Alarm was generated in order of (1) -> (5) 6030h (1) 0-7 Alarm 1 6030h (2) 0-7 Alarm 2 Alarm 1 (Latest) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 6030h Alarm 2 0 (1) (2) (3) (4) (3) 0-7 Alarm 3 Alarm 3 0 0 (1) (2) (3) Alarm 4 0 0 0 (1) (2) (1) to (5) in the table indicate the alarm codes which are generated. 6030h Refer to 15.2.
With gasket is provided as standard. 1/8, 1/4 standard 3/8 standard 1/2 standard Port size Symbol Cylinder side In the side of solenoid valve M5 01 M5 x 0.8 R 1/8 M5 x 0.8 Rc 1/8 Rc 1/4 Note 1) Elbow 02 R 1/4 Rc 3/8 Note 2) 03 04 F01 Rc 3/8 Rc 1/2 G 1/8 G 1/4 Note 1) R 3/8 R 1/2 R 1/8 F02 R 1/4 G 3/8 Note 2) Caution Control F03 F04 U10/32 N01 G 3/8 G 1/2 10-32 UNF NPT 1/8 NPT 1/4 Note 1)
L2 M D2 M M5 x 0.8 1/8 1/4 M5 x 0.8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 1/2 KPGL04-M5 KPGL04-01 KPGL04-02 KPGL06-M5 KPGL06-01 KPGL06-02 KPGL08-01 KPGL08-02 KPGL10-02 KPGL10-03 KPGL12-03 KPGL12-04 KPQL04-M5 KPQL04-01 KPQL04-02 KPQL06-M5 KPQL06-01 KPQL06-02 KPQL08-01 KPQL08-02 KPQL10-02 KPQL10-03 KPQL12-03 KPQL12-04 17 21 25 18.5 23.5 27.5 26 30 33 34.5 37 39.5 8 15.3 21.1 25.5 15.8 22.3 26.7 23.5
M5 Port size M5 x 0.8 R 1/8 R 1/4 R 3/8 R 1/2 10-32 UNF NPT 1/8 NPT 1/4 NPT 3/8 NPT 1/2 Type 01 02 03 04 U10/32 N01 N02 N03 N04 Elbow Universal 2 3 Universal type Applicable tubing O.D.
2(B) port size 1(P), 3/5(R) port thread type 3/5(R) port 02 2 stations Rc 1/4 1 8 Rc Nil F N Z NPTE 01 Rc C6 One-touch fitting for 6 4(A), 2(B) port G 20 20 stations 1(P) port Rc 1/8, C6 NPT B7 One-touch fitting for 1/4" Rc 1/4 How to Order Type 43 VV5Z3 05 43 1 C4 1(P), 3/5(R) port thread type 4(A), 2(B) port size Stations 02 2 stations 3/5(R) port Nil F N Z NPTE Rc C4 One-touch fitting
H2 L3 L2 L1 All Ports: Screw-in Model H1 H2 H3 L1 L2 L3 L4 Connection thread 1 Connection thread 2 Connection thread 3 ZH05DA-01-01-01 12 12 12 67 42.5 27 26 Rc1/8 Rc1/8 Rc1/8 ZH07DA-01-01-01 70.2 ZH10DA-01-01-01 76.4 ZH13DA-01-02-02 17 17 90.8 51 29.5 36.3 Rc1/4 Rc1/4 ZH15DA-02-03-03 17 19 19 108.2 63.3 34.3 37.1 Rc1/4 Rc3/8 Rc3/8 ZH18DA-03-03-03 19 131.1 73.6 41.1 39.1 Rc3/8 ZH20DA-03-04
A A/B D.OUT2 TYPE No.18 screen Contact output signal 2 alarm AL.01 AL.01 to AL.32 D.OUT2 ALARM CODE No.19 screen Contact output signal 2 maintenance MT.01 MT.01 to MT.05 D.OUT2 MANT CODE No.20 screen Contact output signal 3 function ALM 1 D.OUT3 SEL No.21 screen Contact output signal 3 operation B A/B D.OUT3 TYPE No.22 screen Contact output signal 3 alarm AL.01 AL.01 to AL.32 D.OUT3
B RESET >+JOG (01-052) >+B RESET 65 - 112 12 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 Alarm _Comment _058 (01-058) 3A B RESET No.base PLC <> 1 1ABS 2INC 2PLC 2 14.2[2] (P.54) Alarm _Comment _061 (01-061) 3D B RESET <>+ <>+Alarm _Comment _062 (01-062) 3E B RESET <> (01-096) C RESET <> (01-097) <> C RESET <> <>OFF JOG OFF (01-098) OFF DRV C RESET <>ON SVRE ON DRIVE ON (01-099) <> SET OFF
T (M) L2 L1 M Nylon Urethane 1 4 13 13 M12 X 1 3.2 KQ2E23-02 3.4 2.9 17 14 14 31.5 15 15.5 1 8 KQ2E04-01 11 5.6 4 16 13 16 27.5 31 M12 X 1 4 14 1 4 1 8 1 4 3 8 1 8 1 4 3 8 1 4 3 8 3 8 1 2 3 8 1 2 15 35 KQ2E04-02 17 KQ2E06-01 11 28 31.5 30 15 17 M14 X 1 19 KQ2E06-03 17 33.5 29 KQ2E06-02 15 6 13.1 10.4 17 17 17 KQ2E08-01 7.5 27.5 28 26.1 18.0 8 18.5 19 KQ2E08-02 13 33 27 17 M16 X 1 19 KQ2E08
