L Speed: V [mm/s] Calculation example) T1 to T4 can be calculated as follows. a1 a2 Time [s] T1 = V/a1 = 300/3000 = 0.1 [s], T3 = V/a2 = 300/3000 = 0.1 [s] T = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 [s] T1 T2 T3 T4 L 0.5 V (T1 + T3) V T1: Acceleration time and T3: Deceleration T2 = L : Stroke [mm] time can be obtained by the following equation. 200 0.5 300 (0.1 + 0.1) 300 (Operating condition) V : Speed
-B01 ZPA-T3-N01 ZPA-T3-T01 ZPA-T3-B01 ZPA-T3-N01 ZPA-T3-T01 ZPA-T1-B8 ZPA-T1-B10 ZPA-T1-B8 ZPA-T1-B10 ZPA-T2-B8 ZPA-T2-B10 ZPA-T2-B12 ZPA-T2-B16 ZPA-T2-B8 ZPA-T2-B10 ZPA-T2-B12 ZPA-T2-B16 ZPA-T3-B12 ZPA-T3-B16 ZPA-T3-B12 ZPA-T3-B16 ZP40 ZP40 With three M3 bolts With three M3 bolts ZP50 ZP50 ZP63 ZP63 With four M4 bolts With four M4 bolts ZP80 ZP80 ZP100 ZP100 With four M5 bolts With four
-B01 ZPA-T3-N01 ZPA-T3-T01 ZPA-T3-B01 ZPA-T3-N01 ZPA-T3-T01 ZPA-T1-B8 ZPA-T1-B10 ZPA-T1-B8 ZPA-T1-B10 ZPA-T2-B8 ZPA-T2-B10 ZPA-T2-B12 ZPA-T2-B16 ZPA-T2-B8 ZPA-T2-B10 ZPA-T2-B12 ZPA-T2-B16 ZPA-T3-B12 ZPA-T3-B16 ZPA-T3-B12 ZPA-T3-B16 ZP40 ZP40 With three M3 bolts With three M3 bolts ZP50 ZP50 ZP63 ZP63 With four M4 bolts With four M4 bolts ZP80 ZP80 ZP100 ZP100 With four M5 bolts With four
-B01 ZPA-T3-N01 ZPA-T3-T01 ZPA-T3-B01 ZPA-T3-N01 ZPA-T3-T01 ZPA-T1-B8 ZPA-T1-B10 ZPA-T1-B8 ZPA-T1-B10 ZPA-T2-B8 ZPA-T2-B10 ZPA-T2-B12 ZPA-T2-B16 ZPA-T2-B8 ZPA-T2-B10 ZPA-T2-B12 ZPA-T2-B16 ZPA-T3-B12 ZPA-T3-B16 ZPA-T3-B12 ZPA-T3-B16 ZP40 ZP40 With three M3 bolts With three M3 bolts ZP50 ZP50 ZP63 ZP63 With four M4 bolts With four M4 bolts ZP80 ZP80 ZP100 ZP100 With four M5 bolts With four
-B01 ZPA-T3-N01 ZPA-T3-T01 ZPA-T3-B01 ZPA-T3-N01 ZPA-T3-T01 ZPA-T1-B8 ZPA-T1-B10 ZPA-T1-B8 ZPA-T1-B10 ZPA-T2-B8 ZPA-T2-B10 ZPA-T2-B12 ZPA-T2-B16 ZPA-T2-B8 ZPA-T2-B10 ZPA-T2-B12 ZPA-T2-B16 ZPA-T3-B12 ZPA-T3-B16 ZPA-T3-B12 ZPA-T3-B16 ZP40 ZP40 With three M3 bolts With three M3 bolts ZP50 ZP50 ZP63 ZP63 With four M4 bolts With four M4 bolts ZP80 ZP80 ZP100 ZP100 With four M5 bolts With four
L Speed: V [mm/s] a1 a2 T1 = V/a1 = 300/3000 = 0.1 [s], T3 = V/a2 = 300/3000 = 0.1 [s] Time T = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 [s] [s] L 0.5 V (T1 + T3) V T1: Acceleration time and T3: Deceleration time can be found by the following equation.
L Speed: V [mm/s] a1 a2 T1 = V/a1 = 300/10 = 0.03 [s], T3 = V/a2 = 300/10 = 0.03 [s] Time T = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 [s] [s] L 0.5 V (T1 + T3) V T1: Acceleration time and T3: Deceleration time can be found by the following equation.
L Speed: V [mm/s] Cycle time T can be found from the following equation. a1 a2 T = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 [s] T1: Acceleration time and T3: Deceleration time can be obtained by the following equation. Time [s] T1 = V/a1 [s] T3 = V/a2 [s] T1 T2 T3 T4 T2: Constant speed time can be found from the following equation.
+ T3) V Therefore, the cycle time can be obtained as follows.
