Remarks Bracket ZS-46-A1 Self tapping screws: Nominal size 3 x 8L (2 pcs.)
MNB CNA Maximum piston speed: 500 mm/s It can be used at 50 to 500 mm/s provided that it is within the allowable kinetic energy range. (The lock-up cylinder can operate at 50 to 200 mm/s.)
1 1 2 5.5 4 8 6 C1 A1 D-A9V D-A9 (Reed switch) D-M9W D-M9 D-M9AL (Solid state switch) D-A9V (Reed switch) D-M9V, D-M9WV D-M9AVL D-M9V D-M9WV D-M9AVL (Solid state switch) C3 CXSJ15 to 32 (mm) Bore size C2 Symbol Auto switch model A1 32 D-M9, D-M9W D-M9AL D-A9V D-M9WV D-M9AVL 15 20 25 1 2 5.5 4.5 1 C1 A1 A1 C1 C2 C3 1 2 5.5 4.5 1 2 5.5 4.5 1 2 5.5 4.5 D-A9 (Reed switch) D-M9 (Solid state switch
110 110 MXW25 50 100 200 300 500 700 Piston speed (mm/s) Piston speed (mm/s) Graph (3) Graph (2) Static Moment Moment generated by the workpiece weight even when the cylinder is stopped L2 B1 Yaw moment My = W x 9.8 (L2 + B) Roll moment Mr = W x 9.8 (L3 + C) Pitch moment Mp = W x 9.8 (L1 + A1) A1: Moment center position distance compensation amount B1: Moment center position distance
Seal NBR O-ring NBR 15-9-86 13 Dual Speed Controller Adjustable by Flat Head Screwdriver With One-touch Fitting Dimensions Metric size L2 L3 Applicable tubing O.D. d D1 M1 L6 D2 L1 D4 L4 AS H ASP (Hexagon width across flats) ASN D3 AQ D4 ASV A1 L5 AK A2 L6 ASS ASR ASF T Metric Size A1 A2 L4 L5 L6 L3 D2 D3 D4 L1 Model H L2 D1 d T M1 ASD230F-M5-04D 17.5 29.4 9.3 4 12.9 30.7 31 0.7 9.6 10
06,07 10 6 500 4 5 2 0 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations 15-9-101 11 Construction ASD230F ASD330F/430F ASD530F/630F ASD530F-02 !
When sum of load rate does not exceed 1, it is possible to use. 1+2+3<1 163 Series MXP Precision Air Slide Table How To Order How to Select Allowable load:W(N) Fig. 1 Over hung:Ln(mm), Corrected value for center position distance of moment:An(mm) Fig. 2 Pitch moment Yawing moment Roll moment W L2 A2 L1 A1 L3 A3 Mp Mr My Static moment Kinetic moment W W W L2 A2 L3 A3 L1 A1 W Mp Mr My W W
I-MU02 I-MU03 I-MU04 I-MU05 E1 16 18 20 28 A1 10.5 12 14 18 MM M10 x 1.25 M12 x 1.25 M14 x 1.5 M18 x 1.5 A1 10.5 12 14 18 L1 27 31 36 46 E1 14 18 20 28 L1 27 31 36 46 MM M10 x 1.25 M12 x 1.25 M14 x 1.5 M18 x 1.5 NDH10 8 10 10 14 Size 25 32 40 50 Size 25 32 40 50 +0.058 0 +0.058 0 +0.058 0 +0.070 0 Applicable pin no.
VCHC ASR ASQ ASD230F ASD330F ASD430F 100 200 400 Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) 07,08,09,10,11 300 06 200 50 100 100 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10 Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations ASD530F ASD630F 1500 1000 Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) 12 10,11 10,11,12 08,09 1000 500 06,07 500 0 5 10 0 5 10
10 6 500 4 5 2 0 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations 548 Series ASP Speed Controller with Pilot Check Valve with One-touch Fitting Dimensions Applicable tubing O.D. d L2 L3 M D2 L1 T2 L4 H1 (Hexagon width across flats) H2 (Hexagon width across flats) D3 L5 A1 D1 A2 T1 Metric Size L4 (1) Mass (g) A1 (2) A2 (2) L1 M d T1 D1 L2 L3 D2 H2 H1 Max.
