube Size: 07 (1/4), Material: AD (Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: FKM, Buffer: FKM, Diaphragm: PTFE)
Body Class: 2 (Class 2, Orifice ø4), Fitting Type: T (Integrated Tubing), Applicable Tube Size: 07 (1/4), Material: ND (Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: EPDM, Buffer: EPDM, Diaphragm: PTFE)
Body Class: ø4 Orifice, Tube Size: 1/4", Breathing Port Thread: Threaded, NPT1/8, Handle: 90 Degree Turn Type, Option: -
Body Class: ø4 Orifice, Tube Size: 1/4", Breathing Port Thread: Threaded, NPT1/8, Handle: Multi-turn Type, w/Indicator, Option: -
Body Class: Orifice Dia. 4, Valve Type: N.C., Tubing O.D.: 1/4", Pilot Port Thread Type: ø6 One Touch Fitting, Pilot Port Position: None (Position 1), Material: Standard, Option: With Flow Rate Adjustment
Body Class: Class 2, Orifice ø4, Fitting Type: Integrated Tubing, Applicable Tube Size: 1/4, Material: Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: FKM, Buffer: FKM, Diaphragm: PTFE, Option: -
Body Class: Class 2, Orifice ø4, Fitting Type: Integrated Tubing, Applicable Tube Size: 1/4, Material: Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: EPDM, Buffer: EPDM, Diaphragm: PTFE, Option: -
Part Number Description: FLOUROPOLYMER REGULATOR Product Line: E Product Line Description: AIRLINE EQUIPMENT Family Code: 199 Family Description: OTHER SERIES Class Code: 2X Part Code: 2 Reference Code: J PDF Documentation: Datasheet Click here to report information errorImage shown may not match exact part number
SMC high purity series LVA valve has three types of body materials (SUS/PPS/PFA) that can be selected based on the customers application. Special diaphragm construction insures gentle opening and closing that prevents the formation of micro-bubbles. A unique guide ring on the piston rod eliminates lateral motion of the poppet, greatly increasing seal life and reducing particle formation.