connector VZS VFS 20 (12, 14 port) 10.5 (2, 4 port) VS4 85.5 72.5 VQ7 10.5 PE port 29 14 SMC EVS M5-2 port 12, 14 port 1/8, 1/4-2 port 2, 4 port 1/8, 1/4-2 port 3, 5 port 21 21 VFN 1/8, 1/4 1 port EVS1-01-F G-D-M0 H J I EVS1-01-FG-D-M0 151 166.5 75.5 75.5 27.5 (14 port) 27.5 (12 port) 27.5 (14 port) 27.5 (12 port) 10.5 (4 port) 10.5 (2 port) 10.5 (4 port) 10.5 (2 port) 14 12 2 4 12 14 4
(mm) Connection threads R Model M Effective area (mm 2) Weight (g) A L1 L2 1 8 1 4 1 8 1 4 3 8 1 8 1 4 3 8 1 4 3 8 1 2 1 4 3 8 1 2 DT04-01 15 5.7 33 DT04-02 17 19 4 10 10 23.5 19.6 40 2-applicable tubing DT06-01 35 17 19.6 10 23.5 DT06-02 16 6 19 44 14 14 12 DT06-03 22 70 26.5 24.5 21.6 22.6 24.5 25.8 24.5 29.4 29.6 30.3 29.4 120 Reference dimensions after R thread installation.
(With 2 input blocks) With External Pilot Specifications 46.5 (Pitch) Ground terminal 16.5 13.5 P=10.5 14.1 8.4 18.3 2 x M12 8.6 10 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 17.7 24.6 23 59.5 3 PWR 3 3 3 3 5 E 5 3 E 3 5 E 5 3 E 42.7 PWR 43 T T 56.5 2 2 2 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 1 P 1 P 1 P 1 P 1 1 1 1 One-touch fitting [1(P), 3/5(E) port] Applicable tubing O.D.: 8 5/16" BUS
53-SS5Y5-41-05-01 1 set (Type 41, 5 station manifold base part no.) 53-SY5240-LL3 2 sets (Double solenoid part no.) 53-SY5140-LL3 2 sets (Single solenoid part no.)
(PLC ) No. (01-051) <> (1)( )1(ABS)2(INC) (2)PLC 15ms(30ms) 13.2 [2](P.53) No. B RESET <>(+) (-) (JOG ) <>(+) (-) (01-052) B RESET -63- () 12 (12 0 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Alarm _Comment _058 (01-058) 3A B RESET <>No.
Refer to Specific Product Precautions on page 1006. 990 E-P HYREG VY1 Series R Standard Specifications 0 1 0 1 0 1 VY110 01 02 0 1 0 1 VY140 0 1 VY150 0 1 VY170 0 1 20 VY190 0 1 VY1D00 M5 VY1A0 VY1B0 M5 VY120 01 02 VY130 02 03 Model 10 12 10 04 02 03 04 04 06 14 M5 01 Port 1(P) 11 2 Port size 1 1 8 1 8 1 4 1 8 1 4 1 4 3 8 1 2 1 4 3 8 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 4 1 M5 M5 2 2 M5 2(A) 1 4 3(R) Weight
KFG2L0425-01 KFG2L0425-02 KFG2L0403-01 KFG2L0403-02 KFG2L0604-01 KFG2L0604-02 KFG2L0806-01 KFG2L0806-02 KFG2L0806-03 KFG2L1075-02 KFG2L1075-03 KFG2L1075-04 KFG2L1008-02 KFG2L1008-03 KFG2L1008-04 KFG2L1209-02 KFG2L1209-03 KFG2L1209-04 KFG2L1210-02 KFG2L1210-03 KFG2L1210-04 KFG2L1613-03 KFG2L1613-04 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 1/4 3/8 1/2 1/4 3/8 1/2 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2
How to Order 2 2 0 0 01 M AS Option Body size None With seal Nil S 1 2 2 Meter-out Meter-in M5 standard 1/8, 1/4 standard Type Direct cylinder elbow type Control type M5 and U10/32 are not available with seal.
Silao-Trejo K.M. 2.5 S/N, Predio San Jose del Duranzo C.P. 36100, Silao, Gto., Mexico TEL: 472-72-2-55-00 FAX: 472-72-2-59-44/2-59-46 FRANCE SMC Pneumatique S.A. 1 Boulevard de Strasbourg, Parc Gustave Eiffel, Bussy Saint Georges, F-77600 Marne La Vallee Cedex 3 France TEL: 01-64-76-10-00 FAX: 01-64-76-10-10 CHILE SMC Pneumatics (Chile) S.A. Av. La Montaa 1,115 km. 16,5 P.