Body Class: 3 (ø8 Orifice), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Fitting Type: V (LQ1, Body Class: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Tube Size: 08 (ø8), Output Tube Size: 10 (ø10), Pilot Connection: N (Thread Type 1/8"NPT), Pilot Port Direction: Direction 1, Option 1: 24 (Indicator & By-pass)
Body Class: 3 (Orifice Dia. ø8), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Applicable Tubing Size: 08 (ø8mm), Port B (OUT) Different Dia. Size: Ports A & B Same Size, Pilot Port Thread Type: 2 (M5X0.8)
Body Class: 3 (Orifice Dia. ø8), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Applicable Tubing Size: 08 (ø8mm)
Body Class: 3 (Orifice Diameter ø8), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Applicable Tube OD: 08 (ø8), Port B OUT: Ports A & B Same Size, Pilot Port: N (Body Class 3, 4, 5, 6 - NPT 1/8")
Body Class: 3 (Orifice Diameter ø8), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Applicable Tube OD: 08 (ø8), Port B OUT: 10 (Rcø10)
Body Class: 3 (Orifice Diameter ø8), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Applicable Tube OD: 10 (ø10), Port B OUT: 08 (Rcø8), Pilot Port: Body Class 2 - M5 Thread; Body Class 3, 4, 5, 6 - Rc1/8, Material: Body PFA, Actuator Endplate PPS, Diaphragm PTFE, Option: 1 (Flow Rate Adjustment)
Body Class: 3 (Orifice Diameter ø8), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Applicable Tube OD: 08 (ø8)
.: 08 (ø8), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 00 (Plug)
Body Class: Class 3, A port -IN- Applicable Tubing Size: 08 (ø8)
Size Combination: 08 (Size 3, Thread 3/8", Tubing Size 8x6)
Size Combination: 08 (Size 3, Thread 3/8", Tubing Size 8x6), Thread Type: NPT, Nut Material / Packaging: 1 (PFA / Standard Packaging Equiv. to Class M5.5)
Size: 3 (Size 3), Type: B (Insert Bush), Tubing Size: 08 (ø8 x ø6)
Size: 3 (Size 3), Type: U (Nut Insert Bush), Tubing Size: 08 (ø8 x ø6)
Size: 3 (Size 3), Type: B (Insert Bush), Tubing Size: 08 (ø8 x ø6), Packaging: 1 (Standard Packaging Equivalent to Class M5.5)
Size: 3 (Size 3), Tubing Size: 08 (ø8 x ø6)
Model: 5 (10-SY5000), Stations: 08, Thread: 00N (NPT)
Model: 7, Stations: 08, A, B Port: C10 (One-touch Fitting for ø10)
Model: 3, Stations: 08, A, B Port: C6 (One-touch Fitting for ø6)
Model: 3, Stations: 08, A, B Port: 01 (1/8)