The PSH Condensation Checker monitors temperature and moisture in a compressed air or non-corrosive gas supply line. The sensor identifies whether damaging condensation is a risk to the connected equipment. The detected results are displayed as percent relative humidity and temperature values. Both values can be displayed simultaneously if desired. The sensor can also respond
operation Roller lever Polyacetal roller VM121-01-01A VM131-01-01A VM121U-01-01A VM131U-01-01A VM123-M5-01A VM133-M5-01A 11 g Hard steel roller VM121-01-01SA VM131-01-01SA VM121U-01-01SA VM131U-01-01SA VM123-M5-01SA VM133-M5-01SA 16 g One way roller lever Polyacetal roller VM121-01-02A VM131-01-02A VM121U-01-02A VM131U-01-02A VM123-M5-02A VM133-M5-02A 15 g Hard steel roller VM121-01-02SA
Current position in 1000 10STM m unit (Note 1) PSH 1000 10STM m -999 to 999 Command position in 10STM m unit (Note 1) CPL 10STM m -999 to 999 The internal command position is displayed. Negative values are indicated by the lit decimal points in the upper two digits.
DO1 M code 2 (bit 1) MCD01 DO1 M code 3 (bit 2) MCD02 DO1 M code 4 (bit 3) MCD03 DO1 M code 5 (bit 4) MCD10 DO1 Second digit First digit M code 6 (bit 5) MCD11 DO1 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0 M code 7 (bit 6) MCD12 DOMCD00 1 M code 8 (bit 7) MCD13 DOMCD01 1 MCD02 MCD03 MCD10 MCD11 MCD12 MCD13 M code Device (Note) First/second MCD03/ MCD02/ MCD01/ MCD00/ digit MCD13 MCD12 MCD11
Inch Size [mm] Model d T H D1 D3 L1 L2 L3 L4 Note 1) A Note 2) M Weight [g] Unlocked Locked Unlocked Locked AS221F-01-01(S)A 1/8" 7.2 12 19.1 26.2 19.1 30.6 29.2 27.5 26.1 13.3 9 (9) AS221F-01-03(S)A 5/32" 8.2 AS221F-01-07(S)A 1/4" 11.2 20.8 27.9 10 (9) AS221F-01-09(S)A 5/16" 13.2 22.4 29.5 14.2 11 (10) AS221F-02-01(S)A 1/8" 1/8 13 (12.7) 7.2 22.6 36.6 35 31.1 29.5 13.3 18 (19) AS221F-02-
Tube 01 Rc 18 02 Rc 14 07 1/4 Tube 11 3/8 Tube T01 1/8NPT T02 1/4NPT S Y M B O L S T Y P E I N L E T P O R T B Box type D Body type 06 6mm Tube 08 8mm Tube 01 Rc1/8 07 1/4 Tube 09 5/16 Tube T01 1/8NPT V A C U U M P R E S S U R E S 660mm Hg L 360mm Hg D I M E N S I O N S M A X I M U M S U C T I O N F L O W R AT E/ A I R C O N S U M P T I O N U N I T (ln/min) Nozzle Diameter mm Specifications
thread If ~I Fl .~ ~ lII m ~f o 4-oLD Io!
17 17 M 10 x 1.25 7 M 18 x 1.5 31 3/8 98 0 80 ~ 750 20 ~ 750 37 40 102 78 25 52 14 21 21 M 12 x 1.75 11 M 22 x 1.5 37 1/2 116 0 100 ~ 750 20 ~ 750 37 40 116 92 30 52 14 21 21 M 12 x 1.75 11 M 26 x 1.5 40 1/2 126 0 Long Strokes Bore Size (mm) Stroke range (mm) RT RY Without gaiter With gaiter Bore size (mm) X Y LD LH LS LT LX LY H ZZ e f h l ZZ 40 501 ~ 800 40 27 13 9.0 40 138 3.2 42 70 51
-10 (M) -15 (M) -20 (M) -25 (M) -30 (M) -35 (M) -40 (M) -45 (M) -50 (M) -75 (M) -100 (M) -5 (M) -10 (M) -15 (M) -20 (M) -25 (M) -30 (M) -35 (M) -40 (M) -45 (M) -50 (M) -75 (M) -100 (M) -5 (M) -10 (M) -15 (M) -20 (M) -25 (M) -30 (M) -35 (M) -40 (M) -45 (M) -50 (M) -75 (M) -100 (M) -125 (M) -150 (M) -5 (M) -10 (M) -15 (M) -20 (M) -25 (M) -30 (M) -35 (M) -40 (M) -45 (M) -50 (M) -75 (M) -100
Normally usd as a singfs lolet A-way to conttol double ac ng cylinders. May also !|e usd without modltlcation as a dual pressurs 4-way, }way, or 2-way. GENERAL: CONTII{UOUSLY RATED SOLENOIDS: Solenoids are heavy duty Industrial push-typ C-trame solenolds with molded, encapsulatd coils and are continuously rated. May bs hld enrgiz6d indetlnliely wlthoul damage.