-B01 ZPA-T3-N01 ZPA-T3-T01 ZPA-T3-B01 ZPA-T3-N01 ZPA-T3-T01 ZPA-T1-B8 ZPA-T1-B10 ZPA-T1-B8 ZPA-T1-B10 ZPA-T2-B8 ZPA-T2-B10 ZPA-T2-B12 ZPA-T2-B16 ZPA-T2-B8 ZPA-T2-B10 ZPA-T2-B12 ZPA-T2-B16 ZPA-T3-B12 ZPA-T3-B16 ZPA-T3-B12 ZPA-T3-B16 ZP40 ZP40 With three M3 bolts With three M3 bolts ZP50 ZP50 ZP63 ZP63 With four M4 bolts With four M4 bolts ZP80 ZP80 ZP100 ZP100 With four M5 bolts With four
-B01 ZPA-T3-N01 ZPA-T3-T01 ZPA-T3-B01 ZPA-T3-N01 ZPA-T3-T01 ZPA-T1-B8 ZPA-T1-B10 ZPA-T1-B8 ZPA-T1-B10 ZPA-T2-B8 ZPA-T2-B10 ZPA-T2-B12 ZPA-T2-B16 ZPA-T2-B8 ZPA-T2-B10 ZPA-T2-B12 ZPA-T2-B16 ZPA-T3-B12 ZPA-T3-B16 ZPA-T3-B12 ZPA-T3-B16 ZP40 ZP40 With three M3 bolts With three M3 bolts ZP50 ZP50 ZP63 ZP63 With four M4 bolts With four M4 bolts ZP80 ZP80 ZP100 ZP100 With four M5 bolts With four
L Speed: V [mm/s] a1 a2 T1 = V/a1 = 300/3000 = 0.1 [s], T3 = V/a2 = 300/3000 = 0.1 [s] Time [s] T = T1 +T2 +T3 +T4 [s] L 0.5 V (T1 + T3) V "T1: Acceleration time and T3: Deceleration time can be obtained by the following equation.
T1 = V/a1 = 1000/2500 = 0.4 [s], T1 T2 T3 T4 11LEJS T3 = V/a2 = 1000/2500 = 0.4 [s] L: Stroke [mm](Operating condition) V: Speed [mm/s](Operating condition) a1: Acceleration [mm/s2](Operating condition) a2: Deceleration [mm/s2](Operating condition) T = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 [s] L 0.5V(T1 + T3) V 25AT2 = T1: Acceleration time and T3: Deceleration time can be obtained by the following equation
Time [s] Method 2: Calculation T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Cycle time T can be found from the following equation. T6 T = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 [s] Calculation example) T1 to T4 can be calculated as follows. L : Stroke [mm] V : Speed [mm/s] a1: Acceleration [mm/s2] a2: Deceleration [mm/s2] T1 and T3 can be obtained by the following equation.
VDC Pressure Characteristics Pressure Characteristics 1 i 6 _ 102 9 s 3 o t 5 o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 F ow rale f/min(ANBI 20 30 40 200 400 600 400 looo Fow rale i/m n(ANF) 1 3 1 102 e7 T3 d 7 3 58 a a a 29 1 5 1 5 o 4 8 1 2 1 6 2 A 2 4 2 8 400 800 1200 1.in 2004 2400 200 400 600 800 1000 Belief flo\i/ i.
Silent interval is indicated by T1-T2-T3-T4. Table 3-6 RTU mode message frame a) Start b) Device Address c) Function d) Data e) Checksum (CRC) f) End T1-T2-T3-T4 XX XX XX XX XX XX T1-T2-T3-T4 a) Start In Modbus RTU mode, message frames are separated by a silent interval (non-communication time).
Body oplion %NPTF subplate O :lndividual pllot exhaust I t -43 W 3:Common exhaust for main and pilot valve I :Without subolate 'ubplate ' -T3,l#:' G:Grommet(std.)
-B01 ZPA-T3-N01 ZPA-T3-T01 ZPA-T3-B01 ZPA-T3-N01 ZPA-T3-T01 ZPA-T1-B8 ZPA-T1-B10 ZPA-T1-B8 ZPA-T1-B10 ZPA-T2-B8 ZPA-T2-B10 ZPA-T2-B12 ZPA-T2-B16 ZPA-T2-B8 ZPA-T2-B10 ZPA-T2-B12 ZPA-T2-B16 ZPA-T3-B12 ZPA-T3-B16 ZPA-T3-B12 ZPA-T3-B16 ZP40 ZP40 With three M3 bolts With three M3 bolts ZP50 ZP50 ZP63 ZP63 With four M4 bolts With four M4 bolts ZP80 ZP80 ZP100 ZP100 With four M5 bolts With four
-A5 ZP3A-T3-B5 Note 1) ; in the table indicates the pad material.
-A5 ZP3A-T3-B5 Note 1) ; in the table indicates the pad material.