Body Class: 2 (Orifice Diameter ø4), Valve Type: 1 (Normally Open), Applicable Tube OD: 07 (1/4)
Body Class: 2 (Orifice Diameter ø4), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Applicable Tube OD: 07 (1/4)
Model: LVH20 (Body Class 2, N.C.), Lever Operation: Non-locking, Self-reset, Tube Size: 07 (1/4")
Model: LVH30 (Body Class 3, N.C.), Lever Operation: Non-locking, Self-reset, Tube Size: 07 (1/4")
Body Class: 20, Fitting Type: V (LQ1), Tube Size: 07 (1/4" O.D.), Thread Type: N (NPT)
Body Class: 20, Fitting Type: Z (LQ3), Tube Size: 07 (1/4" O.D.), Thread Type: N (NPT)
Size Combination: 07 (Size 2, Thread 1/4", Tubing Size 1/4"x5/32"), Thread Type: NPT
Size: 2 (Size 2), Type: U (Nut Insert Bush), Tubing Size: 07 (1/4" x 5/32")
Size: 3 (Size 3), Type: U (Nut Insert Bush), Tubing Size: 07 (1/4" x 5/32")
Body Size: 10 (1/4), Applicable Fitting: 1 (LQ1), IN Side Fitting: 07 (Applicable Fitting Size 2)
Size: 07 (ODØ1/4" IDØ0.17"), Color: GR2 (Light Gray, Solid), Roll Length: 20 [20m Roll (66 ft)]
This is a legacy product, and replaced byZK2B07K5CL2A-07-BK, Vacuum Ejector, VACUUM EJECTOR, M18, 99 lb
This is a legacy product, and replaced byZK2A10K5BLA-07-B, Vacuum Ejector, VACUUM EJECTOR, M18, 99 lb
This is a legacy product, and replaced byZK2A10K5HLA-07-K, Vacuum Ejector, VACUUM EJECTOR, M18, 99 lb
This is a legacy product, and replaced byZK2G15K5RWA-07-DK, Vacuum Ejector, ZK2, VACUUM EJECTOR, 99.00000 lb
This product is obsolete. Please contact us for the latest
This is a legacy product. Please contact us for the latest