VXA direct air operated 2 port valve for manifold is available in a common SUP style or individual SUP style (for vacuum use). Applicable fluid includes air, medium vacuum, and oil. Flow rate ranges from 0.38 to 1.1.
Model VXA212 VXA213 VXA21 VXA22 VX070-020 LQ 1 8 1 4 1 4 3 8 1 2 01 ( / ) 02 ( / ) 02 ( / ) 03 ( / ) 04 ( / ) VXA223 VXA224 VXA225 VXA226 VX070-022 LVN VX070-029 TI/ TIL PA Ordering example (Example) Series VXA21, Orifice size 4.5 mm, Normally closed, Rc 1/4 (Part no.) VXA2130-02 PAX PB 17-3-95
5"5 VVXA211-stations VVXA212-stations VVXA221-stations VVXA222-stations 7 %1 % = > = > 3 1 VXA21 -00 . ; < Construction/ Principal Parts Material 3 1 VXA22 -00 ; Common SUP type Solenoid Valve for Manifold " 5 '* #5 5 # I ,+!J ! #5 " 0"8 1 E F 4 " 4 % " 4 4 4 4 7 %1 % 3 VXA212-00 VXA213-00 VXA223-00 VXA224-00 = < .G < < * 4.5 . >< * < * 6 < * $ /H"3 % .
(mm) 3.2 4 Effective area (mm2) Nylon Note) Mounting plate thickness 1 mm or less Mounting T (M) Weight (g) M L Model hole Urethane 2.9 4 2-applicable tubing KQ2E23-00 KQ2E04-00 26 26 M12 x 1 M12 x 1 13 13 3.4 5.6 15.5 16 6 8 10 12 16 14 14 17 31.5 32.5 KQ2E06-00 34.5 13.1 26.1 10.4 18.0 33 15 17 18.5 21 22 25 M14 x 1 M16 x 1 KQ2E08-00 19 38 52 17 KQ2E10-00 70 M20 x 1 21 41.5 58.3 113 29.5
T (M) M L Nylon Urethane M12 X 1 M12 X 1 26 26 3.2 4 KQ2E23-00 KQ2E04-00 14 14 17 15.5 16 6 8 10 12 16 13 13 2.9 4 31.5 32.5 3.4 5.6 M14 X 1 M16 X 1 KQ2E06-00 34.5 13.1 26.1 10.4 18.0 33 15 17 18.5 21 22 25 KQ2E08-00 19 38 52 17 M20 X 1 70 KQ2E10-00 21 29.5 46.1 (96) 24 27 32 42.5 41.5 58.3 113 M22 X 1 M28 X 1.5 KQ2E12-00 KQ2E16-00 44 51 90 115 23 29 Note1) ( ): Values for soft nylon.
(inch) Mass (g) Applicable tubing D1 L M Model KQ2C03-00 KQ2C07-00 KQ2C09-00 KQ2C11-00 5 32 1 4 5 16 3 8 17 18 1 2 3 6 10.4 13.2 15.2 17.9 16 17 18.5 21 20.5 22.5 Plug: KQ2P, KQP Applicable fitting size d (inch) Mass (g) D L A Model Note) KQ2P-01 KQ2P-03 KQ2P-05 KQ2P-07 KQ2P-09 KQ2P-11 KQ2P-13 KQP-01 KQP-03 KQP-05 KQP-07 KQP-09 KQP-11 KQP-13 1 8 5 32 3 16 1 4 5 16 3 8 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3.5 5
(mm) 3.2 4 Effective area (mm2) Nylon Note) Mounting plate thickness 1 mm or less Mounting T (M) Weight (g) M L Model hole Urethane 2.9 4 2-applicable tubing KQ2E23-00 KQ2E04-00 26 26 M12 x 1 M12 x 1 13 13 3.4 5.6 15.5 16 6 8 10 12 16 14 14 17 31.5 32.5 KQ2E06-00 34.5 13.1 26.1 10.4 18.0 33 15 17 18.5 21 22 25 M14 x 1 M16 x 1 KQ2E08-00 19 38 52 17 KQ2E10-00 70 M20 x 1 21 41.5 58.3 113 29.5
5"5 VVXA211-stations VVXA212-stations VVXA221-stations VVXA222-stations 7 %1 % = > = > 3 1 VXA21 -00 . ; < Construction/ Principal Parts Material 3 1 VXA22 -00 ; Common SUP type Solenoid Valve for Manifold " 5 '* #5 5 # I ,+!J ! #5 " 0"8 1 E F 4 " 4 % " 4 4 4 4 7 %1 % 3 VXA212-00 VXA213-00 VXA223-00 VXA224-00 = < .G < < * 4.5 . >< * < * 6 < * $ /H"3 % .
