The ITV-X399 standby electro-pneumatic regulator adds functionality to the standard ITV for use in the Air Management System. Like standard ITV, it allows the user to electronically control the pressure to the device. The capability of setting a standby pressure has been added, and the non-relieving design allows the system to decay to this pressure before the ITV maintains it at the set
Input/output characteristics chart VEA Communication Specifications (CC, DE, PR, RC) VY1 ITV00-CC CC-Link Ver 1.10 ITV00-DE DeviceNet Volume1 (Edition3.8), Volume3 (Edition1.5) ITV00-PR PROFIBUS DP DP-V0 ITV00-RC RS-232C Model VBA VBAT Protocol Version Note 1) 156 k/625 k 2.5 M/5 M/10 M bps 125 k/250 k/500 k bps 9.6 k/19.2 k/45.45 k 93.75 k/187.5 k/500 k 1.5 M/3 M/6 M/12 M bps 9.6 kbps Communication