Piping Specifications / Mass P . 921 Analog Output P . 921 Internal Circuits and Wiring Examples P . 921 Dimensions P . 922 Series PFM7 , PFM5 Common Specifications Pressure Loss / Flow Characteristics P . 930 Parts Description P . 931 Construction P . 931 PFM Detection Principle P . 931 PFMV Component Parts P . 932 PF2A Series PFM3 Flow Sensor Monitor PF2W How to Order P . 933 Specifications
R port thread type Type of actuation Nil Rc 2 position single (A)4 2(B) G F N NPT 1 NPTF T 1 (P) (EA)5 3(EB) Port size 2 position double 2(B) (A)4 Symbol Applicable series Nil Port size Without sub-plate 2 1 8 (EA)5 1 (P) 3(EB) 01 SYA3000 With sub-plate 1 4 3 position closed center With sub-plate 02 SYA5000 2(B) (A)4 1 4 3 With sub-plate 02 SYA7000 (EA)5 1 (P) 3(EB) 3 8 With sub-plate 03
5 (R1) 3 (R2) Circuit diagram Plug lead type Plug-in type Individual SUP spacer 02 03 02 03 VVQ4000-P-1(Plug-in type) 163 (Plug-in type) VVQ4000-P-5(Plug lead type) 115.5 (Plug lead type) 25 12.5 73 By mounting individual SUP spacers on a manifold block, it is possible to provide individual supply ports for each valve. 26.4 1(P) 4(A) Rc 3/8 2(B) 1(P') 5(R1) 3(R2) Circuit diagram Plug-in
1 5 Port Air Operated Valve Series VFA3000 How to Order SA Thread type (Including pilot port) VA Nil F N T Rc G NPT NPTF SA Port size (P, A, B port) VA 01 02 1 8 1 4 Option R1, R2 port are 1/8.
(Full span) 0.05 to 0.7 MPa Rc AF Mounting Linearity (3) AR Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com Signal pressure (3) IR 1 8 Signal port PA (3) 02 03 02 04 04 06 10 10 12 14 20 01 Port P A R M5 01 M5 01 01 02 VEX Port size Rc (4) (4) 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 8 1
Thread Rc(PT) L1 L2 M 1 4 1 4 3 8 1 4 1 4 1 4 4 DHF04-02 27 DHF06-02 17 17 10 4 15 30.3 30.8 16 16.5 28 6 11 16 12 DHF06-03 31 19 32.8 18.5 8 DHF08-02 29.8 30 16 20 14 17 15.5 10 12 DHF10-02 30.8 37 DHF12-02 30.8 17 17 40 17 19 34 51 17 17 16.5 16.5 104 Series H, DL, L, LL Self-align Fittings Branch tee: DT Thread R(PT) Part No. Effective orifice (mm2) Applicable tube O.D.
wire length) 48.5 70.7 [72.9] A 18 20 27 34 R P Manual override 2-4.5 (For mounting) 40 4 (Light/surge voltage suppressor) M5 x 0.8 (SYJ714R: X port) + 58 [65] 54.5 42.6 26 20 X 1/4, 1/8 (P, R port) 23 15 48 L plug connector (L): SYJ74-LM plug connector (M): SYJ74-M01 02 01 02 DIN terminal (D): SYJ74-D01 02 M8 connector (W0): SYJ74-W001 02 Approx. 300 (Lead wire length) Applicable cable
VBA VBAT AP100 841 VEX13 Series 0 3 Specifications VEX1A33 VEX1B33 VEX113 0 3 VEX123 0 3 VEX133 0 3 VEX153 0 3 VEX173 0 3 VEX193 0 3 Model Port 1(P) 2(A) 3(R) M5 01 M5 01 01 02 01 02 03 02 04 04 06 10 12 14 10 20 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 4 1 8 1 4 1 4 3 8 1 2 1 2 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 Port size M5 M5 1 2 4 1 4 1 2 Operation Manual knob (Push locking slotted type) and Air operated type Manual knob (Push locking
center 02 With sub-plate 3 3 8 With sub-plate 03 3 position exhaust center 4 3 position pressure center 5 1728 5 Port Air Operated Valve Series SYA3000/5000/7000 Specifications Fluid Operating pressure range MPa Air 0.15 to 0.7 100 kPa to 0.7 100 kPa to 0.7 (0.7 x P + 0.1) to 0.7 P: Operating pressure range 0.1 to 0.7 0.2 to 0.7 10 to 60 (No freezing.)
