The ITV-X399 standby electro-pneumatic regulator adds functionality to the standard ITV for use in the Air Management System. Like standard ITV, it allows the user to electronically control the pressure to the device. The capability of setting a standby pressure has been added, and the non-relieving design allows the system to decay to this pressure before the ITV maintains it at the set
Input signal Port size 1 2 3 4 Current type 4 to 20 mA DC (Sink type) 0 Cable connector type S L N 1/8 (1000 type) 1/4 (1000, 2000, 3000 type) 3/8 (2000, 3000 type) 1/2 (3000 type) Straight type 3 m Right angle type 3 m Without cable connector Current type 0 to 20 mA DC (Sink type) Voltage type 0 to 5 VDC Voltage type 0 to 10 VDC 1 2 3 Monitor output Rated pressure 1 2 3 Analog output 1 to
Your search for ITV2000 returned 30 result(s)
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Product Information » New Products Search Results
The product number determines if only SI units are valid, or all units are valid ITV*050-IL*0-*-K-X399: Valid for all units ITV*050-IL*0-*-M-X399: Valid for SI units only Bit Bit 3 Value ITV*050-IL*N-*-K-X399 Bit ITV*050-IL*N-*-M-X399 Bit Value Unit 0 MPa 1 kPa 2 bar 3 PSI 4 kgf/cm2 Value Unit 0 MPa 1 kPa indicates the initial shipping value.
(page 139) -140No.PF-OMA1007-B Standby regulator type NO specification AMS20/30/40/60B-R/N/F#D Part number P A B C D E J M L AMS20B-#D 1/8 1/4 301.8 214.7 85.1 66.8 25.6 46.2 24 40.1 AMS30B-#D 1/4 3/8 348.3 214.7 102.1 86.5 29.1 46.2 30 40.1 AMS40B-#D 3/8 1/2 395.8 214.9 119.4 91.5 32.6 46.2 36 40.1 AMS60B-#D 3/4 1 491.8 214.8 118 125 42.1 46.2 46 40.1 : Dimension D is the dimension
Body Size & Pressure Range: 2050 (AMS20A/30A), Input Signal: IL (IO-Link), Size: 20, Actuation: 2 (Normally Open), Pressure Display Unit: M (SI Units Only)
Body Size & Pressure Range: AMS20A/30A, Input Signal: IO-Link, Size: 20, Actuation: Normally Open, Pressure Display Unit: SI Units Only
Body Size & Pressure Range: 2050 (AMS20A/30A), Input Signal: IL (IO-Link), Size: 20, Actuation: 1 (Normally Closed), Pressure Display Unit: K (Units Selection Function)
Body Size & Pressure Range: AMS20A/30A, Input Signal: IO-Link, Size: 20, Actuation: Normally Closed, Pressure Display Unit: Units Selection Function
X416 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Stroke adjusting unit Combination description Holder mounting bracket MY2H X168 Bore size Stroke Auto switch Suffix X417 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 L, H, LS, HS Nil W Z L H LZ HZ Nil W L H With X416 (1 pc.) on only one side With X416 (2 pcs.) (With each 1pc. for both sides) With X416 on one side, X417 on the other side (1 pc.)
Body Size & Pressure Range: 2050 (AMS20A/30A), Input Signal: IL (IO-Link), Size: 20, Actuation: 2 (Normally Open), Pressure Display Unit: K (Units Selection Function)
Body Size & Pressure Range: AMS20A/30A, Input Signal: IO-Link, Size: 20, Actuation: Normally Open, Pressure Display Unit: Units Selection Function
AFD3000 1/4, 3/8 0.01 Float style auto drain AFD4000 1/4, 3/8, 1/2 Pressure differential auto-drain AFD4000-06 3/4 Large Flow Air Filter Series AF Model Accessories Port size Filtration m 11/4, 11/2 AF800 5 Float style auto drain AF900 2 1.4-1 Air Filter AF1000 to 6000 Standard Specifications AC AF1000 AF2000 AF3000 AF4000 AF4000-06 AF5000 AF6000 Model AV 8 , 1 4 1 2 1 4 , 1 4, 1 8 3 8,