Body type Plug-in type ARBF5050-00-P-1 Non plug-in type ARBF5050-00-P-2 P port regulation ARBF5050-00-A-1 ARBF5050-00-A-2 A port regulation ARBF5050-00-B-1 ARBF5050-00-B-2 B port regulation Body type Plug-in type AXT512-14-1A Non plug-in type Part no. For details, refer to Serial Transmission catalog separately.
(inch) M Weight (g) D Note 1) L Model 2 x Applicable tube KQG2H01-00 KQG2H03-00 KQG2H07-00 KQG2H09-00 KQG2H11-00 KQG2H13-00 1/8" 5/32" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 1/2" 9 9 12 14 16 20 25 26.2 28 33.2 34.2 38 6.5 6.5 11 16.6 22.7 35.5 3.4 5.6 13.1 26.1 41.5 58.3 12 12.6 13.5 16.1 16.6 18.5 D M M L Note 1) D is maximum diameter.
-00 3/16-18 17.46 34 15.08 16.5 3.5 6 KQE06-00 M14x1 17 34.5 15 17 13.1/13.1 1/4 KQE07-00 5/16-18 17.46 34.5 15.08 17 4.6 8 KQE08-00 M16x1 19 38 17 18.5 26.1/18 5/16 KQE09-00 3/4-16 22.23 38 19.8 18.5 6 10 KQE10-00 M20x1 24 42.5 21 21 41.5/29.5 3/8 KQE11-00 1/8-14 25.4 42.5 23 21 7 12 KQE12-00 M22x1 27 44.5 23 22 58.3/46.1 1/2 KQE13-00 1-12 28.6 44.5 26.2 22 9.6 16 KQE16-00 M26x1.5 30 49.5
(inch) Model KQGH03-00 KQGH07-00 KQGH09-00 KQGH11-00 KQGH13-00 5/32 KQGU03-00 KQGU07-00 KQGU09-00 KQGU11-00 KQGU13-00 5/32 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 Male Elbow Male Elbow Bulkhead Union Bulkhead Union Applicable tubing O.D. (inch) Connection thread Model Applicable tubing O.D.
(mm) Model Mounting hole Mounting plate thickness 11 mm or less M T (M) L 4 Nylon Urethane KGE06-00 KGE04-00 14 32.5 16 17 34.5 17 19 38 18.5 24 42.5 21 4 M12 x 1 M14 x 1 M16 x 1 M20 x 1 M22 x 1 44 22 58.3 46.1 90 KGE12-00 23 13 15 17 21 26 33 52 70 KGE08-00 KGE10-00 5.6 13.1 26.1 41.5 Applicable tubing 6 8 10 10.4 18.0 29.5 12 27 16 32 M28 x 1.5 51 25 113 (96) 115 KGE16-00 29 Note) Dimensions
VH VR4151 VHS VR4152-00-0 VR4152-00-1 VR4152-01A-0 VR4152-01A-1 VR4152-01B-0 VR4152-01B-1 W/o sub-plate W/ sub-plate Side piping W/ sub-plate Bottom piping VR4152 Double pilot Precautions Construction VR4151 VR4152 Be sure to read before handling.
(inch) H2 (Width across flats) T D Note) B E Mounting hole M Weight (g) H1 (Width across flats) Min. port size Model KQ2LE01-00 KQ2LE03-00 KQ2LE05-00 KQ2LE07-00 KQ2LE09-00 KQ2LE11-00 KQ2LE13-00 1 8 1/2-20 UNF 1/2-20 UNF 9/16-18 UNF 9/16-18 UNF 3/4-16 UNF 7/8-14 UNF 1-12 UNF 13.5 13.5 15 15 20 23 26 9.6 10.4 11.4 13.2 15.2 17.9 21.7 27 26 32 29 53 85 105 2.5 3 3.5 4.6 6 7 9.6 15.5 16 16.5
VH VR4151 VHS VR4152-00-0 VR4152-00-1 VR4152-01A-0 VR4152-01A-1 VR4152-01B-0 VR4152-01B-1 W/o sub-plate W/ sub-plate Side piping W/ sub-plate Bottom piping VR4152 Double pilot Precautions Construction VR4151 VR4152 Be sure to read before handling.
Z VX31m -00 Solenoid valve Mark T 10stations 1 3 5 VVX31 VVX32 VVX33 Port size (Individual port) VX325m-00 VX335m-00 1 2 Rc(PT) Rc(PT) 1 8 1 4 AC All common ports are Rc(PT) 1/4.