The heart of the Air Management System is the hub. Based on the PF3A flow sensor, the hub generates flow, pressure and temperature data to quantify machine operation. The standalone or remote hubs can communicate wirelessly with the base units. The base units have fieldbus communication for connection to the PLC while process data is provided via OPC UA to the customer analytics system.<
/Zn-Sl Applicable valve: NVJ300 (N.O.) / NZXlrl@-K3@@OO-F ApplicablE valve: Air operared / NZX1@@@-K6-F NoE) tDmarBic.s:Fd mdrntng Br&kt A I tDim.Eidrs:Wih SBcr t 38 For Ejector System Use / Eiector + Valve luu $en Mdtilc {Dimensions in rnillimelers) Applicable valve: NvJloO (N.C.) / Nzxt@@@-Kl@@88 Spacar 2,,/2ff-S2 So*s. 2 ) Appllcable valve: NvJ3fir (N.O.) / NZX1@6 -K3E8OO Applicable valve
How To Order o) -r Same as standard except as noted below: c ; -30 o a o : -ls 6 = r . / c E E E E V 't .= (g< () 15 30 45 60 75 90 Supply Pressure (PSl) e Air Piloted Valve Type . Non-electric unit with pilot port control of internal poppet valves. . Supply valve port only; or supply valve and release valve ports. . All other specitications are same as standard unit.
n I CONI w thout Input block (So0) D-sub connector kii l25P) wlh 5 onr cable (2-lCylinder port size .5,r Input block Wlthou Sl uniuinput bock (SO0) Flat 'ibbon cable kl (26P1 with r 5m cabe Flal nbbon cable kt (26P) with 3 0m cab e Flai ribbon cable kl {26P1wrth 5 0m cabe Flal ribbon cable k l(20P) withoulcab e roLer) 11lrg Te'mrnal block box krt r16rn,)o, Lead wre kil ',!
I ~ A H / ~ M 30' ! " A I H 30' MM .. Symbol A23 -j -j Symbok A21 Symbok A20 Symbol' A22 Symbol, A24 30' I Q " m "~ M , I 30' ~i m " o 0 " '-/! T T A A L : AL : A H , H H H Symbot, A26 Symbok A25 Symbol' A27 ~!'~~~ _ '_ 7) M A =~O=D=A=3 ~!
(page 141) -142No.PF-OMA1007-B Air Management Hub Base type EXA1-20/30/40-PN/EN/EC-# Model A B C D E F EXA1-20 236.2 35 42 19.1 65.1 30.5 EXA1-30 236.2 43 53 13.6 65.1 30.5 EXA1-40 240.4 51 64.4 4.6 71 35.5 -143No.PF-OMA1007-B EXA1-60-PN/EN/EC-# -144No.PF-OMA1007-B Remote type EXA1-20/30/40-SA-# Model A B C D E F G EXA1-20 236.2 35 42 19.1 65.1 30.5 74.7 EXA1-30 236.2 43 53 13.6 65.1 30.5
q . r. lksi : Screw LXFH5BC 30 Ball t : : t l : . : : : : : t : i : : t : i ' . serie!: LXF: LXFH5BD 30 Screw LXFH5SA 30 Slide LXFH5SB 20 I LXP82BC 60 50 220 Linear ball bearing LXP82BD 60 50 90 Ball Screw 60 50 160 6 0 ' .
q . r. lksi : Screw LXFH5BC 30 Ball t : : t l : . : : : : : t : i : : t : i ' . serie!: LXF: LXFH5BD 30 Screw LXFH5SA 30 Slide LXFH5SB 20 I LXP82BC 60 50 220 Linear ball bearing LXP82BD 60 50 90 Ball Screw 60 50 160 6 0 ' .
Body Size: 20, Protocol: EN [EtherNet/IPâ„¢, OPC UA (When Wireless Adapter is Connected: Wireless Base)], Unit: K (Units Selection Function)
Body Size: 60, Protocol: EN [EtherNet/IPâ„¢, OPC UA (When Wireless Adapter is Connected: Wireless Base)], Unit: K (Units Selection Function)
Body Size: 40, Protocol: EN [EtherNet/IPâ„¢, OPC UA (When Wireless Adapter is Connected: Wireless Base)], Unit: K (Units Selection Function)
Body Size: 20, Protocol: EN [EtherNet/IPâ„¢, OPC UA (When Wireless Adapter is Connected: Wireless Base)], Unit: Units Selection Function
Body Size: 60, Protocol: EN [EtherNet/IPâ„¢, OPC UA (When Wireless Adapter is Connected: Wireless Base)], Unit: Units Selection Function
Body Size: 40, Protocol: EN [EtherNet/IPâ„¢, OPC UA (When Wireless Adapter is Connected: Wireless Base)], Unit: Units Selection Function
Body Size: 30, Type: A (Electro-Pneumatic Regulator Type), Pipe Thread: F (G), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Normally Open, Closed: C (N.C., Normally Closed), Protocol: EN [EtherNet/IPâ„¢, OPC UA (When Wireless Adapter is Connected: Wireless Base)], Unit: K (EXA1/ITV: Units Selection Function), Manual Override: E (Push-turn Locking Type, Manual)
Body Size: 30, Type: A (Electro-Pneumatic Regulator Type), Pipe Thread: R (Rc), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Normally Open, Closed: C (N.C., Normally Closed), Protocol: EN [EtherNet/IPâ„¢, OPC UA (When Wireless Adapter is Connected: Wireless Base)], Unit: K (EXA1/ITV: Units Selection Function), Manual Override: G (Non-locking Push Type)
Body Size: 30, Type: A (Electro-Pneumatic Regulator Type), Pipe Thread: R (Rc), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Normally Open, Closed: D (N.O., Normally Open, Protocol: EN [EtherNet/IPâ„¢, OPC UA (When Wireless Adapter is Connected: Wireless Base)], Unit: K (EXA1/ITV: Units Selection Function), Manual Override: E (Push-turn Locking Type, Manual)
Body Size: 30, Type: B (Regulator Type), Pipe Thread: R (Rc), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Normally Open, Closed: D (N.O., Normally Open, Protocol: EN [EtherNet/IPâ„¢, OPC UA (When Wireless Adapter is Connected: Wireless Base)], Unit: K (EXA1/ITV: Units Selection Function), Manual Override: E (Push-turn Locking Type, Manual)