Power Clamp Cylinder Conforming to the New NAAMS Standard Series CKZ2N 50, 63, 80 How to Order CKZ2N TF A002 A 63 120 T R Power clamp cylinder conforming to the new NAAMS standard Arm style Nil Without arm Arm code (See attached code.) Note 1) Please indicate appropriate arm position and arm code in serial as following example in case of D type arm position. Note 2) Not installed when delivered
Example: CKZ2N50, 0.5 MPa, distance from pivot to clamping point = 100 mm (3.937 in.) N= = = Nm (from chart) x 1000 160 Nm x 1000 100 mm 1600 N Distance from pivot to clamping point (mm) Ibs.= = = lbfin (from chart) 1416 lbfin 3.937 in. 359.69 lbf Distance from pivot to clamping point (in.)