Stations: 4 Stations, Exhaust Style: Common Exhaust, A Port Size: 1/8 Common Exhaust/Individual Exhaust, Thread: Rc
Stations: 2 Stations, Exhaust Style: Individual Exhaust, A Port Size: 1/8 Common Exhaust/Individual Exhaust, Thread: Rc
Stations: 3 Stations, Exhaust Style: Individual Exhaust, A Port Size: 1/8 Common Exhaust/Individual Exhaust, Thread: Rc
Stations: 6 Stations, Exhaust Style: Individual Exhaust, A Port Size: 1/8 Common Exhaust/Individual Exhaust, Thread: Rc
Stations: 8 Stations, Exhaust Style: Common Exhaust, A Port Size: 1/8 Common Exhaust/Individual Exhaust, Thread: Rc
Stations: 5 Stations, Exhaust Style: Common Exhaust, A Port Size: 1/8 Common Exhaust/Individual Exhaust, Thread: Rc
Stations: 5 Stations, Exhaust Style: Individual Exhaust, A Port Size: 1/8 Common Exhaust/Individual Exhaust, Thread: Rc
Stations: 10 Stations, Exhaust Style: Individual Exhaust, A Port Size: 1/8 Common Exhaust/Individual Exhaust, Thread: Rc
With One-touch fitting Port size For low speed control M5 U10/32 01 02 M5 x 0.8 10-32 UNF 1/8 1/4 Thread type Nil Metric thread (M5) Unified thread (10-32 UNF) R NPT N Needle Valve/Flow Characteristics AS1201FM, AS1211FM AS1301FM, AS1311FM AS2201FM-01, AS2211FM-01 AS2301FM-01, AS2311FM-01 AS2201FM-02, AS2211FM-02 AS2301FM-02, AS2311FM-02 0.8 Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa
Displacement of Section A when force acts on Section F Displacement of Section A when force acts on Section F F A F Guide central axis (1 axis type) F For the double axis type, this is the cylinders central axis.
G Description 04 06 10 02 03 04 02 03 04 VY110 0 1VY120 0 1VY130 0 1VY140 0 1VY170 0 11 1 0 2 VY190 0 11 2 4 0 VY1D00-M5 VY1A0 0 1-M5 VY150 0 1VY1B0 0 1M 0 5 1 01 02 01 02 PPA B VEX9-32A VEX5-32A VEX7-32A VEX3-32A VEXA-18-2A VEX1-18-1A Bracket (With bolt, washer) AL F VEX1-18-2A VEXA-18-3A G27-10-R1-X207 G G46-10-01 G36-10-01 G27-10-01 Pressure gauge AN120-M5 AN120-M5 Pilot EXH port silencer
Electrical entry F: Plug-in Option Port size Nil 01 Without sub-plate Rc 1 8 02 Rc 1 4 2 50 01 F Z VZS3 1 Plug-in 5 G 50 VZS3 01 Non plug-in 2 Symbol Coil rated voltage Thread type Option 2 position single 1 2 3 4 100 VAC, 50/60 Hz 200 VAC, 50/60 Hz Nil N T F Standard Rc Nil Z None With light/surge voltage suppressor NPT 1 110 VAC, 50/60 Hz Option NPTF S With surge voltage suppressor 220
1N X430 03 AR 30 BG F N X425 03 Regulator Regulator For high/low temperature For high pressure 25 30 40 50 60 Body size Body size X430 X440 Low temperature 20 25 30 40 50 60 High temperature Thread type Thread type Rc NPT G Nil N F Rc NPT G Nil N F Port size Port size Body size Port size Body size Symbol Port size 25 30 40 50 60 Symbol 20 25 30 40 50 60 02 03 04 06 10 1/4 01 02 03 04 06 10
Note 3) 5 port base mounted without sub-plate: SYJA540 5-2-23 6 Series SYJA5000 Dimesions: Body Ported Dimensions: Base Mounted 2 position single: SYJA5140-01 2 position single: SYJA5120-M5(-F) 41.5 (For mounting) 2-4.3 M5 x 0.8 (Pilot port) 1 Manual override 15 5 11 A B A B 1 M5 x 0.8 (Pilot port) 10 24 A B 19 R P 2-2.6 2-3.5 4 37.5 (For mounting) (For manifold mounting) (Bracket) 47 42
With bracket F Nil Without bracket *The bracket is not mounted.
(E X C E S S I V E F O R C E I N T H E D I R E C T I O N O F R O TAT I O N A P P L I E D T O T H E P I S T O N R O D M AY D A M A G E T H E I N T E R N A L M E C H A N I S M.) R E F E R T O T H E F O L L O W I N G TA B L E F O R D I M E N S I O N S W I T H A R M 32/40/50/63S E R I E S MK2 T I G H T E N I N G T O R Q U E F O R M O U N T I N G.
[F 0] Units selection function Page 27 Symbol Model Default setting ISE40A MPa Nil or M ZSE40A(F) kPa ISE40A P psi ZSE40A(F) [F 1] Setting of OUT1 Page 28 Item Description Default setting Output mode Select hysteresis mode window comparator mode or OFF mode. Hysteresis mode Reversed output Select reversed output.
Port size Symbol Size 01 1/8" 05 3/16" 07 1/4" 09 5/16" 11 3/8" 13 1/2" Symbol Size M5 M5 x 0.8 01 1/8 02 1/4 03 3/8 04 1/2 00*1 Same diameter tubing 1 Only for Bulkhead union. Spare Parts Use the part number below to order the gasket for M5 thread.
Setting range: MT.01 to MT.05 (Initial value: MT.01) Contact output signal 3 Select function 21. Press the [] key. Displays screen for setting the function of the Contact output signal 3.