Bracket assembly for mounting Series ITV Electro-Pneumatic Regulators.
E U N I T T Y P E D I M E N S I O N S S I N G L E U N I T: DIN R A I L M O U N T No. of Sensors 2 3 4 5 6 L1 70 105 140 175 210 L2 105 140 175 210 245 L3 140 175 210 245 280 No. of Sensors 2 3 4 5 6 L1 70 105 140 175 210 L2 36 71 106 141 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. !
A A A A IN OUT IN OUT Bracket Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) L3 L2 L1 L4 L1 (mm) K S T V KS KT KV KST L3 43 57 57 75 80 96 Attachment Model L2 43 57 57 75 L1 41.5 55 55 72.5 77.5 93 L1 41.5 55 55 72.5 L2 61 76 76 99 L2 43 57 57 75 80 96
A A A A IN OUT IN OUT Bracket Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) L3 L2 L1 L4 L1 (mm) K S T V KS KT KV KST L3 43 57 57 75 80 96 Attachment Model L2 43 57 57 75 L1 41.5 55 55 72.5 77.5 93 L1 41.5 55 55 72.5 L2 61 76 76 99 L2 43 57 57 75 80 96
VBA43A VBA11A VBA42A VBA22A VBA40A VBA20A VBA10A KT-VBA10A-1 KT-VBA20A-1 KT-VBA40A-1 KT-VBA22A-1 KT-VBA42A-1 KT-VBA43A-1 KT-VBA11A-20 Model The kit includes the parts from q to u and a grease pack. VBA43A VBA11A VBA42A VBA22A VBA40A VBA20A VBA10A Quantity Model No.
KT-IRV2000 KT-IRV3000 Repair kit no.
KT-FGDC KT-FGDE KT-FGDT KT-FGDF Contents Applicable model FGDC FGDE FGDT FGDF Refer to pages 256 and 257 for the replacement element type. Replacement parts A 1 kit for each of each one of seals q to t and gasket.
1 to @6.) 1 P36202018 P36202018 KT-IR1000 KT-IR2000 KT-IR3000 KT-IR2120 KT-IR3120 Note 1) The replacement parts are shipped with the repair kit number.
KT-IR1000 KT-IR2000 KT-IR3000 KT-IR2120 KT-IR3120 Note) Use mini-flick type. 555 Series IR1000/2000/3000 Dimensions IR100-01 IR200-02 10.5 42 Mounting hole 28 2 50 Mounting hole 12.5 36 Panel mounting hole Bracket (Option) 30 2 25 Bracket (Option) Max.4 Panel mounting hole Pressure gauge (Option) Max.4 Pressure gauge (Option) Panel When mounting on a panel, refer to page 561 in Specific
Material MHK2-12 MHKL2-12 MHK2-16 MHKL2-16 MHK2-20 MHKL2-20 MHK2-25 MHKL2-25 16 17 18 19 CR FKM Si Rod seal Piston seal NBR KT-MHK12 KT-MHK16 KT-MHK20 KT-MHK25 Piston retainer Tube seal P3318413 P3318413-1 P3318413-2 P3318405 P3318405-1 P3318405-2 P3318313 P3318313-1 P3318313-2 P3318305 P3318305-1 P3318305-2 P3318213 P3318213-1 P3318213-2 P3318205 P3318205-1 P3318205-2 P3318113 P3318113-1
KK -xc -xc -xc Sla d6s sleel pision rcd Ad6tade strol@-Errend* AdlL6rade srbke..Fetrad"Dual strokdDouhe Dd'iOluo switctr See cala og E216lor available aulo swrl.hes Note) Noniolalrng avalable 20mm to 63mm only. 3.)Mounlil :13 Alto sw tch lailmoundng l1 oNo. ot switctes f[ilT-zG---fs-f l pa l FT__i_pc l -xc35 .xctl7 @cy'inder stroke (mm) U" r D ''SeecalaogE2l6lor How toOrder' nformation '
sale.1odE I soatedcomrnon Nole) P and B pons Lrse the same lype ol 1 to 12 (16) Serial kt wilhout Sl unll Nole l) Nlrbe6 ns.le i I Indr.ate tre mat m!
Q ' c : ' % l1 Series VQC1 000 : Base-Mou nted Type/Pl ug-in Un it O How to order manifolds wsQctt_TF wsQc11{U6 SeriesVQClooo. I Base-Mounted plug-in I I l : , 1 : K t t Requires for S kit "SDQ".
Flat bracket assembly (including mounting screws) KT-ITV-F2 L-bracket assembly (including mounting screws) KT-ITV-L2 Straight type 3 m P398020-500-3 Right angle type 3 m Power cable connector P398020-501-3 Straight type cable connector Right angle type cable connector L-bracket Flat bracket Mounting screw for the body Mounting screw for the body Right angle type cable connector Flat bracket