Function: 1 (2 Position Single), Body Option: 10 (Non Plug-in Type Sub-plate, Standard), Pilot Type: Internal Pilot, Voltage: 5 (24VDC), Lead Wire: D (DIN Connector), Surge Suppressor: Z (Light & Surge Suppressor), Port Size: 10 (Sub-plate Plug-in Terminal 1, Non Plug-in Standard 1), Thread: N (NPT), CE Compliant: Q (CE-compliant)
Function: 2 (2 Position Double), Body Option: 10 (Non Plug-in Type Sub-plate, Standard), Pilot Type: Internal Pilot, Voltage: 5 (24VDC), Lead Wire: D (DIN Connector), Surge Suppressor: Z (Light & Surge Suppressor), Port Size: 10 (Sub-plate Plug-in Terminal 1, Non Plug-in Standard 1), Thread: N (NPT), CE Compliant: Q (CE-compliant)
Function: 2 (2 Position Double), Body Option: 00 (Plug-in Type Sub-plate, Standard), Pilot Type: Internal Pilot, Voltage: 5 (24VDC), Lead Wire: F (Plug-in Conduit w/Terminal), Surge Suppressor: Z (Light & Surge Suppressor), Port Size: 10 (Sub-plate Plug-in Terminal 1, Non Plug-in Standard 1), Thread: N (NPT), CE Compliant: Q (CE-compliant)
Model: JSXF, Piping: E (Compression Fitting Type), Tank Size: None, Port Size: 10 [1 (25A], Port Thread: N (NPT), OUT Port Piping: None, Rated Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electric Control: PB (Board Type: Base; External Input, Differential Pressure Sensor: without 2 Holes), Fluid and Ambient Temperature: B (-40 to 60°C), Silencer: S (with Silencer)
Model: JSXF, Piping: E (Compression Fitting Type), Tank Size: None, Port Size: 10 [1 (25A], Port Thread: N (NPT), OUT Port Piping: None, Rated Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electric Control: PP (Board Type: Base; External Input, Differential Pressure Sensor: with 3 Holes), Fluid and Ambient Temperature: B (-40 to 60°C), Silencer: S (with Silencer)
Model: JSXF, Piping: E (Compression Fitting Type), Tank Size: None, Port Size: 10 [1 (25A], Port Thread: N (NPT), OUT Port Piping: None, Rated Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electric Control: PR (Board Type: Remote; External Input, Differential Pressure Sensor: without 2 Holes), Fluid and Ambient Temperature: B (-40 to 60°C), Silencer: S (with Silencer)
Model: JSXF, Piping: F (Direct Piping Type), Tank Size: None, Port Size: 10 [1 (25A], Port Thread: N (NPT), OUT Port Piping: None, Rated Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electric Control: PB (Board Type: Base; External Input, Differential Pressure Sensor: without 2 Holes), Fluid and Ambient Temperature: B (-40 to 60°C), Silencer: S (with Silencer)
Model: JSXF, Piping: F (Direct Piping Type), Tank Size: None, Port Size: 10 [1 (25A], Port Thread: N (NPT), OUT Port Piping: None, Rated Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electric Control: PP (Board Type: Base; External Input, Differential Pressure Sensor: with 3 Holes), Fluid and Ambient Temperature: B (-40 to 60°C), Silencer: S (with Silencer)
Model: JSXF, Piping: F (Direct Piping Type), Tank Size: None, Port Size: 10 [1 (25A], Port Thread: N (NPT), OUT Port Piping: None, Rated Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electric Control: PR (Board Type: Remote; External Input, Differential Pressure Sensor: without 2 Holes), Fluid and Ambient Temperature: B (-40 to 60°C), Silencer: S (with Silencer)
