SMC offers a variety of pressure gauges including general purpose, oil-free/external parts copper-free with limit indicator, clean series and a pressure gauge with a pressure switch. Pressure ranges vary from 0 to 1.5MPa, depending on the selected gauge. Panel mounting is possible.
Micro-switch Rated Voltage AL Load resistant 30 VDC 125 VAC 250 VAC 0.01 to 0.5 A 0.01 to 0.3 A 0.01 to 0.2 A Rated voltage Load Operating current range How to Order GP46 10 01 M C L2 X201 Option Pressure gauge with switch Nil X201 Lead wire length 3 m Symbol Specifications Option Size Nil M With M5 (Female thread) Symbol Specifications Note 1) X3 (Wetted parts stainless steel) specification
Model (Made to Order) Model Pressure rangeNote) Indication unit Connection thread Note MPa G46-2-01 to 02-C/ C1 G46-4-01 to 02-C/ C1 G46-7-01 to 02-C/ C1 G46-10-01 to 02-C/ C1 G46-2-01 to 02M-C/ C1 G46-4-01 to 02M-C/ C1 G46-7-01 to 02M-C/ C1 G46-10-01 to 02M-C/ C1 G46-4-02-X30 G46-10-02-X30 G46-2-02M-X4 G46-4-02M-X4 G46-7-02M-X4 G46-10-02M-X4 G46-2-02M-C/ C1-X4 G46-4-02M-C/ C1-X4 G46-7-02M-C
Model Description AC10B G27-10-R1 G27-10-R1 (3) AD17 Y100 AC25B G36-10-01 GC3-10AS G36-2-01 GC3-2AS AD38 AD38N (7) AC30B G36-10-01 GC3-10AS G36-2-01 GC3-2AS AD38 AD38N (7) AC40B G46-10-02 GC3-10AS G46-2-02 GC3-2AS AD48 AD48N (7) AC40B-06 G46-10-02 GC3-10AS G46-2-02 GC3-2AS AD48 AD48N (7) AC50B G46-10-02 GC3-10AS G46-2-02 GC3-2AS AD48 AD48N (7) AC55B G46-10-02 GC3-10AS G46-2-02 GC3-2AS
Display Pressure: 10 (1.0MPa), Connection Thread: 01M (R 1/8, M5 Female), Indicator Light: L5 (LED/24 VDC), Attachment: None, Option: X201 (Lead Wire Length 3 m)
Type: Other Pressure Gauge / Peripheral Accessories, Maximum Indicated Pressure(Mpa): 1, Outer Diameter(φ): 42.5, Shape: Back side thread, Maximum Indicated Pressure: 1.0 MPa, Connection screw: R 1⁄8, Option: With M5 (female thread), Special Configurations: Lead wire length 3 m, Indication lamp addition symbol: Light-emitting diode / 24 V DC, Attachment: Without cover ring assembly
Display Pressure: 10 (1.0MPa), Connection Thread: 01M (R 1/8, M5 Female), Indicator Light: L5 (LED/24 VDC), Attachment: C (Clear Cover Non Removable, Wrench Tighten)
Display Pressure: 1.0MPa, Connection Thread: R 1/8, M5 Female, Indicator Light: LED/24 VDC, Attachment: Clear Cover Non Removable, Wrench Tighten, Option: -
Display Pressure: 10 (1.0MPa), Connection Thread: 01M (R 1/8, M5 Female), Indicator Light: L5 (LED/24 VDC)
Display Pressure: 1.0MPa, Connection Thread: R 1/8, M5 Female, Indicator Light: LED/24 VDC, Attachment: -, Option: -
Guide Carbon Tool Steel H O W T O O R D E R MXU C O M P A C T S L I D E MXU N O O F S W I T C H E S ...2 Pieces S ...1 Piece B O R E S I Z E 16 10 16 T Y P E O F A U T O S W I T C H E S See Accessories Section S T R O K E ( M M) 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 P R O D U C T SPECIFICATIONS MAX.
mm S Y M B O L S AMG150 14 170 63 10 AMG250 38 191 76 10 AMG350 12 220 90 10 AMG450 34 241 106 10 AMG550 1 279 122 10 AMG650 1 12 388 160 10 AMG850 2 479 220 10 H O W T O O R D E R W AT E R S E P A R AT O R S E R I E S AMG AMG S U B-S TA N D A R D S P E C I F I C AT I O N S B O D Y S I Z E 150 1/8 Basis 250 1/4 Basis 350 3/8 Basis 450 1/2 Basis 550 3/4 Basis 650 1 Basis 850 1 1/2 Basis O
G27-10-R1-X2092pcs. G46-10-012pcs. G27-10-R1-X2092pcs. G46-10-012pcs.
Example) AC30-F03DE1-KSTV-136NR Body size Description Symbol 10 20 25 30 40 50 55 60 Metric thread (M5) Rc NPT G Nil Thread type N Note 1) F Note 2) + M5 01 02 03 04 06 10 M5 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 Port size + Nil C D a Without auto drain Float type auto drain (N.C.) Float type auto drain (N.O.)
ID Series 4-2 Periodical Maintenance 4 4
IDX-OM-X004 Heatless Air Dryer 4 Maintenance
Display Pressure: 10 (1.0MPa), Connection Thread: 01 (R 1/8), Indicator Light: None, Attachment: C (Clear Cover Non Removable, Wrench Tighten), Option: X201 (Lead Wire Length 3 m)
Display Pressure: 10 (1.0MPa), Connection Thread: 02M (R 1/4, M5 Female), Indicator Light: None, Attachment: C (Clear Cover Non Removable, Wrench Tighten), Option: X201 (Lead Wire Length 3 m)
Display Pressure: 10 (1.0MPa), Connection Thread: 02 (R 1/4), Indicator Light: L2 [Neon Light (100 VAC/220 VAC)], Attachment: C (Clear Cover Non Removable, Wrench Tighten), Option: X201 (Lead Wire Length 3 m)