VFA 5 Port air operated valves are available in body ported or base mounted styles. The VFA uses the same manifolds as VF Series.
SYJ7000-21-1A 1 pc. 1 (P) 3 (R2) 5 (R1) 1 (P) 3 (R2) 5 (R1) 3 position exhaust center 3 position closed center (A) 4 (A) 4 (B) 2 (B) 2 1 (P) 3 (R2) 5 (R1) 1 (P) 3 (R2) 5 (R1) The asterisk denotes the symbol for assembly.
+ 0.1) to 0.9, P: Operating pressure 0.1 to 0.9 3 position 0.15 to 0.9 Ambient and fluid temperature (C) 10 to 60C (No freezing.
Exhaust center: A, B R1, R2, Pressure center P A, B 3 position closed center 3 position exhaust center Specifications 2 position double 2 position single Fluid Air 0.15 to 0.9 0.1 to 0.9 Operating pressure range (MPa) 3 position pressure center 3 position 0.15 to 0.9 Pilot pressure range (MPa) 2 position double 2 position single (0.4 X P+0.1) to 0.9 P: Operating pressure 0.1 to 0.9 3 position
5 Port Air Operated Valve Series VFA3000 How to Order Thread type (Including pilot port) Nil Rc G NPT NPTF Port size (P, A, B port) F N T 01 02 1 8 1 4 R1, R2 port are 1/8. Option F Foot bracket Mounting bracket are supplied, but unattached.
(N11T) (02T) 63 56 (11) PE port R 3 1 P (24) 9 1/4 NPTF P(SUP) port 1/4 NPTF 21 10 R(EXH) port 41 DIN connector (Y) L type plug connector (L) 88.5 300 (Lead wire length) Pg.7 Indicator light 92.5 MAX.10 Indicator light 56 R 3 1 P Cover diameter 1.5 Applicable cord O.D.
with 02 2 stations "-02T' is l/S" P,A,B bottom and 1/4" A,B side.
P EtherCAT P P P EtherNet/IP P P P P P Open network Applicable valve series PROFIBUS DP P P P P P DeviceNet P P P P P P CC-Link P P P P P P P AS-Interface P CANopen P CompoNet SY (Plug-in connector connecting base) 3000 P P P P P P 5000 P P P P P P S0700 (Stacking base) 0700 P P P P P 1000 P P P P P P 2000 P P P P P P SV 3000 P P P P P P 4000 P 1000 P P P P P P VQC 2000 P P P P P P 4000 P
VALVE TYPES AVAILABLE To operate a solenoid pilot valve in a vacuum s y s t e m , a s e p a r a t e p r e s s u r e s u p p l y m u s t b e s u p p l i e d t o t h e v a l v e t o m o v e t h e s p o o l o r p o p p e t a s d e s c r i b e d a b o v e .
T I O N S B O D Y O P T I O N P O R T I N G Without Bracket F Foot Bracket 12 32 NC Body Ported 22 32 NO Body Ported 14 32 NC Base Mounted 24 32 NO Base Mounted Without Sub Plate 01T 1/8 Sub Plate 02T 1/4 Sub Plate 01T 1/8 (Body Ported) L A M P & S U R G E V O LTA G E S U P P R E S S O R B O D Y O P T I O N Without Z With (Except Grommet Type & 24V AC) S With Surge Suppressor E L E C T R
3-position 0 3 Regulator port P port A port (P port control type A port regulated) B port (P port control type B port regulated) P P port A port (P port control type A port regulated) B port (P port control type B port regulated) P Option A1 A1 With pressure gauge (for odd no. station) With pressure gauge (for even no. station) Without pressure gauge 05 B1 B1 Option 06 00 M1 With pressure
2 B P 1 P 1 One-touch fitting [1(P), 3/5(E) port] Applicable tubing O.D.
With External Pilot Specifications (Pitch) 24 P = 24 65.8 20 25 11 E 3/5 E 3/5 E 3 A E 3 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 13.7 14.5 35.8 35 58.3 74.8 P 1 P 1 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 P 1 P 1 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 One-touch fitting [1(P), 3/5(E) port] Applicable tubing O.D.: 12 3/8" One-touch fitting [4(A), 2(B) port] Applicable tubing O.D.: 8, 5/16" 10, 3/8" 12 X PE X PE Rc 3/8 [1(P), 3(E)
Series: 3 (VFA3000), Actuation: 4 (3 Position Exhaust Center), Body: 30, A, B Port Size: 02 (1/4), Thread: T (NPTF)
Series: VFA3000, Actuation: 3 Position Exhaust Center, Body: 30, A, B Port Size: 1/4, Thread: NPTF, Bracket: -, Pilot Port Direction: -
(P .1190) (P .1190) (P .1190) S0700 Note) (P .1212) (P .1214) (P .1209) (P .1209) (P .1209) (P .1209) (P .1209) (P .1209) (P .1209) (P .1209) VQ (P .1148) (P .1148) (P .1148) (P .1148) (P .1148) (P .1148) (P .1148) (P .1148) (P .1148) (P .1148) VQ4 (P .1153) (P .1170) (P .1170) (P .1170) (P .1170) (P .1170) (P .1170) (P .1170) (P .1170) (P .1173) (P .1175) VQ5 (P .1190) (P .1190) (P .1190
Series NVFR40O0:Base Mounted Tlpe Constructio n/ P ar ts L i.st NVFR4 I OO 2 posi$on sirle 2 Doition double A P B E B P E 3 poBition Closed center/Erhsust center/Pressure center Closed center/NVFR43O0 I & C t 0 $ r P E E A A P B E B P E Main Parts No.
Series NVFR40O0:Base Mounted Tlpe Constructio n/ P ar ts L i.st NVFR4 I OO 2 posi$on sirle 2 Doition double A P B E B P E 3 poBition Closed center/Erhsust center/Pressure center Closed center/NVFR43O0 I & C t 0 $ r P E E A A P B E B P E Main Parts No.