Body Class: 6 (Class 6, Orifice ø22), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Port Size: 10 (1), Thread: N (NPT), Material: A (Body: SUS, Endplate: PPS, Diaphragm: PTFE), Option: 1 (Flow Rate Adjustment), Specification: V (Vacuum)
Body Class: 6 (Class 6, Orifice ø22), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Port Size: 10 (1), Thread: N (NPT), Material: C (Body: PFA, Endplate: PPS, Diaphragm: PTFE), Option: None, Specification: V (Vacuum)
Model Type: Standard, Piping: F (Direct Piping Type), Tank Size: None, Port Size: 10 [1 (25A)], Thread Type: N (NPT), OUT Port Piping: None, Rated Voltage: 3 [120 VAC, (110 VAC)], Electrical Entry: DZ (DIN Terminal w/Light, w/Surge Voltage Suppressor, All Voltages), Fluid and Ambient Temp.: B (-40 to 60°C), Silencer: S (Silencer)
Model Type: Standard, Piping: F (Direct Piping Type), Tank Size: None, Port Size: 10 [1 (25A)], Thread Type: N (NPT), OUT Port Piping: None, Rated Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electrical Entry: DS (DIN Terminal w/Surge Voltage Suppressor, All Voltages), Fluid and Ambient Temp.: B (-40 to 60°C), Silencer: S (Silencer)
Model Type: Standard, Piping: F (Direct Piping Type), Tank Size: None, Port Size: 10 [1 (25A)], Thread Type: N (NPT), OUT Port Piping: None, Rated Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electrical Entry: WN (M12 Connector, w/Surge Voltage Supproessor, All Voltages), Fluid and Ambient Temp.: B (-40 to 60°C), Silencer: S (Silencer)
Model Type: Standard, Piping: E (Compression Fitting Type), Tank Size: None, Port Size: 10 [1 (25A)], Thread Type: N (NPT), OUT Port Piping: None, Rated Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Electrical Entry: DZ (DIN Terminal w/Light, w/Surge Voltage Suppressor, All Voltages), Fluid and Ambient Temp.: B (-40 to 60°C), Silencer: S (Silencer)
Model Type: Standard, Piping: E (Compression Fitting Type), Tank Size: None, Port Size: 10 [1 (25A)], Thread Type: N (NPT), OUT Port Piping: None, Rated Voltage: 3 [120 VAC, (110 VAC)], Electrical Entry: DS (DIN Terminal w/Surge Voltage Suppressor, All Voltages), Fluid and Ambient Temp.: B (-40 to 60°C), Silencer: S (Silencer)
Nozzle Diameter: 13 (ø1.3mm), Vacuum Pressure: S (-90 kPa), SUP: 08 (One-touch Fitting ø8), VAC: 10 (One-touch Fitting ø10), EXH: 10 (One-touch Fitting ø10), Accessories: N (w/o Bracket, w/o Silencer)
Nozzle Diameter: 13 (ø1.3mm), Vacuum Pressure: L (-48 kPa: ZH05 to 13D*A; -66 kPa: ZH15 to 20D*A), SUP: 08 (One-touch Fitting ø8), VAC: 10 (One-touch Fitting ø10), EXH: 10 (One-touch Fitting ø10), Accessories: N (w/o Bracket, w/o Silencer)
Nozzle Diameter: 15 (ø1.5mm), Vacuum Pressure: L (-48 kPa: ZH05 to 13D*A; -66 kPa: ZH15 to 20D*A), SUP: 08 (One-touch Fitting ø8), VAC: 10 (One-touch Fitting ø10), EXH: 10 (One-touch Fitting ø10), Accessories: N (w/o Bracket, w/o Silencer)
Nozzle Diameter: 13 (ø1.3mm), Vacuum Pressure: L (-48 kPa: ZH05 to 13D*A; -66 kPa: ZH15 to 20D*A), SUP: 08 (One-touch Fitting ø8), VAC: F02 (Screw-in G1/4), EXH: 10 (One-touch Fitting ø10), Accessories: N (w/o Bracket, w/o Silencer)