SMC Corporation of America
Elite Part Number Search
Search Results "VFA3130-02-F-P"

K F 10 AW B 30 03 BG JN K F 21 AW B 30 03 BG JN Copper, fluorine and silicone-free + Low particle generation q r t y w e Filter regulator Option/Semi-standard: Select one each for a to g.

Example) AR30K-03BE-1NR-B w e V q Body size 20 25 30 40 50 60 Symbol Description V w With backflow function Nil Without backflow function K Note 1) With backflow function + V e Pipe thread type Nil Rc N NPT F G + 01 1/8 02 1/4 03 3/8 04 1/2 06 3/4 10 1 V r Port size + a Mounting Nil Without mounting option B Note 3) With bracket H With set nut (for panel mount) + Nil Without pressure

Ex. 1) For the VS3135-02*: VP542K-*G1-02A-F For the VS3135-03*: VP542K-*G1-03A-F
Ex. 2) For the VS3145-04*: VP742K-*G1-04A-F
If you are using the product for air blow, as a selector valve, or at a pressure of 0.2 MPa or lower, consider using an external pilot type valve (VP542RK-*G1-02A-F, VP542RK-*G1-03A-F, or VP742RK-*G1-04A-F).

G1, Symbol N: NPT1) CH2: Rc1/2 (Symbol F: G1/2, Symbol N: NPT1/2) Tank drain port CH1: Rc3/4 (Symbol F: G3/4, Symbol N: NPT3/4) CH2: Rc1/2 (Symbol F: G1/2, Symbol N: NPT1/2) Fluid contact material (Metal/Resin) CH1: Stainless steel, Copper (Heat exchanger brazing), Brass, Bronze, Fluororesin, PP, PBT, POM, PU, PC, PVC, EPDM, NBR CH2: Stainless steel, Alumina ceramic, Carbon, Fluororesin,

G3/4, Symbol N: NPT3/4) Tank drain port Rc1/4 (Symbol F: G1/4, Symbol N: NPT1/4) Automatic uid ll system (Standard) Pump capacity Supply side pressure range MPa 0.2 to 0.5 Supply side uid temperature C 5 to 35 Automatic uid ll port Rc1/2 (Symbol F: G1/2, Symbol N: NPT1/2) Overow port Rc1 (Symbol F: G1, Symbol N: NPT1) Fluid contact material Stainless steel, Copper (Heat exchanger brazing

(mm) 02 04 2 4 Nil -X19 With lock ring Without lock ring (10 or larger) 1 2 10 to 16 20 to 32 ZX 06 6 3 40, 50 ZR 08 8 Material 10 10 N S NBR Silicon rubber 13 13 ZM 16 16 Pad type U Urethane rubber 20 20 ZH F Fluoro rubber 25 25 U C Flat Flat with ribs GN Conductive NBR (2 to 16) 32 32 ZU GS Conductive silicon rubber (2 to 16) 40 40 D Deep 50 50 20 or large are manufactured upon receipt

G1, Symbol N: NPT1) Tank drain port Rc3/4 (Symbol F: G3/4, Symbol N: NPT3/4) Automatic uid ll system (Standard) Pump capacity Supply side pressure range MPa 0.2 to 0.5 Supply side uid temperature C 5 to 35 Automatic uid ll port Rc1/2 (Symbol F: G1/2, Symbol N: NPT1/2) Overow port Rc1 (Symbol F: G1, Symbol N: NPT1) Fluid contact material Metal Stainless steel, Copper (Heat exchanger brazing

Phone AUSTRIA / (43) 2262-62 280 ITALY / (39) 02-92711 BELGIUM / (32) 3-355 1464 NETHERLANDS / (31) 20-531 8 CZECH REP. / (420) 5-414 24611 NORWAY / (47) 67 12 90 20 DENMARK / (45) 70 25 29 00 POLAND / (48) 22-548 50 85 FINLAND / (358) 9-859 580 PORTUGAL / (351) 2 610 89 22 FRANCE / (33) 1-64 76 1000 SPAIN / (34) 945-18 4100 GERMANY / (49) 6103 4020 SWEDEN / (46) 8-603 0700 GREECE / (30)

Phone AUSTRIA / (43) 2262-62 280 ITALY / (39) 02-92711 BELGIUM / (32) 3-355 1464 NETHERLANDS / (31) 20-531 8 CZECH REP. / (420) 5-414 24611 NORWAY / (47) 67 12 90 20 DENMARK / (45) 70 25 29 00 POLAND / (48) 22-548 50 85 FINLAND / (358) 9-859 580 PORTUGAL / (351) 2 610 89 22 FRANCE / (33) 1-64 76 1000 SPAIN / (34) 945-18 4100 GERMANY / (49) 6103 4020 SWEDEN / (46) 8-603 0700 GREECE / (30)

AFJ AFJ r t y u w AMV q Body size 20 30 40 ZH -X185 Symbol Description Related Products w Pipe thread type Nil Rc N NPT F G + 01 1/8 02 1/4 03 3/8 04 1/2 + e Port size Option a Mounting Nil Without mounting option r B Note 1) With bracket + b Element 5 5 m 40 40 m 80 80 m + Nominal filtration rating t c Water drop removal type/ Large flow type S Water drop removal type Type y T Large

Example) AWM30-03BE-1N AWD 30 03 BE q w e r t Body size Description Symbol 30 40 20 Nil N Note 1) F Note 2) Thread type Rc NPT G + 01 02 03 04 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 Port size + H Mounting Without mounting option With bracket With set nut a Nil B Note 4) + Without auto drain Float type auto drain (N.C.)

Example) 10-ARP30K-03BG-1RY Clean room compliant, copperfree, fluorine-free, silicone-free Clean room compliant Symbol Description 20 30 40 Body size 20 30 40 Body size Nil K Without backflow function With backflow function With backflow function + Nil N F Thread type Rc NPT G + 01 02 03 04 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 Port size + Nil B Note 2) H a Without mounting option With bracket With set nut (For

Clean series 10 AF 03 A 30 F J B 21 AF 03 A 30 F J B Copper, fluorine and silicone-free + Low particle generation q w e r t Air filter Option/Semi-standard:Selectoneeachfora to e. Option/Semi-standardsymbol:Whenmorethanonespecificationisrequired,indicateinalphanumericorder.

Regulator Series AR-B 1021Series ARK-B 1021Regulator with Backflow Function How to Order Clean series K F 10 AR B 30 03 BG 1N K F 21 AR B 30 03 BG 1N Copper, fluorine and silicone-free + Low particle generation q r t y w e Regulator Option/Semi-standard: Select one each for a to g.

Example) 10-ARP30K-03BG-1RY Clean room compliant, copperfree, fluorine-free, silicone-free Clean room compliant Symbol Description 20 30 40 Body size 20 30 40 Body size Nil K Without backflow function With backflow function With backflow function + Nil N F Thread type Rc NPT G + 01 02 03 04 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 Port size + Nil B Note 2) H a Without mounting option With bracket With set nut (For

50 60 (2) IR M5 01 02 03 04 06 10 Accessory When more than one specification is required, indicate in alphanumeric order.

AS-F AS-F Model TMH No need for tools, reducing time required for mounting.

VT (Light/Surge voltage suppressor) VP (n station) (1 station) VG VP S070 VQ 2 2 VKF 13 7.7 VQZ (Pitch) VZ P=10.5 10.5 (2 port) M5 x 0.8 VS VFN L plug connector (L) M plug connector (M) 32.5 [34.7] 11.6 38.3 [42.2] 42.3 [44.5] 27.5 Other dimensions are same as grommet type.