A A1 E1 L1 MM U1 Part no.
Formula CRA1 F1 = x A1 x P (1) F2 = x A2 x P (2) A1 = D2 (3) 4 CRQ2 MSQ A2 = (D2 d2) (4) 4 MSZ CRQ2X MSQX F1 = Cylinder force generated on the extending side (N) F2 = Cylinder force generated on the retracting side (N) = Load rate A1 = Piston area on the extending side (mm2) A2 = Piston area on the retracting side (mm2) D = Tube bore size (mm) d = Piston rod diameter (mm) P = Operating
.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) F1 = x A1 x P (1) F2 = x A2 x P (2) A1 = D2 (3) 4 A2 = (D2 d2) (4) 4 F1 = Cylinder force generated on the extending side (N) F2 = Cylinder force generated on the retracting side (N) = Load rate A1 = Piston area on the extending side (mm2) A2 = Piston
(Custom range) Relationship between analogue input and digital display Set value A B 200 0 L/min 200 L/min 500 0 L/min 500 L/min 1000 0 L/min 1000 L/min 2000 0 L/min 2000 L/min 3000(Default) 0 L/min 3000 L/min 6000 0 L/min 6000 L/min 12000 0 L/min 12000 L/min 16000 0 L/min 16000 L/min 20 0 L/min 20 L/min USEr Input value (setting) Input value (setting) -31No.PF-OMU0007-D
Mp A2 L2 W L3 A3 Graph (1) Load Weight: W Mr Static moment Dynamic moment MXY6 W My W L3 A3 0.6 A2 L2 Rubber stopper screw MX Load weight W kg Mr 0.5 L1 A1 Metal stopper screw Mp 0.4 W MTS My W 0.3 W MY 0.2 Mey Mep 0.1 We CY We 0.0 A2 L3 A3 L2 Collision speed V mm/s 0 100 200 300 400 500 280 560 MG Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main
Mp A2 L2 W L3 A3 Load Mass: W Mr Graph (1) Static moment Dynamic moment MXY6 W My MXH W L3 A3 0.6 A2 L2 Rubber stopper screw Mr 0.5 Load mass W kg MXU L1 A1 Metal stopper screw Mp 0.4 W My MXS W 0.3 W 0.2 MXQ Mey Mep 0.1 We We 0.0 A2 L3 A3 L2 Collision speed V mm/s 0 100 200 300 400 500 280 560 MXF MXW MXY8 Note) Static moment: Moment generated by gravity Dynamic moment: Moment generated
HOW TO O R D E R X T A1 NC A U T O S W I T C H C O N S T R U C T I O N T Y P E (PLEASE SEE PAGE 1 FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS) Standard D Auto Switch capable (Stainless and Steel Construction (1.5~14) All Stainless Steel (1.5~14) Steel w/ Composite Tube (1.5 14) Stainless Steel w/ Composite Tube (1.514) ST SS SCT SSCT ...
HOW TO O R D E R X T A1 NC A U T O S W I T C H C O N S T R U C T I O N T Y P E (PLEASE SEE PAGE 1 FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS) Standard D Auto Switch capable (Stainless and Steel Construction (1.5~14) All Stainless Steel (1.5~14) Steel w/ Composite Tube (1.5 14) Stainless Steel w/ Composite Tube (1.514) ST SS SCT SSCT ...
A1 A2 A2 A3 A3 The power A4 A4 The power supply can be either polarity. supply can be either polarity.
CLS 1000 1000 100 100 CLQ 500 400 300 500 400 300 80 80 63 63 100 100 MLGP 200 200 50 50 40 40 80 80 100 100 RLQ 63 63 50 50 Load weight: m (kg) Load weight: m (kg) 32 32 50 40 30 50 40 30 MLU 40 40 32 32 20 20 ML1C [Example] 10 10 D5 4 3 5 4 3 -X 2 2 201 100 200 300 400 500 1000 1 100 200 300 400 500 1000 Data Maximum speed: V (mm/s) Maximum speed: V (mm/s) Graph (7) Graph (4) 0.5 MPa P