fl tube (mm: N6 (Nylon tube ~/4) 16.5 7 2,5 I P Q, R 'U6 ($Oft IIj).'>'6!
pulse multiplying factor denominator) PB09 VG2 Speed loop gain P, S PB10 VIC Speed integral compensation P, S PA08 ATU Auto tuning mode P, S PB11 VDC Speed differential compensation P, S PA09 RSP Auto tuning response P, S PB12 OVA Overshoot amount compensation P PA10 INP In-position range P PB13 NH1 Machine resonance suppression filter 1 P, S PB14 NHQ1 Notch shape selection 1 P, S PA11 TLP
SIGNALS AND WIRING (Note 2) I/O signals in control modes Related parameter P P/S S S/T T T/P Pin No.
Body type Rc 1 8 Plug-in type VVZS3000-P-01-1 Non plug-in type VVZS3000-P-01-2 Rc 1 4 VVZS3000-P-02-1 VVZS3000-P-02-2 Body type Plug-in type AXT625-12A Non plug-in type Part no. Part no. Body type Plug-in type VVZS3000-22A-1 Non plug-in type VVZS3000-22A-2 Part no.
Poriing No. of Ports 'xx" M84010-02 Ta"NPTFSide l l M84011-02 7a" NPTF Side: Y.r" Bottom A & B 1 3 MB 4210-02 %"NPTFSid(2); % Botlom(5) 7 t 5 Manifolds *(OptionsT & P Only) Part No. Poding No.of Ports "xx" Subplates .
. . p. 19 Made to Order. p. 26 Function Details. . p. 27 Safety Instructions.
For AIR EXH: AN20-02 (: Either Nil or N is entered as a thread symbol.) Tube extension 0 PAF341 X68 P 13 Products using stainless steel parts (Body tightening bolts, switching valves, etc.)
->/P.32 10.1 ->/P.15 3.4 ->/P.47 11. 5 (CN1: EMG ->/P.12 3. ) SV1.00 INP ON (INP INP OFF PLC ) ->/P.32 10.1 ->/P.12 3. PLC (PLC) 15ms30ms ->/P.55 12.4 91 - () ->/P.47 11. ->/P.12 3. ->/P.19 5. ->/P.32 10.1 ->/P.12 3. PLC 5 (PLC) 15ms30ms ->/P.55 12.4 () () (LED() ->/P.13 3.2 ) ->/P.47 11. ->/P.47 11. ->/P.47 11. ->/P.12 3. (CN1: EMG ->/P.12 3. ) 92 - 22. 10.
(3-position): 0.18kg Series EVS1-01/1-02 How to Order FG S EVS1 01 3 M0 Valve Thread type Size Nil F T 01 02 Rc Size 01 G Size 02 NPTF Passage symbol Port size (A) 4 (B) 2 Size 02 Size 01 Piping specifications Symbol Nil A01 A02 FG Without sub-plate 1 (P) 5 (R1) 3 (R2) Side-ported 1/8 (A) 4 (B) 2 Side-ported 1/4 FHG Number of solenoids 1 (P) 5 (R1) 3 (R2) Sealing type S D (A) 4 (B)
With sub-plate 02 SYA5000 3 position closed center 00 3 1 4 02 With sub-plate 3 8 With sub-plate 3 position exhaust center 03 4 3 position pressure center 5 5-2-3 2 Series SYA3000/5000/7000 Specifications Fluid Operating pressure range MPa Air 0.15 to 0.7 0.1 to 0.7 0.2 to 0.7 (0.7 x P + 0.1) to 0.7P: Operating pressure range 0.1 to 0.7 0.2 to 0.7 Max. 60 Non-locking push type Not required