10-VQ valves are ideal for applications requiring high speed, frequent operation, stable response time and long service life. Innovative mounting methods allow valves to be changed without entirely disassembling the manifold. Built-in one-touch fittings save piping time and labor.
Option Negative common specifications COM 15 14 1 2 17 16 Cylinder port 25 24 13 3 23 18 12 4 26 22 19 11 5 21 20 10 9 8 7 6 Stations L kit: 06 VV5Q11 C6 L N 1 N F kit D-sub connector (25P) P kit Flat ribbon cable connector (26P) J/G kit T kit Terminal block (VQ1000, 24 termials) T kit Terminal block (VQ2000) M kit Stations 3.
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L7 L6 L5 1021-VV5Q11 (L1) 28 (n-1) x 10.5 1.5 A FG + + 0V 24V SMC S E R I A L U N I T MODEL SC (SI No.EX120-STA1) 2 93.5 66 64 ERR T/R RUN 0 1 DIP SW. Drawing shows a SC case.
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[-J] Vacuum ejector unit VVQ1000-N-Station (1 to Max. stations) Name plate [N] Built-in silencer, direct exhaust [-S] VVQ0-58A Port plug 1.10-119 VQ1000/2000 Kit (D-sub Connector) F VV5Q11 VV5Q21 Manifold Specifications The D-sub connector reduces installation labor for electrical connection.
S I O N S MXF8 D I M E N S I O N S MXF12 Model F N G H J M Z ZZ MXF810 20 4 13.5 22 21 49 49.5 58 MXF820 26 4 14.5 26 26 54 54.5 63 MXF830 26 6 14.5 40 41 69 69.5 78 Model N H I J M Z ZZ MXF1220 4 22 11 36 65 65 76 MXF1230 4 30 12 45 75 75 86 D I M E N S I O N S S E E N E X T P A G E Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. !
(Total Travel) From free position to total travel position P U S H B U T T O N C O L O R R Red G Green B Black S Steel ACCESSORIES M A N I F O L D T Y P E 21 T O P P O R T E D S A F E T Y Caution I f t h e s e v a l v e s a r e u s e d f o r g u a r d i n g o r s a f e t y i n t e r l o c k s y s t e m s , i n s t a l l a t i o n a n d application should be as per BS5304: 1988.
Stations: 4 Stations, Port Size: C6 (ø6 One-touch Fitting), Kit Name: F (D-sub Connector 25 Pin), Electrical Entry: U (Upper), Cable Length: 1 (1.5m Cable 25 Pin), Option 1: None, Option 2: None, Option 3: N (Name Plate)
Stations: 4 Stations, Port Size: ø6 One-touch Fitting, Kit Name: D-sub Connector 25 Pin, Electrical Entry: Upper, Cable Length: 1.5m Cable 25 Pin, Option 1: None, Option 2: None, Option 3: Name Plate, Option 4: -, Option 5: -, CE Compliant: -
Base mount plug-in manifold for VQC1000 valve, Protective enclosure conforms to IP67 for protection from dust and moisture, Terminals are concentrated in compact clusters within terminal block box, Maximum 20 stations available as standard, Optional DIN rail mount, 21 port sizes available, MFLD, TERMINAL BLOCK (EBW FIT), VALVE, VV5QC11 MANIFOLD VQC 5-PORT, UM, VV5QC11 BUILT IN FITTING
Clean Series: 10 (Clean Room), Stations: 04, Cylinder Port: C6 (w/One-touch Fitting for ø6), Kit: FU1 (w/1.5 m Cable, Top Entry), Option: N (w/Name Plate)
Clean Series: Clean Room, Stations: 04, Cylinder Port: w/One-touch Fitting for ø6, Kit: w/1.5 m Cable, Top Entry, Option: w/Name Plate
Stations: 4 Stations, Port Size: C6 (ø6 One-touch Fitting), Kit Name: F (D-sub Connector 25 Pin), Electrical Entry: U (Upper), Cable Length: 1 (1.5m Cable 25 Pin)
Stations: 4 Stations, Port Size: ø6 One-touch Fitting, Kit Name: D-sub Connector 25 Pin, Electrical Entry: Upper, Cable Length: 1.5m Cable 25 Pin, Option 1: -, Option 2: -, Option 3: -, Option 4: -, Option 5: -, CE Compliant: -
Part Number Description: 16 STA VV5Q11 MFLD BASE Product Line: V Product Line Description: VALVE Family Code: 341 Family Description: VV5Q* MANIFOLD VQ 4/5 PORT Class Code: 21 Part Code: 2 Reference Code: J Click here to report information errorImage shown may not match exact part number
Part Number Description: TIE ROD (VV5Q11) Product Line: V Product Line Description: VALVE Family Code: 341 Family Description: VV5Q* MANIFOLD VQ 4/5 PORT Class Code: 21 Part Code: 2 Reference Code: J Click here to report information errorImage shown may not match exact part number