For the sink I/O interface. For the source I/O interface, refer to section 4.8.3. 5. Refer to section 4.10. 4 3 4.
CN5: Parallel I/O Connector . 25 7.1 Parallel I/O connector specifications . 25 7.2 Parallel I/O specifications . 25 7.3 Parallel I/O circuit (NPN, PNP) . 25 (1) Parallel I/O input circuit . 25 (2) Parallel I/O output circuit . 26 7.4 Parallel I/O signals (Step Data input type) . 27 7.5 Parallel I/O signal cable (Step Data input type) . 31 7.6 Parallel I/O connector wiring (example) . 32
ACR1251U (FW212 or later), ACR1252U (FW104.6 or later) : I/O Configurator (Web version) This operation manual explains the outline of the setting using the I/O Configurator (NFC). I/O Configurator (Web) is used to set the module I/O occupied points and parameters for the "wireless master" and parameters for the "I/O devices".
ACR1251U, ACR1252U : I/O Configurator (Web version) This operation manual explains the outline of the setting using the I/O Configurator (NFC). I/O Configurator (Web) is used to set the module I/O occupied points and parameters for the "wireless master" and parameters for the "I/O devices".
."...-, f ' 'illI@a ' .W"'ed) , , I ' , ' ( I , i !
For this sink I/O interface. For the source I/O interface, refer to section 4.8.3. 4 22 4. SIGNALS AND WIRING 4.8.2 Detailed description of interfaces This section provides the details of the I/O signal interfaces (refer to the I/O division in the table) given in section 4.5.1.
Add 47 mm for each additional I/O Unit s. m is number of I/O Units.
NFC reader/writer SONY RC-S380/S : I/O Configurator (Web version) This operation manual explains the outline of the setting using the I/O Configurator (NFC). I/O Configurator (Web) is used to set the module I/O occupied points and parameters for the "wireless master" and parameters for the "I/O devices".
ACR1251U (FW212 or later), ACR1252U (FW104.6 or later) : I/O Configurator (Web version) This operation manual explains the outline of the setting using the I/O Configurator (NFC). I/O Configurator (Web) is used to set the module parameters for the "Wireless Base" and parameters for the "I/O devices".
Number of connected EX600 I/O units Max. nine EX600 I/O units (I/O = 128.
Number of connected EX600 I/O units Max. nine EX600 I/O units (I/O = 128.
The I/O Configurator (Web version) is used to set parameters for the "Wireless Base" and parameters for the "I/O devices".
;;l:=i.:., i:illl:i'l:l ,,:.a ;l';:':'':'" .r*,*i9.X,i t1*ff ,i=gr.g . ii : * f i'.f i,,.:,a.:.aa.':.: -: "' ,t*11*t3.s.&1*fi::{{'i: r:l:i, i:ar&i1 f i!.-r ..,;.;:li.i..i.i;t, i.ii=i i i=i li,i !;;r,i:i l,t,t.t,::,:,,.4 a',::r:t:,. . *,,t;,,-:,i,:li=:3;d*:a*,,r.i,i t.i-i+,,i=r.t.r,,..r,r:,:t:*,:t:t!i.i*i*!!i.
Add 47 mm for each additional I/O Units. * m is number of I/O Units.
O 1 or I/O 2 parallel I/O connector, use the I/O cable (JXC-C2-m).
Variations JISSymbol r---r::==,..,-, [~jH+H+H+H+H 1"1 1 JISSymboi 10 -at 1~ II I I I I[ I I I I I I I1 I1~ Ie [~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I M~ JISSymbol __ rad ~ IeICIIK . Note) Standard sttllke for C95 9Elrles 1 5 below 700 I Without auto switch capability With auto switch capability Buill-in magnetT Made 10 order 2 pes.
This phenomenon I should be expected and is not a switch malfunction. N I i~ ID I r'\ -= e D-Pf<1 r-, I I I I ~~-.==~~--~~Relay load O-PH9 ---_ ___,-__ @ DPHl , -, r -~l!S~__ Red I I I I I j I I : IWhite : Main .;.. I ( ain l ack switch 'i' switch I element el ent I I I Vz I I I ~-= , e I I I L __ _ _ ___ ~_ I I ' I .
CN4: Parallel l/O Connector . 22 6.1 Parallel I/O specifications . 22 6.2 Parallel I/O type (NPN / PNP type) . 22 (1) Parallel I/O input circuit (same for both NPN and PNP type) . 22 (2) Parallel I/O output circuit . 22 6.3 The parallel I/O signal is detailed . 23 (1) Parallel I/O cable (LEC-CK4-) . 23 (2) Derails of input / Output signal . 23 (3) The change of I/O output signal . 24 6.4
D D t D t t c e c c e e u u s u s s d i d i d i g g g o o o n n n r r r P P P A A A 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 w w 9 w 9 9 m I m I n n 9 9 9 u d u d a a a r u r u o s o F s tr F i e tr i e 9 9 9 D r r D r r r e e e e v v s 1 d d s 1 1 d o o i i n g n g n n n n a a H H n P n P g g r r o o i i s s d d e e u u D D c c t t d A d A r r w w a a 12-11-1 2 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way,
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