D D 10 14 B B 24 31 A 8 11 A 7 10 Model ZP3-T035U;K3-B3 ZP3-T035U;K6-B3 Note) ;in the table indicates the pad material "N, S, U, F, GN, GS."
S Y M B O L S S H O W T H E F U N C T I O N O F A C O M P O N E N T B U T D O N O T I N D I C A T E T H E C O N S T R U C T I O N .
Stations J kit (Flat ribbon cable) G kit (Flat ribbon cable with terminal block) P kit (Flat ribbon cable) F kit (D-sub connector) Cylinder port Kit U S A U S P 26P 20P J U S U S F 15P U S P 16P U S B P 20P U S C P A 10P F 25P G Type Negative common specifications Max. points 24 14 24 18 14 8 16 16 Electrical entry Cable length M kit T kit (Terminal block box) S kit 0 1 2 With cable (0.6
Stations J kit (Flat ribbon cable) G kit (Flat ribbon cable with terminal block) P kit (Flat ribbon cable) F kit (D-sub connector) Cylinder port Kit U S A U S P 26P 20P J U S U S F 15P U S P 16P U S B P 20P U S C P A 10P F 25P G Type Negative common specifications Max. points 24 14 24 18 14 8 16 16 Electrical entry Cable length M kit T kit (Terminal block box) S kit 0 1 2 With cable (0.6
sensitive workpieces Allows rapid transfer of impact Maximum speed (600 mm/s) m/s 2 or less (REA) or 15 m/s 2 or less (REB) Throughput dramatically increased (Maximum speed: 600 mm/s) RE A B Series REB introduced with a maximum speed of 600 mm/s.
increased (Maximum speed: 600 mm/s) RE A B Series REB introduced with a maximum speed of 600 mm/s.
B-1 A-1 B-2 A-2 B-3 A-3 Connector C terminal no. Signal Cable color S Standard cable Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Blue A A B B COM-A/COM COM-B/ 2 1 6 5 3 4 Cable color Connector D terminal no.
S Y M B O L S S H O W T H E F U N C T I O N O F A C O M P O N E N T B U T D O N O T I N D I C A T E T H E C O N S T R U C T I O N .
Cable color Signal A A B B COM-A/COM COM-B/ Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Blue 2 1 6 5 3 4 Weight Product no. Weight [g] Note LE-CP-1-B-S 240 Standard cable LE-CP-3-B-S 380 LE-CP-5-B-S 630 LE-CP-1-B 190 Cable color Connector D terminal no.
(B contact) S N.C. (B contact) Lead screw lead N.C. (B contact) A B 6mm 12mm N.C. (B contact) N.O. (A contact) N.O. (A contact) Stroke N.O. (A contact) 50 75 100 125 150 50mm 75mm 100mm 125mm 150mm Use a driver with CE marking. N.O.
screw 117 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 19 3 1 69 55.5 55.5 53.7 12 X 51 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 34 33.5 22 17 15.5 69.5 34.5 1/2" 1(P) port 48 3/8", 1/2" 4(A), 2(B) port 1/8" External pilot port 68.5 Note) The dimensions of the bottom ported type are common to all S kits.
M5 x 0.8 Piping port M5 x 0.8 S + Stroke Z + Stroke Rod end nut Rod End Nut 2-LC Mounting hole Material: Iron Applicable bore (mm) 10 16 B H C d Part no.
+0.1 A NA B 0 0.3 S + Stroke H U CZ 0 0.3 Z + Stroke R ZZ + Stroke (mm) * A clevis pin and retaining rings are included.
(Values at the initial period) VG JIS Symbol VP S070 VQ Model Valve model VKF VS3145 VS3135 P A C [dm3(s
B-1 A-1 B-2 A-2 B-3 A-3 Signal Cable color S Brown Red Orange Y ellow Green Blue A A B B COM-A/COM COM-B/ 2 1 6 5 3 4 Cable color Connector D terminal no.
10.7 129.5 Note 2) SI Unit 47 106 94.7 For U side mounting (S) For D side mounting (SD) 9 9 71.7 27 36.1 X 12 X 12 n B A 8 2 4 B A 7 2 4 Manual override B A 6 4 2 1/4" Note 3) B A A B 5 SMC SMC SMC SMC SMC B A 2 4 L2 L1 B A A B 4 B A Indicator light 2 4 A B A B 3 B A 2 4 B A A 2 A 44 P = 25 2 4 B A A D side 1 A 4 2 50.5 Stations 38 27 1/8" External pilot port 11.7 139.9 (Single) 16.2 148.9
A B A B A B A B A B A 2 93.5 SZ 75 66 (40) 37.5 VF 4 x M4 mounting hole Manual release for switching connector direction Applicable connector: D-sub connector (26P) (Complies with MIL-C-83503) VP4 Stations n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 U side D side C8: 8 One-touch fitting C8 [3(R) EXH port] VQ 1/2 DIN rail clamp screw R R 62.5 12 X 3 12 X 3 60 VQ 4/5 40.5 B B B B B B B B 25 P P 1 1 A A A A A A A A
A B A B COM PWR A A A A B B B B Cable with M12 connectors EX500-ACP. 15 Connection of sensors with M8, M12 connectors (auto switch, pressure switch, etc. A B A B COM PWR A A A A B B B B Cable with M12 connectors EX500-ACP. 15 Connection of sensors with M8, M12 connectors (auto switch, pressure switch, etc.
tube O.D.: 8 10 12 1 P 1 P B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 VQZ The air outlet and external pilot locations for the built-in silencer type are on the B side (both sides) . + + When P/R ports are designated as B, P/R ports on both sides are open.