Nil S P W 0.5 to 4 L/min (Symbol 04) 0.50 0.49 0.50 0.48 2 to 16 L/min (Symbol 20) 1.79 1.21 1.38 1.05 5 to 40 L/min (Symbol 40) 4.57 3.11 2.42 2.04 Flow range: 0.5 to 4 L/min (symbol 04) Flow range: 2 to 16 L/min (symbol 20) Flow range: 5 to 40 L/min (symbol 40) -52No.PF-OMW0004-B Flow rate characteristics for several supply units Flow range: 0.5 to 4 L/min (symbol 04) (reference value)
KQ2 KFG2H0425-01 KFG2H0425-02 KFG2H0403-01 KFG2H0403-02 KFG2H0604-01 KFG2H0604-02 KFG2H0806-01 KFG2H0806-02 KFG2H0806-03 KFG2H1075-02 KFG2H1075-03 KFG2H1075-04 KFG2H1008-02 KFG2H1008-03 KFG2H1008-04 KFG2H1209-02 KFG2H1209-03 KFG2H1209-04 KFG2H1210-02 KFG2H1210-03 KFG2H1210-04 KFG2H1613-03 KFG2H1613-04 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 1/4 3/8 1/2 1/4 3/8 1/2 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/8
N-04 N-06 L-04 L-06 S-04 S-06 LL-04 LL-06 4 6 N-08 8 N-10 10 N-12 12 4 6 L-08 8 L-10 10 L-12 12 4 6 S-08 8 S-10 10 S-12 12 4 6 LL-08 8 LL-10 10 LL-12 12 Precautions Be sure to read before handling.
-04 FH540-06 FH540-08 FH540-10 FH540-12 10 3/8 3/8 10 FH541-04 FH541-06 FH541-08 FH541-10 FH541-12 FH541-16 15 (1/2B) 20 1/2 1/2 20 20 (3/4B) 20 (3/4B) 50 3/4 3/4 50 Max. 14 MPa Max. 3.5 MPa 25 (1B) 25 (1B) 80 1 1 80 FH341-10 FH341-12 FH341-16 32 (1 1/4B) 32 (1 1/4B) 120 1 1/4 1 1/4 120 40 (1 1/2B) 40 (1 1/2B) 160 1 1/2 1 1/2 160 50 (2B) 50 (2B) 260 260 FH440-03 FH440-04 FH440-
-10S(-F20) ASR630F-04-12S(-F20) ASQ430F-02-06S(-F20) ASQ430F-02-08S(-F20) ASQ430F-02-10S(-F20) ASQ530F-02-06S(-F20) ASQ530F-02-08S(-F20) ASQ530F-02-10S(-F20) ASQ530F-02-12S(-F20) ASQ530F-03-06S(-F20) ASQ530F-03-08S(-F20) ASQ530F-03-10S(-F20) ASQ530F-03-12S(-F20) ASQ630F-03-10S(-F20) ASQ630F-03-12S(-F20) ASQ630F-04-10S(-F20) ASQ630F-04-12S(-F20) 5.9 6.7 6.7 8.1 11.8 13.3 13.7 8.1 11.8 13.3
L-04 L-06 N-04 N-06 LL-04 LL-06 S-04 S-06 4 6 L-08 8 L-10 10 L-12 12 4 6 N-08 8 N-10 10 N-12 12 4 6 LL-08 8 LL-10 10 LL-12 12 4 6 S-08 8 S-10 10 S-12 12 0.7 1.1 1.4 1.7 2.0 Precautions Be sure to read before handling. Refer to Air Fittings & Tubing Precautions for other details. Installation Caution Cut the tube to the required length.
-10S(-F20) ASR630F-04-12S(-F20) ASQ430F-02-06S(-F20) ASQ430F-02-08S(-F20) ASQ430F-02-10S(-F20) ASQ530F-02-06S(-F20) ASQ530F-02-08S(-F20) ASQ530F-02-10S(-F20) ASQ530F-02-12S(-F20) ASQ530F-03-06S(-F20) ASQ530F-03-08S(-F20) ASQ530F-03-10S(-F20) ASQ530F-03-12S(-F20) ASQ630F-03-10S(-F20) ASQ630F-03-12S(-F20) ASQ630F-04-10S(-F20) ASQ630F-04-12S(-F20) 5.4 5.9 5.9 7.3 8.9 9.2 9.5 7.3 8.9 9.2 9.5
Thread R(PT) Port B min. port size Weight (g) D2 L1 L2 L3 P A Q1 Q2 M1 M2 1 8 1 4 3 8 6 4 KM14-04-06-01S-3 13 14 17 18 13 10.4 38.2 16 9.9 17 68 71.5 73.5 19 26 39 4.5 KM14-04-06-02S-3 12.8 10.4 KM14-04-06-03S-3 64 65.5 67.5 1 8 1 4 3 8 8 4 KM14-04-08-01S-3 31 69.5 70.5 71 73.5 76.5 77.5 17 19 15.5 10.4 38.2 16 11.1 18.5 39 6 KM14-04-08-02S-3 15.2 10.4 KM14-04-08-03S-3 1 8 1 4 3 8 8 6 KM14
When the ambient temperature is out of the range between the temperatures set for AS.04 and AS.06, AL.03 or AL.04 may be generated at the same time when the product is turned ON.