Application No. of ports 3 port 3 port VM130-01-00 VM131-01-00 VM132-M5-00 VM133-M5-00 Actuator Basic type Polyacetal roller Hard steel roller Mechanical operation Manual operation Roller lever VM130-01-01 VM131-01-01S VM133-M5-01 VM133-M5-01S Directional Control Equipment Polyacetal roller One way roller lever VM131-01-02 VM131-01-02S VM133-M5-02 VM133-M5-02S Hard steel roller VM-08B
code of point table M code actual value M code of point table No. 1 No. 2 No te.
E N S I O N S (N)VM1000 B A S I C VA LV E D I M E N S I O N S (N)VM1000 R O L L E R L E V E R A C T U AT O R 00 Basic Type 01 Roller Lever 02 One way Trip 08 Toggle 32 Push Button P U S H B U T T O N C O L O R R Red G Green B Black S Y M B O L S (N)M1000 B A S I C VA LV E S Y M B O L S (N)VM1000 R O L L E R L E V E R D I M E N S I O N S (N)VM1000 O N E W AY T R I P D I M E N S I O N S (N)
By leverqging our local presence ancl global comntunication networb; iMC hrtp, ,rt deveLop and maintain (r competitive edge in stmte of the most aggressire -ai&;u*: "' ' ,* Locations in North America Atlanta Austin Boston Charlotte Chicago ,'Cincinnati ',:. Cleveland rr Dallas 'r Detroit ' Indianapolis [M] I Los Angeles [M] I\/lilwau kee Minneapolis Monlreal Nashville .'.
Valve diagnostics 1 . 5-4 Valve diagnostics 1 Bit 0 Valve 0, 1 diagnostics 01() 1 Valve 2, 3 diagnostics 01() 2 Valve 4, 5 diagnostics 01() 3 Valve 6, 7 diagnostics 01() 4 Valve 8, 9 diagnostics 01() 5 Valve 10, 11 diagnostics 01() 6 Valve 12, 13 diagnostics 01() 7 Valve 14, 15 diagnostics 01()
CHQB100 10D (M) CH QB40 5D (M) 15D (M) 10D (M) 20D (M) 15D (M) x 90l x 95l x 100l x 105l x 110l x 115l x 120l x 145l x 170l 25D (M) 20D (M) 30D (M) 25D (M) 35D (M) 30D (M) 13.5 10 40D (M) 35D (M) 45D (M) 40D (M) 50D (M) 45D (M) 75D (M) 50D (M) x 195l 100 (M) 75D (M) 100D (M) M6 x 90l x 95l x 100l x 105l x 110l x 115l x 120l x 125l x 130l x 155l CH QB50 10D (M) 15D (M) 20D (M) 25D (M) 30D
cable (3 m) With cable (5 m) With cable (1.5 m) With cable (3 m) With cable (5 m) 2 to 24 2 to 24 stations stations Note 1) Besides the above, F/P kit with different number of pins are available.
0 . 8 , M 6 x 1 Nr4 x 0.7, N,ls x 0.8 s1O-s16 M 5 x 0 . 8 , M 6 x 1 Mls x 0.8, M6 x 1 a20-a32 M6 x 1, M8 x 1 M5 x 0.8, M6 x 1, M8 x 1.25 ..aAO=s5O', M 6 x 1 , M B x 1 M 6 x 1 , M 8 x 1 . 2 5 \4q,r'tirc How to Order ZPY Pad dia.