H exagon socket Fol l ow i ng condi ti ons Cause el em ent breakage O ri ng ( U sed) G asket ( U sed) I nst al l vert i cal l y. Fl ush i nsi de of pi pi ngs w i t h ai r. Ensure no l eakage. Keep si ght gl ass i n f ront . N ever f ai l t o i nst al l one of AM , AM D , AM H as a pref i l t er. N ever f ai l t o use dry ai r.
D . ) , 2. 8 m or l ess ( overal l l engt h) I N N o back f l ow Pl ace w here ai r f l ow s backw ards El em ent O ri ng G asket ( N ew ) ( N ew ) O ver rat ed f l ow Year 2008 2009 2010 2021 M ont h J an Feb M ar D ec SYM BO L o P Q Z Rem ove f our hexagon socket head bol t . Repl ace el em ent , gasket , ori ng. Ti ght en hexagon socket head bol t .
D . ) , 2. 8 m or l ess ( overal l l engt h) I N N o back f l ow Pl ace w here ai r f l ow s backw ards El em ent O ri ng G asket ( N ew ) ( N ew ) O ver rat ed f l ow Year 2008 2009 2010 2021 M ont h J an Feb M ar D ec SYM BO L o P Q Z Rem ove f our hexagon socket head bol t . Repl ace el em ent , gasket , ori ng. Ti ght en hexagon socket head bol t .
D . ) , 2. 8 m or l ess ( overal l l engt h) I N N o back f l ow Pl ace w here ai r f l ow s backw ards El em ent O ri ng G asket ( N ew ) ( N ew ) O ver rat ed f l ow Year 2008 2009 2010 2021 M ont h J an Feb M ar D ec SYM BO L o P Q Z Rem ove f our hexagon socket head bol t . Repl ace el em ent , gasket , ori ng. Ti ght en hexagon socket head bol t .
Fittings & Tubing Air Cylinders Rotary Actuators F Y R Applicable tubing 6/4 W C Q V BB IN OUT OUT K H IN Z P2 Plate thickness 10-/21-AW20K-B: Max. 3.5 (Pressure gauge port size) Pressure gauge (Option) 2 x P1 (Port size) B Hexagon width across flats 14 Clearance for maintenance G Drain 1/8 CC A AW30K-B to 40K-06-B 1021J J D M S N T Bracket (Option) U F Panel fitting dimension R Applicable
Current proportional valve, PROPORTIONAL VALVE
C a r e f u l n o t e s h o u l d b e t a k e n o f t h e operating principles and design of different r a n g e s o f m e c h a n i c a l v a l v e s w h e n specifying valves for safety related systems. S E E I N S I D E F R O N T C O V E R F O R FOR FURTHER TECHNICAL DETAILS ON THIS PRODUCT REQUEST CATALOG REFERENCE E104 & N261 DETAILS OF YOUR LOCAL SALES OFFICE
Insulation oil A H Polyacetal Note 1) Note 1) Non-leak (10 6 Pam 3/s) Brake oil Water (up to 60C) B P A H Stainless steel Note 1) If using for other fluids, please contact SMC.
Cutoff H i g h T e m p . Setting range : 11.0 to 70.0 C Min. increment : 0.1 C Indicated content : High temp. cutoff by internal temp. C u t o f f M O D E < 7 0 . 0 C sensor (Ex. : 70.0 C). Function : Sets upper limit of temp. at which the internal temp. sensor detects and judges the unit should be shut off. When the temp. set in this item is reached, the alarm [ERR12] arises. 9.
Nil L R S a b h g d c f e Operating direction Left Right Note) Plugs are installed in ports other than those indicated for the model.
Standard products Nil L R S a b h g d c f e Operating direction Left Right Load weight Light Low Heavy Bore size (mm) Series Guide type Note) Plugs are installed in ports other than those indicated for the model. 6 10 15 20 25 32 40 50 63 L R S Nil Model Clean room rodless CYP High precision guide type Piping port position a b c d e f g h Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Operating
How to Order How to Order ZSE80(F)/ISE80 X500 ZSE80(F)/ISE80(H) X501 Piping Piping Output Output Option ZSE ISE Option Note 1) Not applicable to the rated pressure 0.1 to 2 MPa specifications (ISE80H). Note 2) A restrictor (equivalent to -X510) is installed inside the fitting. (Piping specifications A2(L) and B2(L) are excluded.)
B B B B B N.O.: Black Dimensions B B B N.C.: Gray O S O S 1/8 1/4 10 One-touch fitting Barb fitting Applicable tubing: T0604 M5 x 0.8 Width across flats 14 Width across flats 17 Model Standard specifications Optional specifications Square type pressure gauge Digital pressure gauge Round type pressure gauge P1 P2 A B Note) C D E G J F K H J H J H J AWM20/AWD20 28 27.8 1/8, 1/4 1/8 M28 x 1
B B B B B N.O.: Black Dimensions B B B N.C.: Gray O S O S 1/8 1/4 10 One-touch fitting Barb fitting Applicable tubing: T0604 M5 x 0.8 Width across flats 14 Width across flats 17 Model Standard specifications Optional specifications Square type pressure gauge Digital pressure gauge Round type pressure gauge P1 P2 A B Note) C D E G J F K H J H J H J AWM20/AWD20 28 27.8 1/8, 1/4 1/8 M28 x 1
Option Symbol and Configuration Fluid and Options Option symbol and Body material Brass Stainless steel Option symbol Seal material Body material Support material (Driving Parts) Fluid(Application) V M Silicon oil A H Standard A B G H J M (Non-leak) N P V (Non-leak) NBR FPM EPR NBR FPM EPR FPM FPM EPR FPM Vacuum (Up to 103Torr) Fuel oil (Up to 60C) Brass A H V M Insulating oil A H Polyacetal
Product failure Replace the product. -29No.PS-OMH0003-F Reference No.
S U D N Bracket (Option) J M T (11) Panel fitting dimension Y W Plate thickness ARP20(K), ARP30(K) : Max. 3.5 ARP40(K) : Max. 5 OUT IN 1021 1021 Z Pressure Gauge Option Digital pressure switch (Electrical entry: Wiring top entry) Digital pressure switch (Electrical entry: Wiring bottom entry) Option Round type pressure gauge J J J H Dimensions Center of piping H Center of piping H Center
S U D N Bracket (Option) J M T (11) Panel fitting dimension Y W Plate thickness ARP20(K), ARP30(K) : Max. 3.5 ARP40(K) : Max. 5 OUT IN 1021 1021 Z Pressure Gauge Option Digital pressure switch (Electrical entry: Wiring top entry) Digital pressure switch (Electrical entry: Wiring bottom entry) Option Round type pressure gauge J J J H Dimensions Center of piping H Center of piping H Center