2 Mounting Note) Fixed units: Real-time flow rate: l/min Accumulated flow: l Panel mount DIN rail, wall mount A B Panel mount adapter part no.
For futhr delalls ol accs3sorbs, reler lo 'accssorls' on p6se 6. 4 2grtc tP300 METHOD OF OPERATION Signal pressure from a controlled pressure source enters the 1P300 input chamber and exerts a force on the diaphragms. A pressure difierential between the two diaphragms creates a force to open the pilot valve.
Symbol 0 P Side 1 E Side Side Bottom (1) Side Other A, B Side Base specifications 9 2 1 Individual exhaust Common exhaust Note 1) Size of A, B port bottom ported: 3/8, 1/2 Option Stations 02 2 stations 10 10 stations How to Assemble Manifold To order valves and blanking plate assembly mounted onto the manifold, list valves and blanking plate assembly with manifold base part number.
PSI:1 Min. dISplay dilferenllal kgf/cm2 :O.02. bar:O.D2 kgf/cm2:O. 1, bar:O.1 mmHg:l 0. kPa:2. PSI:O.2 Can be programmed for a hysteresis mode, window comparator mode. or reversed output of these respective modes.
Select the point of contact A of inlet pressure and max. air capacity in the graph. 2. AMH650 is obtained when the max. flow line is aboveabove the point of intersection A in the graph. Note) Make sure to select a model that has the maximum flow rate line above the obtained intersecting point.
With a sub-plate: VFS2100-5FZ-01, Without a sub-plate: VFS2100-5FZ
With a sub-plate: VFR3110-1DZ-02, Without a sub-plate: VFR3110-2DZ
Body ported: (VFS series only)
The solenoid valve part number for a single unit and for use on a manifold are the same.
The gasket and mounting screws are not included.
Symbol 0 P Side 1 E Side Side Bottom (1) Side Other A, B Side 9 Note 1) Size of A, B port bottom ported: Rc 3/8, 1/2 Option Stations Base specifications 2 1 Individual exhaust Common exhaust 02 2 stations 10 10 stations How to Assemble Manifold To order valves and blanking plate assembly mounted onto the manifold, list valves and blanking plate assembly with manifold base part number.
(Element life check) Max. contact capacity: 10 VA AC, 10 W DC Rated contact voltage (max. operating current): 125 V AC (0.08 A), 30 V DC (0.33 A) Max. contact capacity: 10 W DC Rated contact voltage (max. operating current): 30 V DC (0.33 A) Pressure drop 0.1 MPa Symbol V: Degreasing wash, white vaseline Reed switch Reed switch Body/housing is degreasing washed.
A choice of metal or rubber seal increases compatibility with various operating and environmental conditions. Manifolds are available with a wide range of interface options to meet a variety of application requirements. The VQ7-6/7-8 has a smaller, space-saving profile and is lighter in weight than the VS7/VP7 series.
J 1n 114 250 3/8 350 112 450 3/4 5 5 0 1 650 1 1i2 850-2 I I Port Sr" I PT pofts ilodel Bracket Beplacement Element AMG150 BM5'I AMG-EL150 02 1/4 (AMG 1s0) 03 3y8 (AMG 250) 04 1/2 (AMG 350) 06 3/4 (AMG 4s0) 1 o 1 ( A M G 5 5 O ) 14 1 1/2 (AMG 6s0) 20-2(AMGsso) AMG250 BM52 AMG-EL25O AMG35O BM53 AMG-EL35O AMG45O BM54 AMG-EL45O AMG550 BM55 AMG-EL55O AMG65O BM56 AMG-EL65O AMG850 BM57 AMG-EL85O
A connector is not used. 19 20 19 m 20 m Power supply cable 642 A
compliant, copper-free, fluorine-free, silicone-free 21 Option / Semi-standard: Select one each for a to f.
Note 6) : For thread type: NPT only 1075 A
compliant, copper-free, fluorine-free, silicone-free 21 Option / Semi-standard: Select one each for a to f.
.=0.8MPa) ) F.S. (2) (3) (4) 0.010.8MPa IR3000 IR3010 IR3020 [MPa] MAX. 1.0 [MPa] () 0.1 [MPa] 0.010.2 0.010.4 0.010.8 0.2% 0.5% 11.5l /min(ANR) [1.0MPa ] -560 Rc1/4,3/8,1/2 Rc1/8 [2 ] 0.64 (1) (0.1MPa) (2) IR3000:0.2MPa (3)2 ON-OFF () (4) 4- (C) (C) (A) (A) (C) (A) (C) BLEED SUP OUT SU P N/ M Pa/ ( S) N N m 1 1 M Pa/m ( ) m 2 M Pa M Pa (A) /N (B) / ( ) m
Normally Closed SERIES NVF 110 DIRECTIONAL AIR VALVE DIRECT SOLENOID OPERATED CHARACTEFISTICS Port Sizss (NPTO '10-32 P&E; 10-32 or 1/8"A Opelating Prsssure 0'100 PSI; 0-150 PSI (H) ftoof Pre6sur 225 PSIG (15Kgflcm'z) Operailng Temperature 14-140'F(101o + 6O"C) a;a lnrusn s.6 VA (50 Hz),5.0 VA(60 Hz) Holding 3.4 VA (50 Hz),2.3 VA (60 Hz) PowerConaumptlon DC 1 . 8 W c, 0.055 , 0.05 (H Type
Dimensions Meter-out type Meter-in type F E D B A C J G K H L B Model A MIN. MAX. MIN. MAX.
Note 2) Do not use it in a line that is kept pressurized because it could cause the body to break. Large filter element surface Mountable in any direction Bracket Set Part No.
Leave the “Port size” in the part number blank for a product without a sub-plate.
Products without sub-plates can also be mounted on a manifold.
Ex.) With a sub-plate: VFS2100-5FZ-01, Without a sub-plate: VFS2100-5FZ
With a sub-plate: VFR3110-1DZ-02, Without a sub-plate: VFR3110-1DZ
Also add the capacity of the piping from the cylinder to the EXH. 2 Select a model that provides a maximum processing flow volume that exceeds the consumption volume obtained in step 1.