The tightening torque must be 1 to 1.2 Nm. 2 4 Safety Instructions 4 OUT1 (C/Q) How to reset the product after a power cut or when the power has been unexpectedly removed The settings of the product are retained from before the power cut or de-energizing.
How to see the manufacturing code P O 001 January 2011 O O 001 Year Symbol Remarks Month Symbol Remarks Serial no. 2011 P Repeated from A to Z in alphabetical order 1 O Repeated from O to Z in alphabetical order, with O for January and Z for December 2012 Q 2 P 2013 R 3 Q Fig. 1-3 Position of product label 1.5 Safety Measures 1.5.1 Safety Instructions for Use Follow the instructions below
How to see the manufacturing code P O 001 January 2011 O O 001 Year Symbol Remarks Month Symbol Remarks Serial no. 2011 P Repeated from A to Z in alphabetical order 1 O Repeated from O to Z in alphabetical order, with O for January and Z for December 2012 Q 2 P 2013 R 3 Q Fig. 1-3 Position of product label 1.4.2 Earth Label Fig. 1-4 Earth label HRS Series 1.4 Other Labels 1-5 HRX-OM-O021
A l a r m S e q u e n c e M O D E < O f f sequence(Ex. : Off) Function : Determines whether or not temp. upper/lower limit alarm is output when power is turned on.
Q: Mar. R: Apr. S: May T: Jun. U: Jul. V: Aug. W: Sep. X: Oct. y: Nov. Z: Dec. Mfg. year L: 2007 M: 2008 N: 2009 9.1 How to order and manufacturing code indication 9-2 A_HEC-OM-K001-1.7 Chapter 9 Appendix 9.2 Specifications 9.2.1 Specification table Table 9-2 Temperature Controller Part No.
Mar Q QQ RQ SQ . ZQ AQ BQ . Feb P QP RP SP . ZP AP BP . May S QS RS SS . ZS AS BS . Aug V QV RV SV . ZV AV BV . Jan o Qo Ro So . Zo Ao Bo . Nov y Qy Ry Sy . Zy Ay By . 2012 2013 2014 . 2021 2022 2023 . Year Jun T QT RT ST . ZT AT BT . Dec Z Qz RZ SZ . ZZ AZ BZ . Apr R QR RR SR . ZR AR BR . Jul U QU RU SU . ZU AU BU . Month Q R S . Z A B . Oct X QX RX SX . ZX AX BX .
Show a case with CC-Link system master local unit (Q Series) of Mitsubishi for the example about setting. PC series: QCPU (Q mode), PC type Q00UJ Initial addresses of Remote I/O (Rx, Ry) and Remote register (RWr, RWw), etc. The PLC memory address shown in 10. Memory assignment becomes the address when doing the setting as the following list.
Show a case with CC-Link system master local unit (Q Series) of Mitsubishi for the example about setting. PC series: QCPU (Q mode), PC type Q00UJ Initial addresses of Remote I/O (Rx, Ry) and Remote register (RWr, RWw), etc. The PLC memory address shown in 10. Memory assignment becomes the address when doing the setting as the following list.
(P.29) CC-Link 11CC-Link 11 0 () 10 11.2 (P.50) 4.3 PLC PLC PLC CC-Link Ver. 1.10 Ver.2.00 CC-Link (Q ) PC :QCPU(Q ) PC :Q00UJ (RxRy)(RWrRWw) 10.1 (P.32)PLC (Rx) X1000 (Ry) Y1000 (RWr) W0 (RWw) W1000 (SB) SB0 (SW) SW0 PLC LECPMJ 1 LECPMJ 2 2 Ver.1 4.1 (STATION NO. B RATE) (P.17) PLC 18 - 5. CN1~5 5.1 CN1: DC24V CN1 (DC24V) 6.
IO-Link mode Brown (No.1) L+ Black (No.4) C/Q Main circuit IO-Link White (No.2) master Blue (No.3) LAnalogue output (white) is disabled when the IO-Link mode is selected.
A l a r m S e q u e n c e M O D E < O f f On : Output Off : Not output (Alarm for high and low temperature limit is not detected until the temperature reaches the target temperature after the power is supplied.)
(q) CN3 Encoder connector Connect encoder connector of actuator cable. (r) CN4 I/O connector Connect I/O cable. *1) The Set value of speed and acceleration are set for reverse and forward directions.
VXP2130: Option C,K,Q,S only. 8 Select an option mark in page 7 by Applicable Fluids Check List for special fluids outside of the standard. VXP2130: Option C K Q Sonly. Refer to page 13 for ordering coil only. 9 Normally Open(..) Note 1) Refer to page 7Applicable Fluids Check List for details of special fluids outside of the standard options and specifications.
(q) CN3 Encoder connector Connect encoder connector of actuator cable. (r) CN4 I/O connector Connect I/O cable. *1) The Set value of speed and acceleration are set for reverse and f forward directions. The set value will be reflected in the operation of all position numbers. 14 No.
Pressure Control Equipment Industrial Filters y y q IN OUT IN OUT u r t u r t i i The numbers are the same as the "Construction" of the Best Pneumatics No.5 Series AWG. *BLUE links will lead to purchase pages. Replacement Parts Description Material Qty. Note Part no. No.
6 i u q r !1 !0 Closed condition Normally closed !2 !3 !4 Component Parts Material Material Note Note No. q w e No. i o !0 !1 !2 !3 !4 !
(mm) Model OO PP SS VV QQ RR TT UU Applicable gasket ML1C25 ML1C32 ML1C40 C11.2 10 14 37 24 8 27 20 8 C11.2 16.5 18 46 30 12 32 22 8 C14 17 23.5 53 40 12.5 34 26 10 Model A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q S T O R U W Z V Y ML1C25 ML1C32 ML1C40 274 260 137 140 88 108 87 85.5 60 74 97 100 42.5 26 34 206 28 24 5.6 9 5.5 8.5 9.5 M5 x 0.8 M6 x 1 11 322 306 161 160 108 131 101 99.5 64 92 118 120
(mm) Model OO PP SS VV QQ RR TT UU Applicable gasket ML1C25 ML1C32 ML1C40 C11.2 10 14 37 24 8 27 20 8 C11.2 16.5 18 46 30 12 32 22 8 C14 17 23.5 53 40 12.5 34 26 10 Model A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q S T O R U W Z V Y ML1C25 ML1C32 ML1C40 274 260 137 140 88 108 87 85.5 60 74 97 100 42.5 26 34 206 28 24 5.6 9 5.5 8.5 9.5 M5 x 0.8 M6 x 1 11 322 306 161 160 108 131 101 99.5 64 92 118 120
9 MNB e CNA2 $2 q %3 %4 $1 CNS #1 #0 @9 #4 $0 !5 !4 $7 $6 y %0 %1 CLS CLQ #3 #2 !8 @0 @2 @1 @7 RLQ @3 r MLU o #5 !6 $3 $4 MLGP Component Parts Component Parts Material No.
6 e &0 q &0 #4 #3 $8 $0 %9 ^0 #9 $6 $7 %9 !2 #1 !3 $9 %0 %1 !0 @2 @1 #2 ^2 ^5 $5 %2 @5 ^8 $4 ^1 @4 %4 %5 ^7 $3 #0 $2 %6 @7 ^4 o %7 ^9 ^6 @9 %8 ML2BS $1 %3 ^3 !