type: White color L type: Black color (Mounting hole) B C D E F G H Model A 3 8 Rc3 8 Rc3 8 Rc3 8 ZH18DS-03-03-03 ZH18DL-03-03-03 ZH20DS-03-04-04 ZH20DL-03-04-04 Rc 133 52.45 42 19 3.5 19 20.95 20.95 133 52.45 42 19 3.5 19 151.1 60.95 47.7 19 3.5 24 26.75 151.1 60.95 47.7 19 3.5 24 26.75 I J K L M N O Model 3 8 Rc3 8 Rc3 8 Rc1 2 Rc1 2 ZH18DS-03-03-03 ZH18DL-03-03-03 ZH20DS-03-04-04 ZH20DL
AN40-04 AN40-04 AN40-04 AN40-04 AN40-04 Air operated type AN40-04 AN40-04 AN40-04 AN40-04 AN40-04 AN40-04 VXF(A)25BA(B) VXF(A)26BA(B) VXF(A)26CA(B) VXF(A)26DA(B) VXF(A)27BA(B) VXF(A)28BA(B) Note) Spring is shipped together with the product, but not assembled. 10 Series VXF2 Dimensions: Direct piping type VXF21A<<22A<<23A<<< Grommet Grommet (with surge voltage suppressor) A A B B D C
KKA6P-04 F-1 Rc1 / 2 Rc1 / 2 KKA6S-06F-1 KKA6P-06F-1 Rc3 / 4 Rc3 / 4
Applicable model 84 84 03 FGD-CV002-04 06 03 FGD-CV003-04 06 03 FGD-CV004-04 06 03 FGD-CV001-04 06 32 32 FGDT/F FGDT/F FGDC/E FGDC/E Note 1) Same as standard product except for cover assembly Note 2) 03, 04, and 06 indicate the relevant port sizes (Rc3/8, 1/2, 3/4).
) 3/4B (06) 1B (08) 1 1/4B (10) 1 1/2B (12) 2B (16) 2 1/2B (20) 3B (24) 1/2B (04) 3/4B (06) 1B (08) 1 1/4B (10) 1 1/2B (12) 2B (16) 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 22.2 27.7 34.5 43.9 49.1 61.1 77.1 90.0 2.7 2.7 2.7 5.1 5.1 5.0 10.3 10.3 1/2B (04) 3/4B (06) 1B (08) 1 1/4B (10) 1 1/2B (12) 2B (16) 2 1/2B (20) 3B (24) 22.2 27.7 34.5 43.9 49.1 61.1 77.1 90.0 56 56 56 76 76 76 101 101 71 71 71 104 104
Applicable model t ZH15DA-09-N03-11 ZH15DA-N02-N03-N03 2 Minimum C Factor of a Supply Valve Model C[dm3/(sbar)] ZH05A 0.12 ZH07A 0.23 ZH10A 0.47 ZH13A 0.80 ZH15A 1.06 ZH18A 1.53 ZH20A 1.88 ZH18DA-11-N03-13 ZH18DA-N03-N03-N03 1 ZH20DA-10-04-12 ZH20DA-03-04-04 ZH20DA-11-N04-13 ZH20DA-N03-N04-N04 t 2.
Status (2): The circulating fluid temperature becomes within the set range of "AS.04". "AS.04" alarm monitoring starts. Status (3): The circulating fluid temperature exceeds the threshold of "AS.06", but the alarm will not be generated as it has returned within the 600 sec range of the "AS.23: Range over detecting timer".
Status (2): The circulating fluid temperature becomes within the set range of "AS.04". "AS.04" alarm monitoring starts. Status (3): The circulating fluid temperature exceeds the threshold of "AS.06", but the alarm will not be generated as it has returned within the 600 sec range of the "AS.23: Range over detecting timer".
Status (2): The circulating fluid temperature becomes within the set range of "AS.04". "AS.04" alarm monitoring starts. Status (3): The circulating fluid temperature exceeds the threshold of "AS.06", but the alarm will not be generated as it has returned within the 600 sec range of the "AS.23: Range over detecting timer".
Status (2): The circulating fluid temperature becomes within the set range of "AS.04". "AS.04" alarm monitoring starts. Status (3): The circulating fluid temperature exceeds the threshold of "AS.06", but the alarm will not be generated as it has returned within the 600 sec range of the "AS.23: Range over detecting timer".
Status (2): The circulating fluid temperature becomes within the set range of "AS.04". "AS.04" alarm monitoring starts. Status (3): The circulating fluid temperature exceeds the threshold of "AS.06", but the alarm will not be generated as it has returned within the 600 sec range of the "AS.23: Range over detecting timer".